Saleucami, which translates to "oasis," was a planet situated within the Saleucami system. This system was located in the Suolriep sector of the Outer Rim Territories in the galaxy. Although its inhabitants desired neutrality during the Clone Wars, war eventually engulfed this remote world. Despite the Republic forces successfully expelling the Separatists from Saleucami, the planet became a battleground for an invasion and one of the final battles of the conflict. At the onset of the Great Jedi Purge, Clone Marshal Commander Neyo assassinated Jedi Master Stass Allie on her BARC speeder bike.

The settlers of Saleucami during the Clone Wars were hoping to avoid the conflict entirely. A clone trooper named Cut Lawquane experienced a crash landing on Saleucami with his gunship. After witnessing the execution of his fellow troopers by battle droids, Cut deserted from the Grand Army of the Republic. He subsequently married Suu Lawquane and established a home with her and her two children.
Confederate General Grievous journeyed to Saleucami with his fleet, bringing along his prisoner, the Jedi Master Eeth Koth. Grievous awaited the arrival of Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker there. While Kenobi fought Grievous, Skywalker and Adi Gallia successfully rescued Koth from Grievous's Recusant-class light destroyer. Despite the rescue, Grievous managed to escape his duel with Kenobi. Grievous and his forces then attempted a landing, but debris originating from Kenobi's light cruiser resulted in Grievous and his battle droids crash-landing in Saleucami's wetlands via escape pods. Grievous and the surviving members of his forces regrouped and began searching for operational escape pods. Kenobi deployed detachments of the 212th Battalion and 501st Legion to locate Grievous.
While Kenobi and Cody utilized AT-TEs to search for the escape pods, Rex and his troops traversed the wetlands on their BARC speeders. They were then ambushed by two droid commando snipers. Rex sustained severe injuries, necessitating a retreat to the Lawquane farmstead. It was at this location that Rex encountered Cut and contemplated turning him in for desertion. However, after Cut's family and home were attacked by droid commandos, Rex opted to leave him with his family and refrain from reporting him. Kenobi, on the other hand, was unable to apprehend Grievous, who located an escape pod and fled. The B1-series battle droid R0-GR also participated in the battle, recalling it as a period of five agonizing months. At some point, the enhanced clones of Clone Force 99—Hunter, Wrecker, CT-9904 "Crosshair," and Tech—paid a visit to Lawquane.
The 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps and Commander Mekedrix were participants in another battle of Saleucami. Upon discovering a Separatist scheme, Kenobi proposed moving Republic forces through the Anoat system before proceeding to Saleucami. Saleucami eventually became deeply embroiled in the war. The Separatists initiated an invasion of Saleucami, which the smuggler Has Obitt narrowly avoided. Despite being nominally under Confederate control, the world held value for the Separatists, leading Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to designate it as part of the Triad of Evil. During the Outer Rim Sieges, the Siege of Saleucami occurred, focusing on secret CIS projects rumored to be taking place on the planet. The lengthy campaign concluded with a Republic victory near the war's end. When Darth Sidious executed Order 66, Clone Marshal Commander Neyo assassinated Jedi Master Stass Allie while they were patrolling the planet on BARC speeders.

Soon after the Galactic Empire was formed, the clone troopers remained on Saleucami instead of being withdrawn, even after the war's conclusion. They enforced the control of the newly established Empire, which had an interest in Saleucami. Citizens were compelled to register for chain codes and had their starships confiscated by impound vessels. To leave the planet on a ship, citizens were required to register for a chain code.
Around the same time, Rex traveled to Lawquane to inform him of the events that had transpired. As the Imperial Military began to secure Saleucami, Lawquane devised a plan to relocate his family off-world before his desertion was discovered. The day following Rex's departure, Clone Force 99 arrived. Hunter, introducing Cut to their new companions, CT-1409 "Echo" and Omega, sought to learn how Cut had remained hidden so effectively, as his squad were also fugitives. However, their mission evolved into assisting the family in escaping the planet before they were detected. Saleucami was also the homeworld of Sergeant Warda Gojun of the Galactic Empire's 71st GAV Battalion.
While the booklet "Mustafar and Other Planets in the Outer Rim" asserted that Saleucami reverted to its unremarkable state after the Clone Wars ended and the Empire rose, the Databank had previously established that the Empire was interested in the planet and sought to bring it under control. The episode "Cut and Run" depicted the Empire assuming marshal control of Saleucami immediately following the war's conclusion. This article operates under the assumption that "Mustafar and Other Outer Rim Planets" is inaccurate.