Eriadu, a terrestrial planet within the Eriadu system found in the Seswenna sector of the Outer Rim, was situated on the Galactic Frontier. This world was characterized by its mountains, jungles, and a black sky. The main economic activity and export of Eriadu centered on lommite ore, a resource found in great abundance there. Furthermore, Eriadu served as the original home of the Tarkin family, notably including Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin.
Following the conclusion of the Dark Age and the defeat of the Sith in the early years of the Galactic Republic, a period marked by the demilitarization of the Republic and the establishment of a new pan-galactic Senate, pioneers settled on the planet Eriadu with authorization from Coruscant as the expanding government sought additional resources. The Tarkin family was among the initial settlers. The first Tarkins to arrive on Eriadu reported an encounter with a massive, fire-breathing dragon dwelling beneath the surface, leading them to construct Bri-Phrang City above it as a gesture of appeasement. Eriadu's substantial lommite ore reserves, a crucial ingredient in transparisteel, made it a prime target for development. The extraction and transportation of lommite proved to be a costly endeavor, compelling settlers to secure high-interest loans from the Intergalactic Banking Clan. Due to the reliance on hyperware beacons for hyperspace navigation, which necessitated frequent returns to realspace to ensure safe passage, lommite ore shipments were often delayed or lost due to various disasters. As Eriadu's economic situation deteriorated and its debt mounted, the banking clan prepared to assume control of Eriadu as a client world until entrepreneurs from Corulag in the Core Worlds intervened.
Under Corulag's guidance, lommite extraction experienced a significant surge, transforming vast areas of the once-lush planet into polluted industrial zones and impoverished urban centers, resulting in a sharp decline in the standard of living. While the intensified operations spurred rapid growth, they also triggered an influx of impoverished laborers from neighboring planets. At that time, the primary means for Eriaduans to quickly accumulate credits involved working in ore processing, local and deep-space transport, or extending credits at exorbitant interest rates. Corulag also played a crucial role in lobbying the Republic Senate to reroute the Hydian Way through Eriadu space, thereby placing the planet on the galactic map and establishing it as the central point of the Greater Seswenna Sector. During Eriadu's growth phase, the Tarkin family, the planet's original pioneers, prioritized security over financial gain. By functioning as their own police force, defending vulnerable settlements from attacks by native Eriadu fauna and criminals, the Tarkin clan rose to become the most influential family on the planet. The Tarkin family's leadership eventually led to the development of local militias into a sector military, and they were also known for pioneering innovations on Eriadu in the form of colossal machines, swift starships, and potent weaponry. The Tarkin clan made several attempts to emulate the architectural styles of the Core in their mansions, but many in the Core preferred life on Coruscant to the "barbaric" existence on Eriadu, where many cities lacked climate control and opera houses, and residents constantly battled pirates.
During the High Republic era, the Republic's "golden age," Radicaz Dobbs, an Eriaduan human male Smuggler known as "Sunshine" to his friends, departed from his parents, whom he described as drunken and pathetic. He later gained renown as a treasure hunter specializing in Force artifacts, operating from his pleasure yacht, the Scupper.
Following their contact to assist the Outer Rim Hetzal system during the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Eriadu itself endured tragedy during the crisis. The disaster commenced when the cargo freighter Legacy Run was destroyed while traversing hyperspace, scattering debris into realspace at extreme velocities in star systems along the lane, transforming the freighter's remnants into weapons of mass destruction; these events were termed Emergences by the galactic community. Eriadu was among the planets encompassed by a massive hyperspace blockade of the Outer Rim, mandated by Republic Chancellor Lina Soh to avert further hyperspace disasters while investigations into the Legacy Run's destruction proceeded. At a time when the location and timing of the Emergences remained unpredictable, the ruthless marauder gang known as the Nihil, under the direction of Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro, had successfully mapped the precise location and timing of the Emergences, intending to exploit their knowledge for profit.
