
Kix, initially identified as CT-6116, was a clone medic from a bygone era who once served within the Grand Army of the Republic's 501st Legion. He served under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. Throughout the war, Kix developed a strong bond with CT-5597, another clone in the 501st who was known as "Jesse." They were often seen together on various assignments.

During 21 BBY, Kix participated in the Battle of Saleucami, where he operated under the direction of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. During the conflict, his captain, CT-7567 "Rex," sustained a gunshot wound, which compelled Kix, Jesse, and Hardcase to leave him at a nearby residence for his own safety. In 20 BBY, Kix took part in the Republic invasion of the planet Umbara. There, the 501st was placed under the command of Jedi General Pong Krell, a decision that was met with disapproval from Kix and his fellow clone troopers. During the campaign, Kix played a role in equipping stolen Umbaran starfighters that were later used by Jesse, Fives, and Hardcase to destroy the Separatist ship that was supplying arms to the Umbaran capital. It was subsequently revealed that Krell was secretly working against the Republic, leading Kix and the 501st to apprehend, imprison, and ultimately execute the disgraced Jedi.

After witnessing his close friend CT-5385 "Tup" involuntarily shoot and kill Jedi Master Tiplar, Kix grew suspicious and launched his own investigation. The clone medic eventually uncovered the Sith plot against the Jedi Order: each clone trooper had an inhibitor chip implanted in their brains, which would allow Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to issue an order to execute the Jedi. However, before Kix could act on his discovery, the Confederacy of Independent Systems captured him and froze him in stasis. He remained in this state for fifty years until a group of pirates led by Sidon Ithano found him. Awakening in a time far removed from the fall of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, Kix became a member of the crew of the Crimson Corsair.


The Clone Wars

Search for Grievous

Kix assesses the injured Rex.

CT-6116, more commonly known as "Kix," was a clone medic within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. As the Clone Wars progressed, the Jedi became increasingly eager to capture General Grievous, the commander of the Separatist droid army. Following a battle in the skies above the planet Saleucami, Grievous was compelled to eject from his ship using an escape pod, eventually landing on the planet's surface. In an attempt to capture the general, Obi-Wan Kenobi assembled a team of clone troopers, including Kix, to track him down. The clones eventually located the wreckage of Grievous's ship, with Cody observing and informing Kenobi that the crash was recent. Kenobi decided to divide the group into two teams, assigning Rex, along with Kix, Jesse, and Hardcase, to search for the remaining escape pods, while he, Cody, and Crys remained behind to investigate the crashed ship further.

Riding their individual BARC speeders, Kix's team scoured the planet's wetlands for the remaining escape pods. Unbeknownst to them, two commando droids were observing them from a distance. Using a sniper rifle, they targeted Rex, causing him to fall off his speeder. As the team's medic, Kix immediately turned back to assist the unconscious captain, while Jesse and Hardcase pursued the snipers. While Jesse and Hardcase eliminated the commando droids, Kix examined Rex's injuries, discovering that he was still alive but had sustained a severe wound, having been shot only two inches from his heart. Realizing that they could not continue their mission in their current state, they decided to seek shelter. Noticing a domesticated eopie nearby, Kix deduced that they were on farmland, prompting the group to search for the farmer's homestead.

Kix (center) and the clones, surrounding the newly awakened Rex

Upon discovering a nearby homestead, they were met with apprehension by a female Twi'lek, Suu Lawquane, who aimed her rifle at them. Kix and Jesse reassured her that they meant no harm and only needed a place for their injured captain to rest for the night. Suu granted them permission to stay and allowed them to use the barn. Inside, Kix treated Rex's wound with a bacta bandage, allowing him to regain consciousness shortly after. As he awoke, Jesse and Hardcase informed him of what had transpired. Much to Rex's dismay, Kix insisted that he was in no condition to fight and continue their mission, and that he needed to rest. Rex, not wanting to jeopardize the mission, delegated the responsibility of leading the group to Jesse. Kenobi then contacted the group via comlink, with Jesse informing him about Rex's injury and his new role as the group's leader. Kenobi informed him that Grievous was heading for an abandoned but functional escape pod, ordering them to head westward to trap the general between the two squads.

