Bonadan, a planet situated within the Corporate Sector of the Outer Rim Territories, served as the initial point for the Hydian Way. The arms dealers Ephant Mon and Masse Goskey were present at an arms transaction on this planet by the year 10 BBY.
This planet, known as Bonadan, was situated within the Corporate Sector of the Outer Rim Territories at galactic coordinates Q-4 on the Standard Galactic Grid. This world marked the beginning of the Hydian Way hyperspace route, providing a link to the Salient system.

During the time of the High Republic Era, Torbin, who would later become a Jedi Master, was born into poverty on Bonadan. By the year 22 BBY, the planet maintained an embassy within the Federal District of Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic. By 10 BBY, Ephant Mon and Masse Goskey, who were arms dealers, were present at an arms exchange on Bonadan; during this exchange, Mon acquired a new writing stylus and a billy-bag filled with finely shredded savory sweetmeats. He subsequently referenced the planet when documenting the exchange in the book that would later be known as the Smuggler's Guide.
A subsequent entry within the book showcased a post from a user identified as "BonadanBouncer" on Cynabar's InfoNet, cautioning against dealing with the crime lord [Azmorigan], citing his failure to compensate for clean-up services rendered after the user transported puffer pigs for him. The smuggler Han Solo had made a trip to Bonadan by the year 0 BBY.
Within the current Star Wars canon, Bonadan's initial mention occurred on a map featured in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, a 2016 boxed set for Star Wars Roleplaying by Fantasy Flight Games. This world's origin is within the Star Wars Legends continuity, with its debut appearance in the 1979 novel titled Han Solo's Revenge, authored by Brian Daley.