Tempest Kassav Milliko of the Nihil, along with his crew aboard the New Elite, journeyed to Eriadu, where three Emergences were anticipated. Kassav's crew sliced into Eriadu's communications network and contacted Planetary Governor Mural Veen, whom Kassav attempted to extort for 50 million credits, promising to prevent the debris from impacting the space surrounding Eriadu. To demonstrate his seriousness, Kassav instructed the New Elite's gunners to obliterate the first Emergence. The governor, hesitant to pay the exorbitant sum, missed Kassav's opportunity to halt the second Emergence, which entered the system and destroyed a cargo transport carrying lommite. The explosion of the cargo transport obliterated four other nearby vessels, all of which were awaiting the end of the blockade. Kassav warned the governor that a third and final Emergence would soon strike Eriadu's inhabited moon. In despair, Governor Veen deposited the credits into the account provided by Kassav, while simultaneously informing him that she had identified both him and his ship and was transmitting a recording of their conversation to the Republic.
The New Elite proceeded to the location where the Emergence was expected to exit hyperspace, preparing to destroy it. However, Dellex, a "Storm" within Kassav's crew, miscalculated the ship's jump due to the effects of the drug "smash," which the Nihil crew had consumed prior to the mission. As a result, the New Elite was nowhere near the Emergence when it entered the system unhindered and collided with Eriadu's moon, resulting in the deaths of 1.2 billion inhabitants. Governor Mural Veen vowed that Kassav and his crew would face retribution, warning him that the people of Eriadu were hunters and that the Nihil had become their collective prey. Kassav terminated the transmission and fled the system. Subsequently, the people of Eriadu joined the Republic in the Battle of Kur, fighting as the Eriaduan flotilla. During the battle's final phase, Veen personally boarded the New Elite and executed Kassav.
Around 229 BBY and 228 BBY, as the war between the Republic and Nihil dragged on, resulting in the Nihil claiming a portion of space behind the Stormwall, the Republic Defense Coalition began establishing a base on Eriadu. Eriadu was located at a comfortable distance from the Stormwall, yet close enough to concern RDC Captain Joss Adren. Nonetheless, Eriadu had proven to be quite safe from the Nihil whenever they raided territory beyond the Stormwall. The RDC worked to keep its new base on Eriadu a secret, even though it proved to be quite active as an increasing number of RDC members arrived on-world. With the people of Eriadu none-too-keen on an offworld military calling their planet home, RDC members did their best to blend into the population. Joss and his wife, Pikka Adren, were among the RDC members who worked on Eriadu, where they ran nearby shipments to help in setting up the base. Meanwhile, Eriadu was bustling with traders and active black markets, which sought to take advantage of the ongoing Republic-Nihil conflict.

One day, the Adrens met with RDC Admiral Pevel Kronara and the newly recruited Ensign Ebbe Casset in a commissary on Eriadu, where the Adrens agreed to a mission that would see them intercept a supposedly abandoned Nihil craft outside the Stormwall. Afterward, Joss packed their Longbeam cruiser the Aurora III for the journey, packing far too much in both his and Pikka's opinion, and the Adrens were seen off by Casset shortly before takeoff, during which time Casset inadvertently revealed to Joss that his wife was pregnant. Ebbe offered to come with them on the mission, but the Adrens declined and departed. In that time, Kronara had also departed Eriadu and returned to Coruscant. After a short hyperspace trip, the Adrens found the Nihil ship had two lifesigns aboard and considered returning to Eriadu for backup. While they did make contact with Casset, the Aurora III then lost power and found itself about to be met by incoming craft.

Eriadu was frequently targeted by pirates, marauders, and privateers. The Judicial Forces were prevented from intervening in conflicts within the Seswenna Sector, including Eriadu, due to the planet's refusal to comply with the Core Worlds' arbitrary agreements. This led to the formation of the Outland Regions Security Force to combat pirates and privateers in the planet and sector. Second-rate ships equipped with laser and ion cannons were constructed on Eriadu and the Outer Rim planet Sluis Van to equip the newly established planetary defense force. Lommite shipments departing the planet en route to the Core were particularly attractive targets for pirate gangs seeking easy profits. The Outland Regions Security Force attempted to manage the pirate situation but was too thinly stretched to permanently resolve the issue. The pirate threat escalated significantly when multiple pirate gangs united under the leadership of the pirate queen Q'anah. Q'anah's Marauders consistently outmaneuvered the Outland Security Force and Eriadu Mining and Shipping, pushing the mining company to the brink of bankruptcy.
