The Aleena were a species of short, sentient reptiles originating from the planet known as Aleen. These Aleena inhabited the surface of their homeworld, in contrast to the Kindalo who dwelled in the underground, a situation formalized by the Aleena–Kindalo treaty that brought an end to their war. As members of the Galactic Republic, the Aleena's planet housed a Republic relay station. Their government was headed by a king, and during the period of the Clone Wars, they were governed by an individual named Manchucho. Their natural environment was harsh and unforgiving. Scholars within the Galactic Empire knew that the Aleena had been a client species of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, although concrete evidence of an actual occupation on their planet was scarce.
A particularly noteworthy Aleena was Ratts Tyerell, a podracer pilot who competed in the Boonta Eve Classic during the year 32 BBY. Tragically, Tyerell perished in the race when his podracer crashed within the confines of the Laguna Caves.
During the time of the Clone Wars, the Aleena people were under the rule of King Manchucho. He extended a welcome to Republic aid forces when they arrived to provide assistance to the Aleena following devastating groundquakes. C-3PO performed the role of translator, conveying the King's words to the arriving clone troopers.
Not long after the Galactic Empire was established, an Aleena named Fauja was living on Saleucami. Fauja shared information with clones Cut Lawquane and Hunter regarding the Empire's new chain codes system.
The Aleena species was originally conceived for the 1999 film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which was directed by George Lucas. Aleena became the designation for the species of Ratts Tyerell, a character featured in Menace. Detailed concept art was created by the artist Terryl Whitlatch. This artwork served as the basis for a maquette of the character, and subsequently, the digital model used in the film. Several other Aleena individuals made appearances in the film, and the species was seen again in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Furthermore, they were featured in several episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, as well as in numerous canon and Star Wars Legends publications.