Later, Jesse contacted Kenobi, informing him that he had a clear view of the escape pod and that Grievous had already arrived. By the time Kix and his team arrived, Kenobi and his team were already engaged with Grievous's forces. As they fired at the battle droids from their speeders, Jesse spotted a Separatist shuttle approaching the planet and alerted Kenobi via comlink. As the shuttle approached, the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer's guns overheated, prompting Kenobi to engage Grievous in a one-on-one duel. Their duel was brief, as the shuttle descended low enough for Grievous to launch a tow cable at it, allowing him to escape. While Kix remained with Hardcase on the speeders, Jesse and Cody rejoined Kenobi's company, where he instructed them to contact the fleet to request a shuttle for pickup.

Umbaran Campaign

Later in the war, Kix joined the 501st legion, led by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and CT-7567 "Rex," in a large-scale assault on the planet Umbara to combat the Umbaran Militia and reclaim the planet from the Separatists. As gunships transported troops to the ground, the battle commenced, with Kix and the rest of the 501st engaging and intercepting Umbaran forces north of the capital city. Despite gaining ground, the 501st suffered heavy casualties due to the relentless enemy forces. Eventually, the clone pilot Davijaan "Odd Ball," along with his team of Y-wing bombers, dropped munitions on a ridge, eliminating all Umbarans in the area and temporarily halting the battle. During this lull, General Pong Krell arrived, having also been involved in the assault. Upon landing, he informed Skywalker that he had been ordered back to Coruscant without delay, and that he, Krell, would assume command of the 501st for the remainder of the Umbaran campaign. Reluctantly, Skywalker boarded a Republic gunship as Rex greeted the new general.

Kix requests that the men get some rest.

Kix and the 501st immediately began moving under the strict orders of the Besalisk Jedi Master. The men traversed the rugged Umbaran terrain for 12 consecutive hours, causing Kix to worry about his brothers' increasing exhaustion. Kix voiced his concerns to Rex, who suggested that the group set up camp on a nearby ridge. Krell dismissed the suggestion, stating that rest was a luxury the Republic could not afford and that they would continue marching. The clones eventually reached the capital, where Krell immediately briefed them on new orders. The clones were instructed to abandon Skywalker's initial plan to surprise attack the Umbarans and instead launch a full-frontal assault, which would likely result in high casualties. Rex disagreed with this plan, but they followed the order nonetheless. As Kix and the other members of the 501st reached the main road, the Umbarans launched a surprise attack, forcing them to retreat.

To counter the Umbaran forces, the clones entered the jungle, where they continued to face heavy blaster fire from the enemy, resulting in numerous casualties. Kix tended to as many of the injured as he could, requesting cover from Rex, Dogma, and Jesse as he administered temporary stimulants to the fallen troopers. During the battle, Krell received word from General Kenobi that he was unable to capture the capital and would require the 501st to capture an Umbaran Airbase. Krell agreed, and after the Umbaran forces were repelled, they set off for the airbase. Many of the troops, including Kix, Jesse, CT-5385 "Tup," and CT-5555 "Fives," voiced their objections to Krell's tactics. Although Rex attempted to defend them, the clones remained uneasy. Rex then divided the 501st into two separate groups. Rex led his division along the outskirts of the canyon, while Fives led his division, which included Kix, through the other side of the gorge. Fives' division was the first to encounter Umbaran resistance in the form of an Impeding Assault Tank. Kix tended to the wounded as the rest dealt with the tank before continuing on together.

Kix and Rex argue over the injured men.

As they continued their march, Kix noticed several banshees scavenging the bodies of their fallen comrades. Angered by this, he immediately attacked them, shooting and killing the flying creatures. Rex then ordered Kix to leave them and continue moving forward. As the troops approached the airbase, the Umbarans deployed an Umbaran mobile heavy cannon to engage the clones. The cannon easily cut through the clones, causing significant casualties. Rex contacted Krell about the impending threat, requesting immediate backup, but his request was denied. Krell ordered the clones to press on with the attack. Rex, obeying the order, mobilized the remaining men and instructed Kix to keep the wounded as quiet as possible. As expected, their weapons were no match for the heavy cannon, and the 501st quickly suffered severe losses. In the chaos, Kix requested assistance in moving the wounded to safety, and Rex quickly came to help. Just as Kix was about to rescue more of the injured, Rex told him that they would have to be left behind. Kix strongly disagreed, arguing that they could not simply abandon the men. Rex countered that it was more important to save themselves in the given situation, and that if they survived, he would be able to patch up the wounded later. Kix remarked that Rex sounded just like General Krell. Seeing no other option, Rex ordered Fives and Hardcase to infiltrate enemy lines and steal two of the enemy's starfighters to provide air support. They succeeded in their mission, destroying the heavy cannons with the starfighters and capturing the airbase.