The raids ceased when Wilhuff Tarkin, a Lieutenant in the Outland's anti-piracy task force, deciphered the sequence Q'anah employed to select specific lommite containers within a shipment. Knowing which containers Q'anah would target, Outland commander Ranulph Tarkin infected the hyperdrive motivators of the lommite containers with a virus that would spread to the pirate vessels, forcing their navicomputers to override the entered locations and instead deliver the ships to the waiting Outland Security Forces. Ranulph presented the captured pirate queen to his younger cousin, the man who had outsmarted her. Q'anah's reign concluded when Wilhuff ordered her and her crew placed into an empty shipping container, programmed to slowly pilot itself into the sector's sun. Video and audio feeds from inside the container were broadcast as the pirates were slowly roasted to death, intended to instill fear in anyone contemplating following in Q'anah's footsteps.

Years later, with the promised support of his friend and mentor Senator Sheev Palpatine, who had the backing of shadowy allies unknown even to Tarkin, Tarkin returned to his home planet and was elected Governor of Eriadu. During Tarkin's governorship, Eriadu hosted the "Eriadu Conference," a summit intended to alleviate tensions between the Trade Federation and the Republic. The conference was a political failure, and assassins assassinated the Trade Federation's leadership and attempted, unsuccessfully, to kill Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum. Governor Tarkin obstructed the Supreme Chancellor's attempts to launch an investigation, significantly weakening Valorum's position. Nute Gunray assumed leadership of the Trade Federation and instigated the Invasion of Naboo, leading to a subsequent Vote of No Confidence that removed Valorum from office.
Following the Naboo Crisis and Palpatine's ascent to Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine was unable to prevent the Separatist movement from expanding, resulting in numerous star systems seceding from the Republic. While many Republic member worlds began to join the Separatists, Eriadu remained loyal to the Republic and enthusiastically supported the Military Creation Act proposed by the Galactic Senate, alongside the Colonies planet Carida, while other worlds such as the Core Worlds planet Alderaan and the Mid Rim Territories planet Naboo openly opposed the act. In fact, Coruscant representatives looked to Eriadu, where Tarkin had established his own military, as a model for their own developments. Furthermore, Eriadu Mining and Shipping prospered due to the Naboo Crisis breaking the Trade Federation's monopoly in the Outer Rim and Valorum Shipping losing its reputation after numerous scandals. Eriadu became a major trade hub on the Hydian Way, and Eriadu Mining and Shipping established various trade relationships that facilitated the shipment of lommite through the Mid Rim planet Malastare, circling around the Inner Rim planet Bestine to reach the Colonies planet Fondor and the Core Worlds. Overall, Tarkin's tenure as Governor saw the planet achieve the stardom its people had always desired.
However, Eriadu's strategic location on the Hydian Way and its geopolitical alliances placed it in a precarious position, with both the Republic and the Separatists pressuring it to declare its allegiance. During the Separatist Crisis, Count Dooku of the Outer Rim planet Serenno met with Tarkin on several occasions to establish a southern Separatist sphere by incorporating not only Eriadu but also the Inner Rim planet Yag'Dhul and the Outer Rim planet Sluis Van into the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During these meetings, Dooku emphasized Eriadu's historical neglect by the Core Worlds. However, the true purpose of the meetings was not to align Eriadu with the Confederacy. Palpatine, under the guise of Darth Sidious, arranged for Dooku to meet with Tarkin to assess Tarkin's loyalty.

By 22 BBY, in the weeks preceding the Battle of Geonosis, which marked the commencement of the Clone Wars, Tarkin was nearing the end of his second term as Governor and was encouraged by many of his associates to run for Senator in the Republic Senate, representing his home world. During this period, Dooku met with Tarkin for the final time at Tarkin's compound. As Tarkin and Dooku dined on food prepared by the Tarkin family’s chefs and consumed rare wine provided by Dooku, Dooku grew restless and eventually directly inquired about Eriadu's allegiances. Tarkin later joined Dooku on the residence's balcony, questioning the urgency of the Count's inquiry. While Dooku remained vague, he informed Tarkin that Eriadu's survival depended on its business partners, such as Fondor, joining the Confederacy. Dooku suggested that if Eriadu joined the Confederacy, it could continue conducting business with Confederate worlds such as Falleen, Ruusan, and even the Tion Sectors. However, with Tarkin steadfastly loyal to the Republic, Dooku promised that should a war between the Confederacy and the Republic ever occur, he would ensure that no lasting harm would befall Eriadu, which Tarkin interpreted as hinting at a deeper conspiracy.
