
During the Clone Wars, Hardcase was a clone trooper of the Galactic Republic who fought alongside Clone Captain CT-7567, also known as "Rex," within the ranks of the 501st Legion. He participated in several early battles, including those on Benglor, Hisseen, and Mimban. When the 501st was sent to the Battle of Umbara, the troopers, including Hardcase, found their Jedi General, Anakin Skywalker, replaced by Pong Krell. Krell's questionable battle strategies led to significant losses, which caused division among the troops. Hardcase defied Krell's orders on several occasions during the battle, including when he and ARC trooper CT-5555, nicknamed "Fives," infiltrated the Umbaran airbase to commandeer Umbaran starfighters. Later, Hardcase, Fives, and CT-5597, known as "Jesse," embarked on an unsanctioned mission using the starfighters to destroy a Separatist supply ship, during which Hardcase gave his life to ensure the ship's destruction.


Early life

Hardcase was a clone originating from the genetic material of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Like all [clone troopers](/article/clone_trooper], he was brought into existence on the planet Kamino. A malfunction in his growth acceleration chamber on Kamino, specifically a leak, resulted in Hardcase exhibiting a distinctly hyperactive personality. Upon completing his training regimen, Hardcase became a soldier within the Grand Army of the Republic's 501st Legion, dedicating himself to fighting for the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the Clone Wars.

Mission to Benglor

Shortly after the beginning of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Hardcase, along with other members of the 501st Legion, traveled to the planet Benglor to investigate suspected Separatist activity in the area. Under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, the legion endured the intense heat of the planet as they scoured the forests for any indication of the Droid Army's presence. During a period of rest, Hardcase stumbled upon a peculiar slime-like substance. Suspecting it might be a clue to the Separatists' operations on the planet, he promptly notified his superior officer, Clone Captain Rex. Soon after, other clones discovered the scattered remains of a B1-series battle droid, arranged in a line that led further into the depths of the forest.

Hardcase is attacked by the creature.

One of the troopers, named Bellow, followed the trail of droid scraps until he was suddenly ambushed by a native creature. Hardcase immediately began firing upon the creature using his Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, in an attempt to shield his comrade from harm. However, the beast seemed unfazed by the trooper's barrage and proceeded to swallow Bellow whole. Consumed by rage at the death of his brother, Hardcase disregarded the orders given by Captain Rex and charged directly at the creature, only to be swatted aside by the powerful beast. As the animal prepared to attack the downed trooper, General Skywalker intervened, using the Force to subdue the creature, allowing Hardcase and the rest of the clones to retreat to safety. Skywalker then reprimanded Hardcase for his insubordination, emphasizing the importance of following orders in the future.

Siege of Hisseen

Hardcase fights alongside Rex and CC-2224 "Cody" on Hisseen.

Some time after the mission to Benglor, within the same year, Hardcase and the 501st fought on the world of Hisseen. Their enemy was the forces of Count Dooku, the leader of the Droid Army, who aimed to coerce the Hisseenian parliament into joining the Separatist cause. The clone legion fought alongside members of the 104th and 212th Battalions of the Grand Army to defend a Hisseenian village from the relentless assault of Dooku's army. Despite their efforts, they were soon overwhelmed by the superior power of the opposing B2-series super battle droids. However, the arrival of Generals Skywalker, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan Kenobi shifted the momentum of the battle in favor of the Republic. After neutralizing the droid threat, the Jedi departed to confront Dooku directly, leaving the clones behind to safeguard the village. Shortly after, more droids arrived, engaging Hardcase and the other clone forces in another intense firefight. During the battle, the troopers received a communication from General Koon, who requested reinforcements be dispatched to his location.

Battle of Mimban

Hardcase and the 501st participated in the Battle of Mimban alongside the Mud Jumpers, under the command of Captain Rex, supporting Jedi General Laan Tik. They were joined by Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks, intended to serve as a liaison with the local Mimbanese population. Rex instructed Hardcase to escort Binks out of the active combat zone to ensure his safety. Hardcase complied with the order, while also expressing his opinion that the representative should be on the battlefield, and sarcastically remarking on the "great job" Binks was doing. When Laan Tik was suddenly killed by battle droid blaster fire, command fell to Binks, and the troopers were forced to retreat. Hardcase received orders to provide covering fire during the withdrawal.

Pursuit on Saleucami

Jesse, Hardcase, and Kix on Saleucami

In 21 BBY, General Grievous successfully captured Jedi Master Eeth Koth. However, Koth was later rescued, leaving Grievous stranded on the nearby planet of Saleucami. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi then led clone troopers from both the 501st and 212th Attack Battalion in a mission to locate and capture Grievous. During this operation, Hardcase rode on a BARC speeder alongside Captain Rex, as well as fellow 501st troopers Kix and Jesse. After Rex sustained an injury from a droid attack, Hardcase and the others decided to leave him at a farm while they continued with their mission. Ultimately, Grievous managed to evade capture by the Republic forces.

Battle of Umbara

Hardcase during the battle

In the year 20 BBY, Hardcase and the 501st were sent to participate in the Battle of Umbara. Skywalker spearheaded the initial assault, assisting the troops in reaching a strategic ridge. However, they were soon forced to evacuate the area as Republic air support arrived. Following this engagement, Skywalker was summoned back to Coruscant and replaced by Jedi General [Pong Krell](/article/pong_krell]. After a grueling march towards the capital, Krell ordered the troops to advance directly down the main road. Despite some initial reservations about the plan, Rex directed Hardcase and the other squads to proceed as ordered. When the clone trooper Tup questioned the lack of reconnaissance of the city's defenses, Hardcase confidently responded that he believed they could handle whatever they encountered. During the subsequent ambush, Hardcase unleashed a barrage of fire upon the advancing natives with devastating effect, taunting his enemies until the overwhelmed clones were forced to retreat. When Krell dispatched reinforcements to assist them, Hardcase turned and fired at the Umbarans, shouting at them as they began to fall back.

