A cape was a type of clothing that was worn over other garments, secured around the neck, and hung down from the shoulders. The character Landonis Balthazar Calrissian frequently sported capes to showcase his personal taste and sense of style.

A cape can be described as an outer garment without sleeves, fastened at the neck, that drapes down from the shoulders. During the period of the Clone Wars, a business that sold capes, known as Land O' Capes, was located on the planet of Abafar. The human character Landonis Balthazar Calrissian considered capes to be a fashionable choice of attire. However, his associate Shriv Suurgav felt that they encroached on the personal space of others. L3-37, who often accompanied Calrissian, once commented that the wearing of a cape seemed to amplify Calrissian's already existing inflated ego.

Lando Calrissian, who held the title of Baron Administrator of Cloud City, was known to wear stylish capes, as were figures such as the Dark Lord of the Sith Dooku, formerly a Jedi Master. The cyborg General Grievous, who held the position of leader of the droid armies belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, also frequently wore a cape. He used it to conceal the lightsabers he had taken from Jedi. The suit of armor worn by Darth Vader, another Dark Lord, also featured a cape that was black. The 224th Imperial Armored Division on Mimban issued waterproof capes, referred to as "slicks," to their swamp troopers and wet-weather gear stormtroopers.
Director Orson Krennic was known for wearing a white cape with his Imperial uniform. Director Sliro Barsha of the Imperial Security Bureau also wore a cape as part of his uniform, which was trimmed with fur at the top. During the Battle of the Revelator, Barsha's brother Jaylen Vrax saw it and, just before executing his brother, complimented the cape, inquiring if the fur trim was Barsha's own design. Captain Phasma of the First Order wore a cape made of black and red armorweave over her chromium-plated armor. Following the Battle of Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren, a warrior of the dark side, began to wear a black cape.