Tarkin subsequently warned the planetary leadership of Eriadu that the planet would face a cataclysm if it aligned with Dooku and the Confederacy. Although not all members of the ruling body concurred, Tarkin ensured that Eriadu remained loyal to the Republic. Following a consensus with Eriadu's ruling body, Dooku's words led Tarkin to forgo seeking re-election for a third term, prompting his father to summon him to the Tarkin residence. Tarkin's father, who was then ill, inquired as to why Tarkin had not sought re-election, and Tarkin explained that Dooku had indicated the imminence of a galactic war and the need to prepare for it. Tarkin later remarked on Eriadu's recent recognition as a Core World in the Outer Rim and the resolution of many of its internal problems and economic issues. Despite his father's disagreement with his decision, he eventually respected Tarkin's wishes after some persuasion and cautioned him that every world would suffer from the impending war.
Dooku's prophetic words materialized in 22 BBY with the Battle of Geonosis, marking the beginning of a galactic war known as the Clone Wars. Tarkin immediately enlisted in the newly formed Republic Military and remained loyal throughout the war, participating in the Battle of Murkhana and the Battle of Kamino before being temporarily captured by the Separatists at the Citadel on Lola Sayu. Following his rescue by a Jedi-clone strike team, Tarkin was drafted into the Strategic Advisory Cell's Special Weapons Group, overseeing the construction of what would become the Death Star. During the Clone Wars, the fervent loyalist Eriaduan native Byno Doubton, with Tarkin's support, founded the Commission for the Protection of the Republic, COMPOR. Doubton produced two propaganda pieces for the Republic's unity communications campaign where one featuring the Jedi never saw distribution to the Republic at the behest of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and the other with the collaboration of the Republic War Office, featuring clone troopers instead of Jedi, saw widespread distribution to Loyalist worlds in the Republic.
Following the declaration of the Galactic Empire and the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Eriadu became an Imperial stronghold due to its location of the compound known as Raven's Peak owned by Governor Tarkin. Doubton, after the Republic's transformation into the Empire, became an instructor in the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order's Sub-Adult Group and eventually retired to his family estate on Eriadu.
In 18 BBY, Governor Tarkin contacted Chief Scientist Doctor Royce Hemlock regarding the growing number of clone troopers questioning their orders with Hemlock voicing his concerns that decommissioning clones wouldn't solve the problem leading to Tarkin expect a full briefing from Hemlock about his plan at the summit in Raven's Peak. Echo, a member of Clone Force 99, managed to obtain intel from one of his contacts in a resistance network run by Captain Rex that Hemlock was going to attend the summit, causing Echo and the Bad Batch to go to Eriadu in the hopes of placing a homing beacon on Hemlock's ship, thereby being able to track the ship to where Crosshair and other clone prisoners were being held at.

While the Bad Batch travelled to Eriadu, a Venator-class Star Destroyer dropped out of hyperspace near Eriadu and sent a Nu-class transport shuttle housing Doctor Hemlock to Raven's Peak. Hemlock's shuttle reached Raven's Peak and landed in the hangar where he was greeted by two Imperial shock troopers who escorted him to the command center where the summit was held. Upon arriving near Eriadu, members of the Bad Batch were greeted by various Venator-class Star Destroyers. With this, Echo transmitted a clearance code obtained from another one of his contacts which allowed the Marauder under the designation, "Vessel 1143" to enter Eriadu airspace. The Bad Batch landed at a mountain close to Raven's peak and a nearby sky rail which connected Raven's Peak to it’s starfighter depot. Due to nearby sensors attached to the sky rail which could only be deactivated for thirty seconds, Tech rappelled to one of the sensors, Sensor 38-11 and deactivated it which allowed the rest of the Bad Batch to "hitch a ride" under one of several railcars, traveling to Raven's Peak without Lieutenant [Maylur](/article/maylur], who was in charge of security, realizing what occurred.

