The wet-weather gear stormtrooper, also known as the Mimban Stormtrooper when deployed on Mimban, represented a specialized adaptation of the standard stormtrooper utilized by the Galactic Empire. A number of these troopers served within the 224th Imperial Armored Division stationed on Mimban, a planet dedicated to mining activities and situated within the Expansion Region. The armor of these troopers was significantly modified to ensure effective performance in the planet's swampy conditions. In contrast to standard stormtrooper armor, their armor featured increased spacing between the plates at the shoulders, hips, and knees, which facilitated a wider range of motion.
These specialized stormtroopers carried E-11 medium blaster rifles as their primary weapon, and certain individuals either possessed or modified their armor to include bandoliers. To navigate the marshy terrain of Mimban during the Mimban Campaign conducted by the Galactic Empire approximately a decade prior to the Battle of Yavin, they donned waterproof capes referred to as slicks.
The wet-weather gear stormtroopers made their debut in the 2018 Star Wars Anthology movie Solo: A Star Wars Story. Interestingly, the extended, rubberized coats worn by these stormtroopers were the exact same coats that had previously been used by Imperial officers stationed in Jedha City in the 2016 Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.