Zerpen Industries

Zerpen Industries, involved in ignition studies and other scientific explorations, was a corporate entity. During the period of the Clone Wars, Zerpen made substantial investments into the study of kyber crystal and recruited scientists such as the versatile Galen Erso to work on this initiative, stationing them on the planet of Vallt. As part of his responsibilities, Erso investigated artificially created kyber crystals and conducted experiments on them. Despite Erso's belief that Zerpen was not involved in the weaponization of their scientific discoveries, the company engaged in multiple agreements with both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the two primary factions involved in the Clone Wars. On one occasion, the smuggler named Has Obitt delivered armaments to the Zerpen Industries headquarters located on the Epiphany moon within the Salient system. The Galactic Empire promptly appeared and, despite some opposition from Zerpen, obliterated the base and conquered the Salient system.

Zerpen utilized freighters and various other starships for their operational needs. Their company headquarters was situated on the Epiphany moon, while Vallt housed their fusion and ignition facility. The company logo was characterized by its winding design.

