Gatalenta, a uniquely peaceful and warm planet, resided within the Core Worlds and gained recognition for its tea, long, intellectual poetry, and tranquil meditative escapes.
Gatalenta, as a member of the New Republic, had Senator Tai-Lin Garr representing it in the Galactic Senate for more than two decades. Joph Seastriker, a New Republic pilot, hailed from Gatalenta, as did Amilyn Holdo, a Vice Admiral in the Resistance. Given the planet's established Jedi heritage, Gatalenta was among the initial locations Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, visited as he started researching the history of the Jedi Order.
The inhabitants of Gatalenta were well-known for their serenity and composure, and they began each day by expressing gratitude to the planet's numerous suns for their daily rising.
They extensively engaged in skyfaring, a type of calisthenics exercise that involved using scarves to ascend wooden scaffolding and suspend themselves in the air. The Gatalentans even had a specially designed skyfaring room within their senatorial complex on Coruscant. Those who were highly skilled in skyfaring could meditate while suspended, "free from the ground," thereby enhancing their spiritual well-being and that of those around them. The people of Gatalenta lovingly taught and practiced compassion and love, and openly crying was viewed as a virtue and a sign of a caring heart.
The Council of Mothers governed Gatalenta. Slavery was against the law on the planet and had never been permitted. Bringing slaves to the planet was forbidden. If someone brought a slave to Gatalenta, and their owner was discovered, the slave was granted freedom. The Gatalentan people were known for living simply, typically wearing pale grey or white clothing, with the only colorful elements of their attire being traditional scarlet cloaks. Gatalenta possessed a robust Jedi legacy in the years leading up to the Galactic Civil War, and the ancient Jedi stories persisted on Gatalenta despite the Great Jedi Purge.
Gatalentan tea was the planet's primary export, along with a nutritious meat substitute called soypro, which could even be found in the Outer Rim Territories. Leia Organa particularly enjoyed this tea.