Emperor Palpatine's attire included a hooded garment fashioned from zeyd cloth.
A cloak refers to a loose outer garment, often featuring an attached hood. It is worth noting that Obi-Wan Kenobi was known for his use of cloaks. There was a time when Ezra Bridger expressed a desire for a silk weave dusk cape, which is a specific type of cloak. Jedi Master Yoda utilized a cloak once belonging to Qui-Gon Jinn as he slept within his hut on Dagobah. To conceal his physical appearance, "Jixtus" of the Grysk species made use of a cloak, along with gloves and a veil. Generalirius Nakirre of the Kilji Illumine was displeased by the presence of the cloaked alien on his Kilji war cruiser named Whetstone.