Despite the capture of the airbase, the Umbarans were still receiving supplies and arms shipments from a supply ship orbiting the planet. Despite this, General Krell decided against destroying the ship and instead ordered the clones to continue advancing on the capital. Many of the clones, particularly Fives, disagreed with Krell's strategy and suggested using the stolen Umbaran starfighters to destroy the supply ship. Rex proposed the new plan to Krell, who dismissed it as a waste of time, stating that the attack on the capital would proceed as planned. Outraged, Fives took matters into his own hands, defying the general by gathering Hardcase and Jesse to assist him with his mission. Kix supported this and helped prepare the starfighters for the impending attack on the supply ship. Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase proceeded with their plan without General Krell's knowledge. Their mission was successful: they infiltrated enemy lines, with Hardcase sacrificing himself to manually destroy the ship. However, they were not greeted as heroes upon their return to Umbara, as Fives and Jesse were court-martialed for defying a direct order from the general.

Kix as part of the firing squad, preparing to execute Fives and Jesse for their insubordination.

Rex attempted to persuade the irrational Jedi to reconsider the court-martial of Jesse and Fives, but his efforts only worsened the situation. Krell ordered the immediate execution of the two clones for their insubordination, calling for a firing squad. Kix was among the men in the firing squad who, upon being ordered to execute their brothers, refused, instead intentionally missing and hitting the wall behind them. Dogma expressed his shock, insisting that the clones must follow their orders. Rex sarcastically wished him luck in finding someone else willing to do it. Krell then summoned both Rex and Dogma to explain why they had failed to carry out the execution. As Rex and Krell argued, they received a transmission from a clone claiming that the Umbarans had attacked them, stealing their weapons and armor. Krell decided that it was best for the clones to launch an attack while they still could, reminding Rex to inform the troops that the Umbarans would be wearing clone armor. The 501st immediately moved to engage in battle, only to be met with heavy enemy fire. Kix, using his night-vision filters, observed that the opposing soldiers were wearing 212th armor and concluded that they were disguised Umbarans, as Krell had warned. The battle ensued briefly before Rex realized that the enemies were not Umbarans in disguise but were actually their own brothers in the 212th Legion.

Kix and Tup are shocked to find they've killed their own brothers.

Rex frantically ran across the battlefield, removing his helmet and shouting that they were all clones and to cease fire. Upon this realization, members of both the 501st and the 212th Legions were shocked, removing their helmets and looking at each other in disbelief. Kix quickly located the platoon leader, Waxer, who had been mortally wounded. He called Rex over to determine how the two clone legions had ended up attacking each other. Kix tended to his injuries as the shell-shocked Waxer informed them that his men had been notified that the enemy were wearing their armor and were ordered to attack by General Krell. A tear rolled down Waxer's cheek as he succumbed to his injuries. Rex gathered a group of men, including Kix and Tup, and suggested that they arrest Krell for treason against the Republic. Back at the airbase, Kix, Tup, and Rex freed Fives and Jesse from their cell and gathered more men to storm the command center. The clones confronted Krell about his recent actions, to which he responded by activating his double-bladed lightsabers and instantly slicing through several clones. He then fled the command center, smashing and leaping out of the windows.

Krell escaped into the Umbaran jungle, with the clones in close pursuit. They eventually caught up, and Krell attacked, causing even more casualties. As Kix and the other clones fired on him, Tup devised a plan. The clones lured the rogue Jedi towards him, and Tup baited the general into the tentacles of a ravenous vixus, which quickly grabbed him and tossed him around. Tup then shot the vixus, killing it and causing Krell to fall to the ground, where the clones stunned him. Krell was taken to the same prison block where he had imprisoned Jesse and Fives not long before. There, he revealed that he had been plotting with the Separatists from the beginning, taunting them that they had all been foolish. The clones soon received word that an attack from the Umbarans was imminent, so Rex made the difficult decision to execute Krell to prevent him from escaping during the attack. Rex, Jesse, Fives, Tup, and Dogma then re-entered the prison block, where Rex prepared to execute the rogue Jedi. Krell tormented Rex, knowing that he would be unable to execute a Jedi Master; however, Dogma, his most loyal trooper, suddenly shot the Besalisk traitor. Following this, Kenobi's forces captured the capital, and the Umbaran threat was diminished.

