"Cut and Run" represents the second installment of the animated web-television show Star Wars: The Bad Batch. This episode was first shown on May 7, 2021, accessible via the Disney+ streaming service.
While the Marauder is engaged in hyperspace travel, Hunter departs from the cockpit and observes Echo watching over Wrecker and a sleeping Omega. Echo mentions that Omega exhausted herself while exploring the ship. Hunter inquires about their plans for the child. Simultaneously, Tech announces from the cockpit their approach to the planet Saleucami. The Marauder descends into the atmosphere of the planet, startling a nexu that was in the process of hunting several nuna birds. The ship then lands on the dusty ground.

The members of the Bad Batch proceed down the ramp, followed by Omega, whose eyes are initially affected by the intense sunshine, a sensation she is experiencing for the first time. Although initially hesitant, Omega exits the ship and breathes in the fresh air of the planet, curiously examining the dirt with her fingers. After hearing the sound of thunder in the distance, the clones traverse a forest of Towering Bith, and subsequently a field filled with plants bearing bulbous fruits. Omega expresses her admiration for the natural environment and pursues a carrier butterfly. Meanwhile, Echo inquires with Tech about his friend who is in hiding on Saleucami. Hunter adds that remaining undetected is not their forte, but this friend has managed to do so for many years as a deserter. Echo questions whether they can trust a deserter, to which Tech responds by pointing out that they are all deserters now.
Hunter abruptly signals for the clones to halt, preventing Omega from stepping on a tripwire. The energetic Wrecker is unfazed and triggers the trap, which causes several repurposed B1-series battle droids to appear. Before Wrecker can engage in combat, Hunter instructs him to stand down. They are then met by the Twi'lek Suu Lawquane and her clone husband Cut Lawquane. Suu and Cut recognize the clones and welcome them into their home.

At the Lawquane's Farm, Hunter introduces Echo and Omega to Cut and Suu, who extend a warm welcome to their guests. When Cut inquires about Crosshair, Hunter explains that the situation is complex. Cut remarks that it is similar to what Captain Rex told him regarding the clone troopers turning against the Jedi. When Echo asks about Rex, Cut informs them that their mutual clone friend had visited just a day prior to warn him about the impending Imperial presence. Cut explains that Rex told them about the inhibitor chips that caused the clone army to kill all of the Jedi. Omega clarifies that the Kaminoans implanted the chips in the clones to manipulate their behavior. Hunter expresses disbelief that Tech never mentioned the chips, and Tech responds that he thought it was self-evident.
Shortly thereafter, Cut and Suu's children, Shaeeah and Jek, enter, announcing the presence of a ship outside. Wrecker is delighted to see the two children and lifts Shaeeah into the air. The two children are intrigued by Omega, as they rarely encounter other children. With Hunter's permission, Omega accompanies Shaeeah and Jek outside. In the playground, Omega observes the children playing a ball game. Confused, she asks Shaeeah about the purpose of the game, and Shaeeah replies that it is for enjoyment, tossing the ball to her. Unfamiliar with the game, Omega dodges the ball, and Jek explains that she is supposed to catch it.
Inside the hut, Cut questions Hunter about Omega, and Hunter explains that she is a defective clone, just like them. Cut responds that the Kaminoans do not create without a purpose, and he asks what Omega's purpose is. Hunter replies that it is irrelevant because she is a child. Cut remarks that fighting droids is easier than raising a child and tells Hunter that he is unprepared for the task. Hunter explains that they had no choice, as Kamino is no longer safe. Cut counters that neither is Saleucami, explaining that clone troopers have begun to arrive. Hunter informs Cut of his plan to travel to a nearby spaceport to secure offworld transport for them and invites Cut to join him. Cut declines, citing that Hunter is a wanted man and that it would be too risky, explaining that he must prioritize the well-being of his children. Hunter watches with a smile as Omega plays ball with the Lawquane children.
Later that day, Cut guides Hunter to the nearby town, cautiously avoiding detection as they pass a clone trooper patrol. Hunter believes that the troops should be withdrawing their forces rather than securing a post, given that the Clone Wars have concluded. As they enter the town, Cut responds that it does not feel that way. They observe a larger ship transporting a confiscated ship within a forcefield, and Cut explains that the Imperials began confiscating all ships a week ago, storing them inside an impound lot. Cut leads Hunter to a stall ahead, intending to book passage offworld for his family so that they can begin a new life on a distant planet. He advises Hunter that the most effective way to disappear is to abandon his life as a soldier.