The elite squad known as the Bad Batch successfully breached Raven's Peak's external defenses, eliminating several Imperial soldiers without raising any alarm to Maylur and his team. At the summit, while the Bad Batch were in the process of their infiltration, a collection of significant Imperial figures including Governor Tarkin, his rival Officer Orson Callan Krennic, Doctor Hemlock, and his two associates Officer Hurst Romodi and Officer Barton Coburn engaged in discussions concerning the various projects and strategies under their supervision, evaluating the advancements made, and addressing the increasing number of clone troopers expressing doubts about their directives, with Hemlock proposing that they be utilized as experimental subjects for his research, given their status as Imperial assets. Simultaneously, during the summit, certain members of the Bad Batch were able to get to the aircraft storage where Hemlock's personal transport was located. Given that all the transports were visually identical to Hemlock's, Clone Commando, Tech, and Echo were required to enter the Hangar's control center to access the central computer system, while Clone Commando and Clone Force 99 remained in their current location. Tech, Echo, and Hunter quietly seized control of the Hangar's control room, with Echo reviewing the ship's contents. Tech then informed Omega and Wrecker that Hemlock's transport was indeed in the hanger. Subsequently, Omega discreetly approached the ship, but was nearly detected by stormtroopers stationed in the Hangar, prompting Echo to create a distraction using a lifting machine, which allowed Omega to attach a tracking device to Hemlock's transport.

Echo's observation of cyclical deactivations in the compound's security systems prompted Tech and Hunter to investigate. Upon discovering another disabled area and a thermal explosive, they encountered Commander Saw Gerrera and a fellow Rebel. Disagreements over their respective objectives led to the discovery of both rebel groups by a squad of stormtroopers, dispatched by Maylur following the detection of cyclical deactivations in the compound's security protocols. The Bad Batch members then proceeded to commandeer a rail car to escape the compound before its imminent destruction. During this time, Maylur informed Tarkin of the events, and Tarkin ordered all communications to be encrypted and instructed Maylur to locate them. The compound was placed under complete lockdown, resulting in the command center being sealed and guarded by a squad of Imperial shock troopers. Gerrera's partisans successfully evacuated the facility and detonated the thermal explosives positioned throughout the compound, causing widespread destruction, except for the command center. Although the Bad Batch managed to escape by hijacking a car and utilizing the sky rail, the explosion severed the power supply to the sky rail, leaving the Bad Batch stranded.

The Bad Batch were then subjected to gunfire from stormtroopers in the adjacent car. As the Bad Batch were suppressed, Hunter assigned Tech the task of restoring power to the rail line by connecting to one of the terminals situated on the sky rail. Tech successfully reached the interface on the sky rail and initiated the process of restoring power. At that moment, Tarkin instructed Maylur to deploy a squadron of Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters to eliminate the insurgents. Maylur reluctantly complied, and a V-wing squadron was dispatched. Hunter and the remaining members of the Bad Batch engaged the V-wing squadron to provide Tech with sufficient time to restore power. Hunter destroyed two V-wings, and Tech subsequently restored power to the sky rail. However, before Tech could rejoin the Bad Batch, a V-wing damaged the rear section of the rail car, causing Tech to utilize his grappling cable to secure himself to the dangling car. As another squadron of V-wings approached to destroy the Bad Batch, Tech initiated Protocol 99 by disconnecting the hinge connecting the two halves of the rail car, allowing the front half of the rail car containing the remaining members of the Bad Batch to proceed before the squadron of V-wings arrived. The remaining members of the Bad Batch were unable to decelerate their rail car, resulting in a crash into a station. The surviving injured members of the Bad Batch escaped in the Marauder and departed from Eriadu.
In 14 years before the Battle of Yavin, a rebel group attempted to steal several air purifiers from an airscrubber farm located near the city of Phelar by attaching tow cables from the rebel's starships to two of the purifiers. Enraged, TK-462's father attempted to thwart the theft using a weapon, but one of the air purifiers being stolen by the rebels remained connected to a energy line. Eventually, the cable securing the purifier snapped, and the purifier crashed into the family's residence, resulting in the death of Xea, TK-462's sister.
In the same year, following Tarkin's successful suppression of Berch Teller's rebel group, he was elevated to the rank of Grand Moff and arrived on Eriadu aboard an Imperial transport from the Executrix, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer under his command. Upon landing at the Phelar Spaceport, Tarkin was greeted by enthusiastic crowds, media representatives, and a military band. He proceeded to Eriadu City where he visited relatives and old friends. He then granted interviews to various reporters. Following the interviews, the local Governor, a relative of Tarkin, presented him with a key to the city and organized a parade. While at the Tarkin Family Compound, he awaited a artist commissioned to create a statue to be placed in the main public area of Eriadu City. Subsequently, Tarkin convinced his personal guards to allow him to venture alone to the Carrion Plateau in an attempt to lure Berch Teller. This strategy proved successful, and Teller attempted to ambush Tarkin but instead fell into a pit trap, sustaining a broken ankle. Jova, Tarkin's great uncle, informed Tarkin of the incident, and they both approached the pit trap. Tarkin taunted Teller for failing to capitalize on earlier opportunities to kill him and for not realizing that he had been baited. Tarkin offered to allow him to escape, but Teller declined. Tarkin and Jova then departed from the pit trap, confident that Teller would not survive the night.
