The Hydian Way, a super-hyperroute, was initially charted by Freia Kallea around 3705 BBY. Originating at Bonadan within the bounds of the Corporate Sector, it extended towards the Core Worlds, before looping back to its terminus at Imynusoph, situated in the southern reaches of the Outer Rim.
Back in 3705 BBY, it was Freia Kallea who first mapped out the Hydian Way.
Following the defeat of the Sith in 1032 BBY, the Core World of Corulag exerted its influence, rerouting the path to encompass the space near the Outer Rim planet [Eriadu]. This was done to ensure a more consistent supply of lommite ore from the planet. Eriadu subsequently rose to prominence as a major trading hub, largely because it was located where the Hydian Way and the Rimma Trade Route intersected. Early in his career, Wilhuff Tarkin, then a student at the Sullust Sector Spacefarers Academy, encountered Senator Sheev Palpatine and requested assistance in maintaining order in the Greater Seswenna region surrounding Eriadu, believing that such action would alleviate tensions along the Hydian Way.
During the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Plo Koon devised a strategy to reinforce the Galactic Republic fleet positioned along the Hydian Way, aiming to thwart the operations of the Separatist General Grievous.
Later in Tarkin's life, his personal corvette, named the Carrion Spike, was stolen by a rebel cell. This group then used the vessel to attack several Imperial installations. While the ship remained uncaptured, the Empire increased its presence along both the Hydian Way and the Rimma Trade Route in an attempt to prevent further assaults.
On one occasion, Han Solo and Landonis Balthazar Calrissian crossed paths with the Tonnika sisters aboard a casino ship located along the Hydian Way.
The planet of Dathomir was situated in proximity to both the Hydian Way and the Salin Corridor.