At that moment, they are greeted by Fauja, an Aleena merchant, and Cut requests to book passage offworld. The Aleena responds that he must possess a chain code to travel offworld legally, in accordance with a new galactic policy, which surprises Cut. A holoprojector displays a broadcast featuring Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart announcing that all citizens can exchange their invalid currency for Imperial credits. He adds that the war is over, promising that peace will bring opportunity and prosperity for all. A frustrated Snivvian traveler, who had booked passage offworld, argues with a pair of clone troopers who state that he cannot travel without a chain code. The Snivvian insists that he must board the ship, but is denied, with the trooper instructing him to obtain a chain code and avoid causing trouble. Observing the confrontation, Hunter realizes that the Empire is not only registering ships, but also people. Cut sighs and admits that leaving the planet will be more challenging than he anticipated.
While playing a ball game with the Lawquane children, Omega throws the ball past the fence. She wants to retrieve it, but Jek suggests doing so later. When Jek is distracted by Shaeeah, Omega seizes the opportunity to sneak through the barbed wire. Shaeeah tells her brother that they need to begin packing, and she asserts her authority when he protests. They suddenly realize that Omega is missing. Omega retrieves the ball, which has landed outside the fenced field of bulb-like plants. Shaeeah calls out to her, warning Omega not to move, as a nexu approaches Omega from a nearby clearing.

Inside the hut, Tech informs the others that all public transport is now restricted without a chain code. Suu expresses concern that Cut cannot register for one because the Imperial authorities will discover that he is a deserter. Cut states that the next shuttle departs in a few hours and they need to leave, regardless of whether they have a code. Shaeeah enters and warns the adults that Omega had gone outside the perimeter, and the clones rush outside. Terrified as the snarling nexu approaches her, Omega turns to flee, but the creature leaps at her. Suu fires at the creature from the roof with a slugthrower rifle, wounding it. Hunter swipes at the nexu with a knife, and Suu manages to drive the creature away with a second shot.
Upon returning to the farm, Hunter becomes angry with Omega, questioning why she was outside the fence and asserting that she could have been killed. Cut tells Hunter to be gentle with her, reminding him that she is not a soldier. Cut kneels down to speak to her, and Omega, somewhat traumatized, apologizes for trying to retrieve the ball. Cut comforts her with a hug and assures her that she is safe, carrying her inside. He reassures Wrecker that she is alright, and Tech points out that it could have been worse. Hunter asks if Tech could create false chain codes for the Lawquanes to travel, and Tech agrees to attempt it. Hunter is determined to assist the Lawquanes in catching the next shuttle offworld. Later, a chastened Omega sits in the rear gunner's seat on the Marauder, watching the sunset, and she sadly removes the amulet from her head.
Meanwhile, Suu exits the house to find Hunter observing a forest of Towering Bith. Hunter praises her marksmanship and says that he owes her one. Suu explains that children will always find ways to get into trouble, adding that a parent's responsibility is to protect them. When Hunter asks where Omega is, Cut says that she wanted to stay on the ship. Hunter says that he has been reflecting on what Cut said and agrees that she is not a soldier, and Cut suggests giving her some time. Hunter tells them that he wants them to bring Omega with their family when they leave Saleucami, as he believes that they can provide her with something that they cannot. When Suu asks if that is what he truly wants, Hunter replies that it is what she needs.
Aboard the Marauder, Echo comments on the irony of clones desiring names rather than numbers, noting that people are now signing up to be assigned numbers. Tech asserts that it is ingenious to create a database to identify anyone in the galaxy. Echo asks where they will obtain the data for the chain codes, and Tech explains that because the clone troopers control the spaceport, they can access their network and replicate the codes. Because the Imperials are tagging ships inside the compound, he believes that is their way inside. Echo confirms their plan to allow the Imperial authorities to impound their ship, acknowledging the risk involved. Omega listens from the gunner's seat.
On the ground, Hunter learns of the plan via comlink and watches an impound ship towing away the Marauder. Hunter disagrees with the idea of having their ship impounded, but Tech assures him that he has the situation under control, planning to meet the rest of the clones at the spaceport with the chain codes. Hunter warns that Omega's presence on the ship may complicate their plans, to which Omega sheepishly replies that she thinks their plan is good.
At the spaceport's impound lot, a clone trooper with a tablet directs two others to the Marauder, who secure it before conducting a signature test on it. While a clone trooper applies magnetic clamps, two others board the ship, and one of them notes that it appears to be a modified Omicron-class attack shuttle. The troopers comment that the ship is a mess before departing. Shortly thereafter, Tech and Echo descend in full armor from an overhead compartment. Tech carries Omega down, and she asks how she can assist, but Echo believes she has experienced enough action. Tech sends him down to the security kiosk to copy the data and retrieve blank disks for him to program. Echo exits the Marauder, avoiding a clone trooper and an astromech droid. After a guard exits the security kiosk, Echo enters, seals the doors, and inserts his scomp link into the console. When Echo cannot locate the disks, Tech informs him that they are in a safe in the corner of the kiosk. Echo finds the safe, obtains several disks and a programming device, and successfully sneaks out of the security kiosk.