Later that year, Tarkin implemented even more restrictive laws on the planet, enabling Eriaduans such as TK-462's father to travel to Phelar alone. In the same year, Tarkin visited the airscrubber farm where the rebel attack had occurred. He met with TK-462's father, and during this encounter, TK-462 was captivated by the Imperial Stormtroopers accompanying Tarkin. TK-462 later requested permission from his father to enlist in the Empire, but his father refused. TK-462 disregarded his father's decision and secretly left, leaving a note for his father.

TK-462 enlisted in the Youth Academy in Phelar, and after a year, he and his classmates graduated with ease due to the local authorities' desire to provide as many local recruits as possible to the Empire. TK-462 was subsequently transferred to the Imperial Academy of Eriadu in Eriadu City, the primary city of the planet. While at the training facility, TK-462 was consistently subjected to beatings by other recruits under the instruction of the academy's trainer, Commander Lassar, due to the boy's diminutive stature. Before TK-462's graduation, Lassar offered a toast to his students. He then shattered his alcoholic beverage container and ordered TK-462 to place all the glass fragments in his boots and run five measurement of distance in full gear, including his boots. Although TK-462 managed to reach the finish line, he subsequently lost consciousness. The boy recovered after two weeks, during which his feet were reconstructed. He then successfully attained the rank of stormtrooper. As a stormtrooper, TK-462 was assigned to patrol Sector five in Eriadu City, where he and his squadmates apprehended shoplifters and other minor offenders. TK-462 later requested a transfer to the Outer Rim planet Lothal to seek revenge for his sister. He boarded a transport offworld and departed from Eriadu's atmosphere.
Around 10 years before the Battle of Yavin, Amphibious humanoid female headhunter Nakano Lash was present at a bar in Phelar Port, a location on the planet, alongside her companions T'ongor, T'onga, and illegal tech dealer Jhorstek. While the group were conversing, a young criminal was apprehended by a server after stealing food rations from an Imperial vehicle. When stormtroopers arrived at the bar and demanded that the thief be handed over to them, the Imperials were attacked by the part machine Beilert Valance who initially overpowered the stormtroopers. Lash then intervened to assist Valance, who was by then overwhelmed by Imperial reinforcements. Lash eliminated the remaining stormtroopers and rescued Valance. After she requested Jhortesk to repair Valance, which she personally paid for, she mentored Valance, who subsequently became a bounty hunter.
During the Imperial Reign, the Tarkin family possessed the Outer Rim planet Eadu, but it was later ceded to the Tarkin Initiative as part of Project Stardust led by Krennic.
By 5 years before the Battle of Yavin, the sports team, "Eriadu Patriots" was established and based on Eriadu. It was later reported in the Galactic news that the Galactic League commissioner was reviewing a significant proposed trade between the Patriots and the Shad Furies sports team who were based on Shad during the Imperial Era. By 4 years before the Battle of Yavin, the Lothalite native Holshef had a child who by then resided on Eriadu. At that time, the Corulag native Merei Spanjaf arranged for Holshef's daughter to meet her on the Outer Rim planet Garel if it was no longer safe for Holshef to live on Lothal.
In 3 years before the Battle of Yavin, Alderaanian Royal Leia Organa conducted research on the terrain of Eriadu for her upcoming navigation class trip to the planet. While attending an Student Government reception on Coruscant, Organa met Tarkin and inquired about the mountain ranges on Eriadu in an attempt to ingratiate herself with Tarkin. Tarkin informed Organa about the Rivoche Ranges and remarked that she had done her research. Organa later attended a pathfinding class to the planet.
In the years leading up to the Galactic Civil War, Eris Harro, HoloNet News Regional director held office in the metropolis of Phelar, on Eriadu. After reporting on the progress of the industrial and resource extraction regions of Lothal to the Imperial capital Coruscant, the planet's Governor Arihnda Pryce extended an invitation to meet with government officials on Eriadu.
