Sub-Adult Group

The Sub-Adult Group (SAGroup) was a youth organization comprised of highly motivated young individuals who were intensely devoted to Emperor Sheev Palpatine, the Galactic Empire, and the principles of the New Order. These young members were molded into patriotic individuals through the standardized educational programs developed by the SAGEducation division of the Coalition for Progress. SAGroup participants viewed this youth initiative as a swift path to a political profession.

Despite the frequent use of military visuals in SAGroup recruitment materials, the members were actually trained to become dedicated administrators and government officials. SAGroup also functioned as another way to join the Imperial Academy, bypassing the traditional enrollment process. Consequently, even with the military-themed visuals, the SAGroup was not officially a component of the Imperial Military. Thus, its members did not directly engage in military actions, differing from the First Order, which was the Empire's succeeding organization.



SAGEducation (Sub-Adult Group Education) held the responsibility of developing uniform educational programs aimed at transforming young citizens into patriotic supporters.

