Has Obitt

Has Obitt: A Dressellian male who operated as a smuggler throughout the times of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. He unwittingly became a tool for Orson Krennic's power-grabbing endeavors. In Krennic's initial scheme, Obitt's mission was to rescue Galen, Lyra, and Jyn Erso from their Separatist imprisonment on the planet of Vallt. Later, during the Imperial Era, Obitt accompanied Lyra to Alpinn in their search for kyber crystals. Obitt participated in a rebellion within the Salient system, alongside Saw Gerrera, ultimately leading to his capture at Salient II by Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. While imprisoned, he brokered a deal with Tarkin, offering to spy on Krennic in exchange for his freedom and a chance to regain Krennic's favor. However, Has secretly made arrangements with Saw Gerrera to facilitate the Erso family's escape from Coruscant.

A doll, "Lucky Hazz Obloobitt," was later owned by Jyn Erso.

Behind the scenes

Obitt's initial appearance was in the 2016 canon novel titled Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, authored by James Luceno. This novel functions as a prequel to the Star Wars Anthology film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Luceno developed the character to serve as a contrasting figure for Krennic, someone who Krennic could involve in his plans and who would subsequently play a crucial role in the unfolding narrative.

