The Salient system, a star system, existed at the periphery of the galaxy's Corporate Sector. A red dwarf resided at its heart, with multiple orbiting planets; specifically, Salient I, Salient II, and Epiphany were positioned within the star's habitable zone. Additionally, it was located on the Hydian Way trade route.
During the Clone Wars period, the Salient system maintained a position of neutrality. This situation allowed corporations, such as Zerpen Industries, to exploit the conflict by providing arms to both the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. Following the conclusion of the war, the Galactic Empire, newly formed, sought to establish dominance over Salient. The resulting struggle attracted mercenaries from various parts of the galaxy to oppose the Empire, including Onderonian rebel Saw Gerrera. Ultimately, the Empire prevailed, securing control of the system.
Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition, a reference work, incorrectly situates the Salient system within the Western Reaches, a contradiction to its established location within the Corporate Sector. Conversely, the galactic map featured in Star Wars: Timelines positions Salient near the border of the Corporate Sector (although technically outside of it). This might indicate that the Empire detached Salient from the greater Corporate Sector following the events depicted in Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel.