The Battle of Mimban unfolded during the Clone Wars on the planet Mimban. This conflict saw the Mud Jumpers of the 224th Clone Division and clone troopers from the renowned 501st Legion engaged in combat against the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, who were at war with the Galactic Republic.
On the world of Mimban, combat raged between the 501st Legion and the Mud Jumpers of the 224th Clone Division, led by Jedi General Laan Tik. The Republic also provided training and support to Iasento's tribe in their efforts to defend against the Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks was dispatched to interact with the indigenous Mimbanese, alongside the deployment of clone trooper forces. Tragedy struck when General Tik was killed in action, compelling the clones to retreat. Command then fell to Representative Binks.
At the Republic encampment, Clone Captain Rex discovered that the droid's deflector shield generator was located a mere three klicks away. Rex initially intended to contact command, designate a landing zone, and request an extraction shuttle to evacuate his troops. However, he ultimately resolved to destroy the shield generator independently. One of his troopers and Binks accompanied him. Rex engaged and fought numerous battle droids, but sustained a gunshot wound. Binks, wielding General Tik's lightsaber, intervened and rescued Rex. Rex then relieved Binks of the lightsaber for his own safety and continued alone to obliterate the deflector shield generator. They pressed onward, and Rex gave Binks his DC-15A blaster rifle.
During the fighting on Mimban, the 224th's Mud Jumpers were played a song by a Hologram VJ from the Grand Army of the Republic's broadcast.
Despite the Republic's assurances of liberation, the Mimbanese were denied their freedom when the Republic underwent transformation into the Galactic Empire. The swamp troopers of the 224th subsequently battled their former allies for a period of twelve years. Lieutenant Alayus Bolandin informed his fellow officers and men that their objective was to establish a regime loyal to Emperor Palpatine.