As the campaign continued, the troops began to openly question Krell's seemingly illogical and costly tactics. Hardcase initially remained focused, attempting to maintain a positive outlook for the challenges ahead. However, his perspective gradually shifted as the campaign progressed. Despite his initial optimism regarding the assault on the Umbaran airbase, he began to understand the concerns voiced by the majority of the troops, including ARC trooper Fives and Jesse. As the troops advanced along a narrow path directly into Umbaran resistance, Rex ordered a full retreat, defying Krell's orders to press forward in the face of the Umbaran Militia's mobile heavy cannons. Hardcase and the others retreated and attempted to use rocket launchers to disable the mobile cannons, but their armor proved too resilient. Hardcase then devised his own plan, and together with Fives, Rex tasked them with infiltrating the airbase to steal two Umbaran starfighters, directly contradicting Krell's orders for a full frontal assault. While Rex and the other troops continued to hold their ground and suffer further casualties, Hardcase and Fives infiltrated the base. Quickly learning the controls, they flew back and used the fighter's superior firepower to destroy the cannons.

After securing the airbase, Hardcase and clone trooper Dogma reported to Krell to inform him of the increased number of Umbarans attacking the base. Krell ordered the two clones to interrogate the prisoners to reconfigure the base's security for an effective defense. Now holding a position instead of constantly advancing, the clones had more time to debate Krell's leadership. When the majority of the troopers believed that Krell was out of control, Hardcase, Jesse, and Fives formulated a plan to use the captured Umbaran starfighters to disable the Separatist supply ship that was in orbit on the planet. The ship was resupplying nearby forces that was putting pressure on the 501st and their position.

Hardcase flying an Umbaran starfighter

After cracking into the access codes, Hardcase once again attempted to fly the fighter in the hangar, which ended poorly. When they suggested the plan to Rex, he admitted he liked it but eventually returned to tell them that Krell had vetoed the idea. Tup voiced his concerns about their flying abilities, citing Hardcase's poor display that they would not last very long in an aerial engagement. When Hardcase again attempted to fly the fighter and accidentally destroyed the hangar, Krell confronted him. Hardcase explained that he had been working on the fighter when an enemy booby trap went off, which satisfied Krell but also reaffirmed that he would not be authorizing their mission. Regardless, Hardcase agreed to disobey Krell's orders and accompanied Jesse and Fives, who commandeered starfighters in an attempt to destroy a droid supply ship themselves instead of going along with Krell's plan.

The sacrifice

Hardcase's last moments

The three clones flew through the space battle, forming up behind other Umbaran starfighters and maneuvering to get close to the supply ship. When they were discovered, they flew into the interior of the ship to blow it from the inside. When their rogue operation was looking like it would fail, Hardcase got out of his starfighter to blow up the ship himself. Fives told him to get back inside his ship, but Hardcase was firm in his decision, saying it was the only way. When Jesse convinced Fives to let Hardcase finish their mission, Hardcase grabbed one of the wing-mounted missile pods on the ship and hurled it into the reactor. As Fives and Jesse flew away, Hardcase looked back at his brothers and smiled as he sacrificed his life to destroy the supply ship.

Personality and traits

Hardcase was excited by combat.

Hardcase, a human male clone derived from Jango Fett's genetic template, possessed a height of 1.83 meters, equivalent to 6 ft. His physical characteristics included black hair, which he maintained in a shaved state, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and a complexion characterized by tan skin.

Hardcase was a dedicated and courageous clone, but he often created his own strategies and sometimes disobeyed orders. General Skywalker reprimanded him for doing just that during the Mission to Benglor. Hardcase enjoyed a good fight and embraced the danger of their missions, even finding pleasure in destroying his enemies. He described himself as hyper-active and blamed it on a leak in his growth chamber. Hardcase's eagerness for battle and his hyperactivity made his personal weapon of choice, the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, the perfect weapon for him to become an expert at using in combat.

When Hardcase and the others worked on the fighters, Hardcase teased and joked with his brothers. On the Separatist supply ship, Hardcase chose to sacrifice himself to aid in the destruction of the ship as a final favor to his comrades, whom he cared for deeply. He kept his head shaved throughout the war, and like many of his fellow clones, Hardcase had personalized tattoos on his face.

Skills and abilities

Hardcase favored his Z-6 rotary blaster cannon

Being a clone trooper, Hardcase had proficiency in both armed and unarmed combat, as well as knowledge of military strategy. Hardcase was a heavy weapons specialist.


Early in the war, Hardcase, like the rest of the clones, wore a set of standard Phase I clone trooper armor with distinct blue armor. Later, he would make the switch to Phase II clone trooper armor along with the rest of the clones, keeping the distinct, personalized design from his Phase I armor. His weapon of choice was a powerful, rapid-fire Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, although he could be seen with a DC-15A blaster rifle during the Battle of Umbara.

Behind the scenes

Hardcase made his debut in "The Deserter," which was initially broadcast on January 1, 2010 as part of The Clone Wars: Season Two. Dee Bradley Baker, who provided the voice for all of the clones in the series, voiced him.