At some point prior to the Battle of Yavin, Tarkin selected Ellian Zahra, Beldin, and Hannevik as potential apprentices. Eventually, Tarkin brought the three Imperial military members to the Carrion Spike on the planet, where he instructed them to hunt an colorless veermok within twelve hours or face abandonment. After some time, Zahra successfully killed the albino veermok and presented its head to Tarkin. Impressed, Tarkin took Zahra aboard his ship and departed.
During the Galactic Civil War, the human male Eriaduan native aviator Harb Binli joined the Rebel Alliance and served as Red Seven. He participated in the Battle of Scarif where he lost his comrade and friend Pedrin Gaul and later participated in the Battle of Yavin, where he was killed in action.
Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, in year zero after the Battle of Yavin, the Devaronian smuggler Kurjak, who captained the starship Fast Friend, was hired by Del Meeko and Gideon Hask, members of Inferno Squad posing as brothers, to smuggle them and a container to Eriadu as part of their assignment to infiltrate the Partisan remnant cell known as the Dreamers. While en route to their destination, the Fast Friend was attacked and boarded by the Opportunity, a outlaw ship under the control of the Blood Bone Order and captained by their leader Lassa Rhayme. After Rhayme and her pirates successfully managed to take Meeko and Hask hostage, the pirates left Kurjak tied to his command chair.

In 3 years after the Battle of Yavin, during the Galactic Civil War, the re-emergence of Beilert Valance's old mentor Nakano Lash, prompted Valance to attempt to locate her, following her trail to a Hidden Base outside Phelar Port on the planet. After Valance discovered corpses, including Jhorstek's, he had a drink and reminisced about his first encounter with Lash. The mechanical being Nine-Four-El later informed him that the video recorders outside the building had been destroyed. Subsequently, Valance connected a wire from a panel to his cybernetic arm, discovering that Bounty hunter Boba Fett was responsible for the killings. While reviewing the security footage, Valance managed to discern from Jhorstek's lip movements that Lash had gone to the cemetary planet Galmerah. Valance consequently departed from the world aboard the Broken Wing and traveled to Galmerah.
The inhabitants of Eriadu were known as Eriaduans and were known as hunters. Among those who called Eriadu home were humans, including the influential Tarkin family. Other species found on Eriadu originated from the Mid Rim Territories and Outer Rim, including Ugnaughts and Rodians. During the Nihil conflict, an increasing number of Republic Defense Coalition members began operating on Eriadu, despite the locals' discontent with having an offworld military presence on their homeworld.
Wealthy Eriaduans tended to construct their mansions in the style of the Core Worlds. For example, the influential Tarkin family maintained an elegant compound in that style in Eriadu City. Nevertheless, Wilhuff Tarkin's father ensured that his son understood how their clan had attained such a prominent position, reminding him that there were those beyond its walls who struggled to survive. During the Imperial Era, Wilhuff also utilized a fortified compound named Raven's Peak, where Tarkin could conduct clandestine meetings during the early Imperial Era. However, these meetings made it a target for anti-Imperial forces, such as the Partisans and the Bad Batch.
The streets of every Eriaduan cities were laden with taverns during the High Republic Era. Those taverns, along with Eriadu's snow-topped mountains that hid much lommite ore, made the planet inviting to many. However, the world was also wild and dangerous. Beyond its outlands suffering groundquakes, it remained home to rapacious natural dangers even after the Tarkin family had tamed the world. In fact, the Tarkins made sure to maintain the wild Carrion Plateau as an unforgiving jungle, where members of their clan were sent to survive as an initiation. During the Nihil conflict, there existed black markets on the corners of each and every Eriaduan city and village, where black market traders tried to take advantage of the ongoing conflict. Ahead of their mission to investigate a downed Nihil ship, the Adrens and several other RDC members spent time at a commissionary located within a town. That town was a short distance away from the RDC's onworld aircraft storage. At that time, the RDC was actively establishing a base on Eriadu. The rough cities of Eriadu lacked weather control or opera houses during the late Republic Era, which Core World dignitaries judged it for.
Eriadu first appeared in the new Star Wars authorized content in the year 2014 novel Tarkin by James Luceno. Eriadu was originally first mentioned in the Star Wars Legends Imperial Sourcebook released in year 1989.