Nakano Lash

During the Imperial Era, a female Nautolan known as Nakano Lash worked as a bounty hunter. The Starskimmer was the name of the ship from which she conducted her operations. After rescuing Beilert Valance from Galactic Empire stormtroopers, she took him under her wing and mentored him in the art of bounty hunting. Later, Khamus, the heir to the Mourner's Wail Syndicate, hired Lash and a team of other bounty hunters for a mission that would take place on the planet Corellia.

Unbeknownst to Lash, Khamus's real goal was to murder his partner Krynthia, who was the daughter of the Unbroken Clan's leader and was carrying his child. Lash committed murder by killing Khamus, thus betraying the other hunters by eliminating their employer. The failed mission forced her to go into hiding, but she resurfaced years later, making her a target for the bounty hunters she had double-crossed.


The Theft of the Hope of Glee Anselm

Lash with Aurra Sing & Jango Fett on Ord Mantell

When she was a child, Nakano Lash was in a dire situation and had no one to turn to for help. Her parents passed away at some point, and a grave was erected on the planet [Galmerah] (/article/galmerah) in their honor. Lash, seeking retribution against the Anselmi species because she held the entire race accountable for the deaths of her parents, assisted in the theft of the Hope of Glee Anselm, a sacred jewel belonging to the Anselmi, on the planet Jaloria at the request of Ambassador Fiarok. The ambassador, however, had the genuine jewel, while the one they stole was a fake. Bounty hunters Jango Fett and Aurra Sing eventually located her on Roxuli. She tried to get away from the cantina, but Fett stopped her. Sing and Fett then engaged in combat until she shot Huijari. Fett shielded Lash from Hijari's detonator. Lash made them an offer of the jewel due to the fact that hunters were after her. She did, however, admit that it was a forgery and offered to assist them in locating the actual thief.

Lash, Fett, and Sing traveled to the HoloNet News relay substation located on Ord Mantell. They came to the conclusion that Fiarok was manipulating them all while they were there. After giving them a recorded confession, Lash was permitted to leave while Fett and Sing took care of the Ambassador. The confession she gave was sufficient for Governor Tok to have the Ambassador arrested.

Saving Valance

Nakano Lash attacks Imperial stormtroopers to rescue Beilert Valance.

Lash eventually became a bounty hunter during the Galactic Empire's rule. Lash was present in a cantina in Phelar Port on the planet Eriadu sometime after 10 BBY, along with T'onga and T'ongor, who are twin bounty hunters, and Jhorstek, a black market tech dealer whom Lash had invited to the cantina for business. While the group was conversing, a young thief who was attempting to flee Imperial stormtroopers was apprehended and begged for assistance.

Jhorstek and the other hunters were reluctant to get involved, despite Lash's sympathy for the boy's situation due to her own experiences. However, before Lash could step in, the cyborg Beilert Valance, a former Imperial soldier who had sustained serious injuries while fighting for the Empire, attacked the stormtroopers. Valance was able to defeat the stormtroopers, but he was met by more reinforcements, who shot him down. Lash, against the wishes of her companions, went to Valance's aid and killed the remaining stormtroopers. Lash saved Valance, who had fallen, and had Jhorstek repair his damaged cybernetics. Lash mentored Valance following the incident on Eriadu, and he went on to become a bounty hunter.

Betraying a Client

Nakano Lash was hired by Khamus, the heir to the Mourner's Wail Syndicate, sometime before 3 ABY to attack a sanctuary belonging to the Unbroken Clan in Coronet City on the planet Corellia. Lash assembled a team of bounty hunters that included Valance, Bossk, Boba Fett, and T'ongor, and they entered the Unbroken Clan sanctuary with Khamus.

Nakano Lash kills Khamus

After Bossk, Fett, and Valance dealt with the Unbroken Clan guards, Lash broke through the door to the compound, allowing Khamus to kill his target, Krynthia, the daughter of the Unbroken Clan's leader, who was pregnant with his child. Lash watched in horror as Khamus stood over Krynthia, who was mortally wounded, and declared that he could not allow his father to learn that he had a child with someone of Unbroken Clan blood. Lash then shot Khamus, killing the Mourner's Wail Syndicate's sole heir.

T'ongor informed the other hunters of Lash's apparent betrayal upon Khamus's death. The other hunters abandoned the mission because their client was dead. Lash talked Tongor into assisting her in saving Krynthia, but Fett, who had been aiming to shoot Lash for betraying their client, killed T'ongor as they retreated with her. Krynthia passed away weeks later while giving birth to her daughter Cadeliah, whom Lash would raise and eventually use her rightful position as leader of both clans to put an end to the feud between them. Lash would then vanish into hiding sometime after that. T'onga, T'ongor's sister, blamed Lash for his death and vowed to get revenge on the bounty hunter.


Years later, Lash was reportedly seen close to the planet Kessel, and a sizable bounty was placed on her. Word of Lash's whereabouts spread throughout the galaxy, and a number of bounty hunters, including those who had participated in the mission on Corellia, intended to hunt her down in order to exact revenge. According to spies from the Mourner's Wail Syndicate, Lash used a transmitter to get in touch with the Unbroken Clan after she reappeared. According to information given to Bossk by Doctor Chelli Aphra, a rogue archaeologist, Lash had gone to her parents' grave on Galmerah, which contained a hidden set of map coordinates.

As Lash tried to avoid capture, the bounty hunter Ooris Bynar found Lash and Cadeliah on Ruusan. Despite capturing Cadeliah and threatening Lash, Lash eventually defeated and killed him. Lash and Cadeliah hid in the wreckage of a battle from the Clone Wars, but Valance and T'onga found them. Before T'onga could exact her revenge, Lash explained what had happened to her and the importance of Cadeliah, also convincing T'onga that she hadn't killed T'ongor but admitting that his death was on her hands. Just as T'onga let go of her desire for vengeance and wanted to return to her wife instead, she was shot and mortally wounded by Boba Fett. Valance fought Fett while Lash protected Cadeliah. Moments later, Vukorah's ship arrived, firing upon Lash's ship. Fett, seeing that Lash was doomed, escaped from Ruusan. Meanwhile, Lash was trapped inside her ship, and, seeing that she was no longer able to take care of Cadeliah, pleaded to Valance that he took care of the girl from then on. Although Valance said that he would not be able to protect her from the Unbroken Clan, Lash said she had never meet a better person than him who could do the task. Lash expressed her wish that she died knowing that Cadeliah, the only good she had ever raised, would be in good hands. After bequeathing her rifle to Valance, who escaped with Cadhelia, Lash died as her ship was obliterated by General Vukorah's ship.

Personality and Traits

Nakano Lash refused to let Khamus kill his target

Lash, a Nautolan female, possessed blue skin, black eyes, and a tattoo on her left arm. Lash felt sympathy for the young thief when she saw him begging for assistance to escape Imperial stormtroopers, in contrast to her fellow bounty hunters, who did not want to get involved and cause trouble. Lash identified with the thief and his predicament, and she made the decision to save Beilert Valance when he made an attempt to defend the boy.

Lash was unfazed by Khamus's complaints about her team or his threats of punishment if they failed during the mission on Corellia. Lash refused to let Khamus get away with killing his target in the Unbroken Clan sanctuary, and she jeopardized their mission and the lives of the other hunters in order to kill him.

Lash took it upon herself to protect Cadeliah after the failed job on Corellia, hoping that she could put an end to the war between the Mourner's Wail Syndicate and the Unbroken Clan, and she also cited her desire to finally do something good in her life as motivation.


Lash wore a mask that covered the upper half of her face and her left eye. She was armed with a large blaster rifle that had a scope and a bayonet attached to it. She wore a red cape over white armor and tan-colored clothing.

Behind the Scenes

Nakano Lash's inaugural appearance was in Bounty Hunters 1, a comic penned by Ethan Sacks, brought to life by the illustrations of Paolo Villanelli, and brought to the public by Marvel Comics on March 11, 2020.

