Mimban, also known by its formal designation as Circarpous V, existed as a swamp planet within the Circarpous sector of the galaxy's Expansion Region. Its location along the Nanth'ri Trade Route made it the original homeworld for multiple sentient species, most notably the Mimbanese. For numerous decades, Mimban was a battleground between its indigenous inhabitants and various mining operations, drawn to the planet by its rich deposits of hyperbaride minerals.
During the era of the Clone Wars, the Mud Jumpers belonging to the Grand Army of the Republic's 224th Division assisted the Mimbanese Liberation Army in their efforts to repel the invading forces of the Separatist Droid Army. However, following the ascension of the Galactic Empire, the 224th returned to Mimban as a component of the Imperial Army with the objective to subjugate the Mimbanese population and ensure the uninterrupted continuation of Imperial energy mining activities, thereby placing them in direct conflict with their former allies.
The planet Mimban, officially designated as Circarpous V, was positioned within the Circarpous sector of the galaxy's Expansion Region, specifically at coordinates O-12 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Situated within a distant star system, it lay along the path of the Nanth'ri Trade Route, nestled between the planets Kerev Doi and Batuv. Its thick, ionized atmosphere generated perpetual thunderstorms, casting a constant overcast sky over the planet, while its marshy terrains were perpetually shrouded in mist.
As a humid world, Mimban's landscape was dominated by rainforests and swamps. The planet was abundant in valuable minerals, notably including substantial hyperbaride deposits. The planet's environmental state was greatly damaged by the Confederacy of Independent Systems's indiscriminate [mining](/article/mining] practices, resulting in the extensive formation of mud across the world during the period of the Clone Wars. The Galactic Empire's continued mining operations during the Imperial Era further devastated Mimban's ecosystem.

For the majority of its history, Mimban was largely overlooked by neighboring planetary systems, as it was considered too untamed and underdeveloped for colonization. However, the planet's rich hyperbaride deposits attracted the attention of various mining enterprises. In 22 BBY, during the initial year of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched an invasion of Mimban, motivated by its significant mineral resources. The Mud Jumpers of the Grand Army of the Republic's 224th Division provided arms and training to the Mimbanese Liberation Army, pledging to grant them freedom once the Separatist Droid Army had been repelled. The Clone Wars marked the beginning of Mimban's transformation into a persistent war zone.
The 501st Legion and the 224th Division's Mud Jumpers, under the command of Jedi General Laan Tik, engaged in combat on the planet. Additionally, the Republic provided training and support to the Mimbanese Liberation Army in order to drive back the Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Alongside the clone trooper forces, Representative Jar Jar Binks was dispatched to interact with the Mimbanese population. During the conflict, General Tik met his death, compelling the clone forces to retreat. Representative Binks was then placed in command.
At the Republic's base camp, Captain Rex received information that the droid's deflector shield generator was located three klicks away. Rex made the decision to contact command, designate the landing area, and request an extraction shuttle to evacuate his troops. However, Rex then resolved to personally disable the shield generator. One of his troopers and Binks accompanied him. Rex subsequently engaged in combat with a number of battle droids, but sustained a gunshot wound. Binks, utilizing General Tik's lightsaber, managed to rescue Rex. Rex took the lightsaber from Binks for his safety and proceeded alone to destroy the deflector shield generator. The two advanced, and Rex provided Binks with his DC-15A blaster rifle and continued his fight using his DC-17 blaster pistols.

Following the Galactic Empire's acquisition of control over Mimban through an occupation, swamp troopers and wet-weather gear stormtroopers belonging to the 224th Imperial Armored Division were stationed on the planet to engage in combat against Iasento and the Mimbanese Liberation Army. An Imperial prisoner by the name of Cassian Andor served within one of the Liberation Army's factions on Mimban; his role within the army was that of a cook. He was among the mere 50 survivors of the campaign within his unit, later stating that they had been fighting against those who should have been their allies. He mentioned his service on Mimban while en route to the planet Aldhani and claimed to have experienced combat.
After his expulsion from an Imperial Academy, Han Solo was reassigned to Mimban. During his tenure there, his commanding officer, Major Staz, was killed. Ultimately, Han was falsely accused of being a deserter by Tobias Beckett. Lieutenant Alayus Bolandin punished him by casting him into a makeshift execution pit to face Chewbacca, a Wookiee.
Mimban received its initial mention within the new Star Wars canon in "Rookies," which was the fifth episode of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' first season, originally broadcast on October 24, 2008. Initially conceived as the Bog Planet in the earliest drafts of the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, it made its first appearance in Splinter of the Mind's Eye, a 1978 Star Wars Legends novel authored by Alan Dean Foster. Certain concepts associated with Mimban were subsequently repurposed for Dagobah in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.
Early conceptual artwork for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story featured Mimban as a potential setting, before Jedha was developed to take its place. The planet was eventually depicted in the 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story. At one point during the movie's production, consideration was given to portraying Mimban as a planet characterized by an aquatic, swamp-like surface. According to script writer Jon Kasdan, the film's creative team aimed to emulate Stanley Kubrick's 1957 anti-war film Paths of Glory and immerse Han Solo in the most nightmarish war scenario imaginable.
Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition indicated that Mimban was located within the Circarpous system of the Expansion Region, while The Rise of Kylo Ren 4 stated that Mimban's Minemoon was situated within the Mid Rim.