Battle of Kiros

Shortly after the Umbaran campaign, Kix and the rest of the 501st legion were dispatched to Kiros after governor Gupat Roshti, the leader of a colony of Togrutas residing on the planet, decided to negotiate with Count Dooku regarding the welfare of his people. Upon arriving on the planet, Kix and the rest of the 501st, led by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, rode BARC speeders as they traversed the colony. They quickly noticed that the colony was eerily silent, with no colonists in sight, leading Rex to speculate that the Separatists might be using them as living shields. As they approached the city center, they encountered a group of commando droids, who led them into an Armored Assault Tank along with several other B1-series battle droids. After a brief skirmish, they defeated them, prompting Kenobi to order the securing of the city center and the governors' tower. Kenobi then received a transmission from a Zygerrian named Darts D'Nar, who was inside the governors' tower, requesting a meeting to discuss his surrender.

Kix treats a wounded clone trooper on Kiros.

Upon entering the tower, Kenobi immediately saw D'Nar communicating with Count Dooku and fellow Zygerrian Atai Molec via hologram. Dooku instructed D'Nar to bring Kenobi to him on his knees, stating that he would be forced to surrender. D'Nar then revealed that he had planted bombs throughout the city and would detonate them if Kenobi did not surrender. Kenobi countered that if he were to surrender, the Zygerrian would first have to release the colonists whom the Separatists had clearly kidnapped. D'Nar responded with a counteroffer, detonating one of the bombs. The explosion occurred near the Republic forces on the ground, injuring several clones. Skywalker called for a medic to treat a wounded clone, and Kix immediately rushed to assist. While Kix tended to the numerous injured men, Skywalker and Tano set out to disarm the remaining bombs, and Kenobi continued to negotiate with D'Nar.

The biochip conspiracy

Toward the end of the war, Kix participated in the Battle of Ringo Vinda, a military operation where the 501st, under Skywalker's command, was sent to defeat Separatist forces on a space station orbiting the planet Ringo Vinda. During the battle, clone trooper Tup inexplicably shot and killed Jedi General Tiplar, forcing the Republic forces to retreat. After securing a safe location, they tried to determine why Tup had brutally murdered a commander in cold blood. Taking the unstable clone aside, Rex suggested that Tup had simply snapped, as he began repeating "good soldiers follow orders." As the medic, Kix assessed Tup and waved his hand in front of the clone's face. Tup suddenly lashed out, forcing Tiplar's sister, Tiplee, to restrain him using the Force.

Following this incident, Tup was placed in a medical bay to rest. Later, Kix, Fives, Rex, Tiplee, and Skywalker returned to check on his condition. Tup was conscious again, completely unaware of his actions. Upon being informed by Fives of what he had done, he broke down, denying that it was possible. His strong reaction prompted the medical droid to sedate him. Skywalker then asked Kix if he had reviewed all of Tup's medical scans. Kix replied that, to his knowledge, it appeared to be combat-related stress that had caused him to break down. Rex and Fives remained unconvinced, noting that clones were engineered to withstand such stress. They suggested that it could be the result of biological warfare and that the enemy had drugged him into killing the Jedi. Kix concluded that the only way to determine what had happened for certain was to send Tup to Kamino for a thorough examination.

After the events of the Ringo Vinda campaign, the 501st Legion returned to Coruscant. One night after their arrival, Kix and Jesse were at the clone bar, 79's, socializing. Fives, who had been framed for attempting to assassinate Supreme Chancellor Palpatine after discovering the truth behind Tup's execution of Jedi Master Tiplar, sought refuge in the bar while on the run from Republic forces. Upon entering, he spotted Kix and followed him into the bathroom. While the clone medic was looking at himself in the mirror, Fives spoke to him, mentioning that the 501st was back on Coruscant. Kix then mentioned that a strange incident had occurred on Ringo Vinda, at which point Fives revealed himself, stating that he knew about it.

Fives tells Kix of a terrible conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of the Republic.

Kix was shocked upon encountering Fives. He revealed that rumors had spread about Fives' alleged attempt to assassinate the Chancellor and his supposed infection with the same virus that had afflicted Tup. Fives then cryptically informed Kix that the clones and Jedi were victims of a setup, facing immense danger. He urgently requested contact with Rex or Skywalker, prompting Kix to suggest Fives surrender himself. Fives countered, stating that Kix failed to grasp the gravity of the situation, as he had stumbled upon a conspiracy reaching the highest echelons of the Republic. Fives then provided Kix with coordinates to relay to Rex, urging him to arrange a meeting. Kix consented, promising to deliver the message. They parted ways, with Kix wishing Fives well in his endeavors.

The information imparted by Fives deeply affected the clone medic, leaving him with numerous unanswered questions.

Aiding the Bad Batch

Kix (left) and Jesse (right) stare at each other upon witnessing The Bad Batch for the first time.

Later, Kix participated in the Battle of Anaxes, a prolonged conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems for control of Anaxes. Initially, the Republic forces suffered repeated defeats, with the Separatists nearing victory. Suspecting foul play, Rex and Cody conferred with Jedi Generals Skywalker and Mace Windu. Rex posited that the Separatists had acquired his combat strategy, and secretly believed that CT-1409 "Echo," an ARC trooper presumed dead during the Battle of Lola Sayu, was still alive, based on the tactics employed by both sides. To uncover the truth, Cody requested permission to lead a squad behind enemy lines to the Cyber Center alongside Rex.

Near the end of the war, Kix had grown out his hair, covering his tattoo in the process.

Windu approved Cody's plan, and the squad included Kix and Jesse. For this mission, Cody sought the assistance of Clone Force 99, known as "The Bad Batch," an elite group of clones with beneficial genetic mutations. Rex and Cody then summoned Kix and Jesse to accompany them in welcoming the mutated clones. Upon their arrival, the Bad Batch's shuttle made an aggressive landing in the hangar, prompting Kix and Jesse to exchange disapproving glances. Kix questioned their classification as clones, given their distinct appearance, to which Cody attributed their genetic modifications. Cody proceeded to introduce everyone, and the group boarded a Republic Gunship for transport behind enemy lines.

Kix examines Cody's injuries after the ship's crash.

As they neared the base, a group of B1 battle droids spotted the gunship and alerted a DSD1 dwarf spider droid, ordering it to shoot down the ship. After several shots, the gunship sustained a direct hit, causing it to crash. Upon exiting the wreckage, Kix noticed Cody trapped beneath debris and called for assistance. Wrecker, a member of the Bad Batch, volunteered to rescue him single-handedly, much to Kix's skepticism. Crosshair, the Batch's sniper, mocked Kix's concerns, clarifying that Wrecker intended to move the gunship, not Cody. Wrecker effortlessly lifted the gunship, freeing Cody's injured body as the ship erupted in flames. Kix assessed Cody's injuries, determining that he had internal damage and required immediate medical attention. As Kix retrieved his medikit, a large contingent of battle droids advanced towards their position. Kix, Jesse, and Rex stayed to care for Cody while Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, and Wrecker engaged the droids.

Kix and Crosshair fight after a disagreement.

Later that evening, after relocating from the crash site, the group established camp. During their meal, Kix and Jesse speculated about Hunter's genetic modification, before Tech interrupted them, revealing Hunter's enhanced tracking abilities. Due to his pain, Rex requested an extraction unit to transport Cody for advanced medical care. Informing the Bad Batch of the situation and their future course of action, Crosshair voiced his disagreement, questioning Rex's leadership in relying on the Bad Batch. Jesse immediately defended Rex, demanding to know who Crosshair thought he was addressing, before Wrecker grabbed him by the throat. Kix intervened to aid his friend, leading to a physical altercation with Crosshair. Rex and Hunter intervened to de-escalate the situation, reminding them of their shared purpose. The others prepared to resume the mission, while Kix remained with Cody to continue treatment until the extraction unit arrived.

