The Apprentice Legislature, alternatively known as the Junior Senate or the junior legislative program, was an organization established for young individuals with political aspirations. It was initially created under the Galactic Republic and remained in operation during the era of the Galactic Empire.
Padmé Naberrie, who would later become the queen and Senator of Naboo, became a member of the Apprentice Legislature at the age of eight years. During her time there, she received a tour of the Galactic Senate Building, and she would often think of her family home when she felt lonely.
However, after becoming a member of the Galactic Senate, Naberrie, now known as Amidala, confessed to Rush Clovis from Scipio that she still found it challenging to adapt to the demanding lifestyle of a full-time senator, especially after her time as queen of Naboo.
Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, the [Imperial Senate](/article/imperial_senate]'s influence diminished, leading many planets to discontinue sending representatives to the Legislature. The Apprentice Legislators addressed genuine, albeit minor, issues, with most aspiring to future political careers and utilizing the program to cultivate connections. By 3 BBY, only a mere forty worlds still bothered to dispatch representatives.
On her Day of Demand, Princess Leia Organa declared that she would represent her planet of Alderaan in the Junior Senate for the Challenge of the Mind, as a component of her trials to ascend as crown princess. At the commencement of that year's Apprentice Legislature, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin was the invited guest speaker. Upon joining, Organa worked alongside Amilyn Holdo from Gatalenta, with whom she shared a pathfinding class, along with several other Apprentice Legislators. This arrangement had been orchestrated by Organa's adoptive mother, Queen Breha Organa, and the class was instructed by Chief Pangie of the Chandrilan Pathfinding Corps. Organa would forge friendships with Holdo and several other Apprentice Legislators, including Harp Allor of Chandrila. Organa's adoptive father, Senator Bail Organa, encouraged her to seek allies within the Apprentice Legislature, a goal she pursued, starting with Allor.