The Mud Jumpers were a unit of clone troopers assigned to the 224th Clone Division within the Grand Army of the Republic. This division saw action during the Clone Wars, a massive pan-galactic war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
In the year 22 BBY, the Mud Jumpers, serving under the Galactic Republic's 224th Clone Division, forged an alliance with a Mimbanese tribe led by Iasento. The Mud Jumpers pledged to liberate the Mimbanese upon successfully repelling the Separatist invaders from Mimban. The Mimbanese people, eager for assistance, accepted both modern weaponry and training from the Mud Jumpers. Together, the Mud Jumpers and the Mimbanese fought and were victorious in driving the Separatist forces off of Mimban. The 501st Legion also participated in this conflict; at one point, Clone Captain Rex and Jedi General Laan Tik fought alongside the Mud Jumpers. During that battle, Captain Rex gave orders for the Mud Jumpers to reinforce General Tik, however Tik was eventually killed and the Republic forces were compelled to withdraw.
While engaged in combat, the Mud Jumpers were recognized by the host during a holographic music broadcast for the Grand Army of the Republic.
The Mud Jumpers were initially referenced in "Rookies," a 2008 episode from the first season of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Their first on-screen appearance occurred in "501 Plus One," a comic book released in 2019.