Meanwhile, Hunter approaches the spaceport with the Lawquanes. He informs Tech via comlink that they have arrived at the spaceport, inquiring about his status. Tech replies that he is making progress on creating the fake chain codes, believing encryption should not be a problem. As Hunter and the others pass through the spaceport security, Jek is frightened by the presence of armed soldiers, and Suu assures him that they will be alright. Hunter urges Tech to hurry, fearing that they may have to fight their way out, and Tech reassures him that he can slip through security undetected and deliver the disks momentarily.
Suddenly, Tech and Echo hear comm chatter from a column of clone troopers marching near their ship. Concerned, Tech says that they cannot be caught with the chain codes. Echo disagrees with the idea of initiating a blaster fight, believing the Imperials will lock down the spaceport. He soon discovers that Omega and the disks are missing, and the two see Omega sneaking through the spaceport facilities with the disks. Echo begins to question Tech's plan. Meanwhile, Hunter and the Lawquanes join the queue, where a clone trooper reminds them to have their chain codes ready. Tech tells Hunter that Omega is going to pass them the chain codes, and he begins to worry for Omega's safety. As Suu responds that kids always find trouble, Wrecker runs off to find Omega.
Meanwhile, Echo attempts to disable the magnetic clamp but is spotted by a clone trooper. Echo tries to convince the trooper that he is a maintenance technician, but before the clone trooper can report him, Tech stuns him. As clone troopers converge on the impound lot, Omega bumps into a rust astromech droid who begins to sound an alarm, but Wrecker knocks out the droid with a punch, helping Omega up. After promising to help Tech and Echo, Wrecker sends Omega to meet the others. Wrecker is soon confronted by three clone troopers who demand his chain code. After making a show of pretending to search for it, he knocks them unconscious by banging their helmets against each other. He is spotted by reinforcements and a gun battle ensues. While clone troopers are dispatched to quell the disturbance, Cut begins to worry, but Hunter tells him to stick to the plan.
Soon, Omega arrives with the chain codes, and Shaeeah cheers. Omega notes that Tech created five chain codes instead of four. Cut is surprised that Hunter did not inform her of his plan, and as Cut and his family move up with the rest of the queue, Hunter speaks with Omega and tells her that the extra chain code is for her so that she can leave with Cut and Suu. Omega is shocked, asking if she did something wrong. Hunter tells her that she needs a family, saying that the Lawquanes are good people who will give her the life she deserves. Omega responds that she wants to stay with the Bad Batch, but Hunter insists that the decision is for her own good, a reply that devastates her.

Arriving at the security kiosk, Cut passes his family's chain codes to a trooper, and Omega joins them. The guard puts the codes through a scanner while the family waits anxiously. Back at the Marauder, the other members of the Batch keep the clone troopers at bay while Echo works on deactivating the magnetic clamps. After a tense moment, the trooper manning the security kiosk approves the Lawquanes' codes and allows them to enter the spaceport. Inside, Omega looks back at Hunter sadly. Hunter is also contacted by Tech, who informs him that they have outstayed their welcome. Suu gently asks Omega if she is ready, and she looks up, unsure.
Inside the spaceport, Wrecker hurls a crate at several clone troopers. Hunter joins the fight, commandeering a rifle, and he shoots two more troopers before joining Wrecker and Tech behind a barricade. Echo tells Hunter that the magnetic clamp's system is not responding to his efforts. Wrecker runs to Echo and uses his brute strength to pull the clamp off. As the Bad Batch board the Marauder, Wrecker asks where Omega is, but before anyone can explain, they hear Omega telling them to wait for her. She runs towards them, but a clone trooper grabs her by the ankle and pins her down, but Hunter shoots the trooper.
As Cut boards the shuttle, a guard appears to recognize him, but before he can question him, the trooper is called to leave his post, as more reinforcements are needed at the impound dock where the Marauder is docked. Cut is relieved, and the trooper allows him to join his family aboard the shuttle, which then lifts off. Back at the impound dock, Omega runs up the gangplank while Hunter and Wrecker provide covering fire. After seeing the Lawquanes' shuttle leaving, they board the Marauder, taking off under a hail of fire. The ship leaves Saleucami and flies into space.
Inside the ship's cockpit, Wrecker uses a Gonk droid to practice with his biceps while Tech and Echo fly the ship. Elsewhere, Omega finds Hunter working on a computer. She apologizes that she made a mistake, but tells Hunter that he did not need to get rid of her. Omega reminds Hunter that she left Kamino with him and the others, insisting she wants to be with them. Hunter admits that he has a lot to learn, asserting that if this is where she wants to be, this is where she will stay. Omega turns to sit on the opposite desk as she faces Hunter, whose face softens.