501 Plus One

"501 Plus One" is a comical narrative featuring Captain Rex and Jar Jar Binks; its initial appearance was in Age of Republic Special 1 on January 16, 2019.

Plot summary

The story commences with the Battle of Arantara, where Clone Captain Rex awakens to find Jedi General Anakin Skywalker standing before him on [Arantara](/article/arantara]. Rex expresses his relief that Skywalker arrived for him. Skywalker responds that he should have been the one present from the beginning, remarking, "A leader should always lead from the front."

Subsequently, during the Battle of Mimban, Captain Rex commands the 501st and instructs the Mud Jumpers to provide support to Jedi General Laan Tik. The General retorts that he is capable of handling the situation independently. Rex directs Hardcase to evacuate the Senator from the combat zone. Hardcase responds enthusiastically, noting that the Senator's presence there is inappropriate. Rex explains that they required a "swamp native" to communicate with the Mimbanese. Jar Jar Binks then emerges, revealing himself as the Senator, exclaiming, "mesa no wanna die bombad" and regretting his decision to leave home.

Hardcase observes that Binks is doing a "heck of a job," but Rex insists on ensuring his safety. General Laan Tik is struck down by blaster fire originating from battle droids. Another clone warns of the intense incoming fire. Following the General's demise, Rex clarifies that the chain of command now rests with the Senator. Binks kneels beside the fallen Jedi General, lamenting, "theesa muy muy bombad." Rex orders Hardcase to retreat, utilizing suppressing fire to cover their withdrawal, and assigns Jesse the task of evacuating Senator Binks.

After they have regrouped, Rex confers with the other clone troopers. One clone reports that the deflector shield generator is located three klicks away. Hardcase points out that they are still at a numerical disadvantage. Denal concurs with Hardcase, deeming an assault on the heavily defended shield generator as a suicidal endeavor. Rex instructs the clones to establish contact with Republic Military command to coordinate an "exfil" shuttle, confirming his order for his men to withdraw.

Subsequently, Rex initiates a solitary mission to disable the shield generator, but Denal insists on accompanying him. Rex, unwilling to risk additional lives, instructs the trooper to evacuate the battalion, stating that they can advance if he manages to bring down the shields. He reminds the clone of his directive to safeguard the senator, to which the trooper responds with a quip about keeping him out of trouble, but Rex reiterates his orders. Binks observes from behind a cluster of foliage.

Some hours later, Rex is engaged in combat with several B1-series battle droids and a B2-series super battle droid. Rex is struck in the shoulder pauldron by a blaster bolt, causing him to drop his weapon. Surrounded by battle droids, he is shot in his right shoulder. A droid commands its comrades to "waste him," but the droids are bisected by a blue lightsaber that once belonged to Tik. Rex inquires if it is General Laan Tik, only to discover that it is Binks.

Binks inadvertently drops the lightsaber, explaining that he retrieved it to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. Rex jokingly remarks that it would be like yourself. Rex orders Binks to give him the lightsaber or he will get himself killed. Binks responds that "mesa almost did five times." When Rex asks what he is doing here, Binks replies that he had come to save Rex and asks Rex what he was doing here.

Rex informs Binks of his objective to reach the Separatist shield generator. Upon Binks' inquiry about his solo journey, Rex explains that he sought to avoid endangering more of his men. Binks praises Rex as "muy muy brave" but claims that the Clone Captain is not so smart. Rex counters that a true leader leads from the front. Binks asks who told him that and Rex replies that it was a friend.

At that moment, an explosion erupts before them, and a contingent of B1 battle droids, B2 super battle droids, droidekas, and at least one STAP advances. Rex questions Binks' bravery in venturing out alone, urging the senator to assist him in completing the attack. Binks expresses his pride in fighting alongside the Captain. Rex instructs Binks to take his blaster, prompting Binks to ask the Clone Captain what he is going to use. Rex brandishes two smaller hand-held DC-17 blaster pistols, reassuring Binks not to worry about him before inquiring if he is ready. Binks affirms his readiness, and Rex proposes they proceed. The comic concludes with Binks inquiring about wielding the lightsaber, which Rex declines. Binks replies "mesa didna think so." The two charge at the battle droids with Rex taking out a super battle droid and a STAP.