Scheme to eliminate the Jedi

Following the Battle of Anaxes, Kix began to question the alleged virus that had driven clone trooper Tup to kill General Tiplar. He launched his own investigation after learning that Fives had uncovered the truth before his untimely demise. Kix eventually discovered that the biochip implanted in every clone soldier's head could transmit an order directly from the Chancellor to betray and execute the Jedi. However, his investigations were detected, and Count Dooku, the public leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and Darth Sidious' apprentice, ordered his abduction to prevent him from sharing his knowledge with the Jedi. Kix was captured and interrogated to determine if anyone else in the Republic was aware of the information. Deeming the trooper deceptive, the Separatists decided to send him to the Sith, placing him aboard a Separatist cruiser named the Obrexta III. On the ship, he was frozen and placed in a cryo-cycle stasis pod, to remain until the ship reached Serenno. As the cruiser departed, it was ambushed by Republic forces. Unable to raise shields, the Republic fleet inflicted heavy damage. A B1 battle droid, B1-CC14, concluded that the ship was unfit for Serenno and that Kix must not fall into Republic hands at any cost. With no other options, the droid jumped through hyperspace to a random sector in the galaxy, beyond the Republic's reach.

The jump transported the ship and its cargo, Kix, to the desert planet Ponemah Terminal, where it crashed. The ship, along with B1-CC14 and the other droids, lost power and remained lifeless for decades. Although Count Dooku never dealt with Kix directly, Kix was unable to warn the Jedi about the biochips, and Order 66 was executed, leading to the Jedi's extermination. Kix remained in stasis, and the ship remained untouched for 50 years.

The last clone trooper

Re-awakening from stasis

Sidon Ithano, captain of the Meson Martinet

Exactly fifty standard years after the Clone Wars concluded, Delphidian pirate Sidon Ithano and his Meson Martinet crew were in a cantina on Ponemah, the planet where the Obrexata III had crashed. The pirates decoded an old Clone Wars transmission from B1-CC14, who was desperately sending a distress signal, mentioning valuable cargo belonging to Count Dooku. Recognizing that the signal came from the crashed Separatist ship, Sidon Ithano and his crew set out to claim the treasure. However, other pirate groups, gangs, and raiders on the planet had also decoded the transmission. A race ensued, with none knowing that the "treasure" was Kix, still alive in stasis.

The groups clashed en route to the ship, with a major battle occurring between Sidon Ithano's crew and the Gray Gundarks swoop biker gang. Ithano's crew narrowly won and arrived at the ship first. They quickly reached the ship's vault, only to find a cryo-cycle stasis pod instead of treasure. Deciding to awaken it, they were shocked when Kix emerged, disoriented and struggling to breathe. He began rambling, explaining that he had learned a terrible truth about the clone troopers: the biochip in their heads, meant to prevent control, was actually designed to force them to betray and kill their Jedi generals. He recounted how the Separatists discovered his knowledge, kidnapped, tortured, and placed him in the stasis pod. Unsure of how long he had been frozen, Kix requested transport to the Republic to warn General Anakin Skywalker and save the Jedi, before losing consciousness.

Simultaneously, B1-CC14 briefly reactivated due to a power surge. Using its last functional sensor, it realized the vault had been breached. Remembering its orders to prevent Kix's escape, B1-CC14 triggered the emergency activation system, summoning super battle droids to the intruders' location. As the ship began to collapse, the Crimson Corsair ordered an immediate departure, taking the unconscious Kix. The droids killed the Ishi-Tib pirate, Pendewqell, while the rest of the crew headed for the escape pods, carrying Kix. With only one escape pod, Sidon Ithano bravely pushed his crew and Kix into it, launching it into the sand while he remained behind on the doomed cruiser.

Over three weeks after retrieving Kix instead of treasure, the Meson Martinet crew remained on Ponemah, awaiting their captain's return. Kix was still reeling from the revelations of galactic history, saddened that he could not save the Jedi and the Republic. Just as they were about to leave, Ithano reappeared, alive and well. He dismissed questions and handed Kix the Separatist cruiser's memory core, containing a map to every hidden Separatist factory. Kix agreed to join the Crimson Corsair's crew to explore the galaxy and discover new treasures.

Joining the Crimson Corsair

Kix's armor after his reawakening

Upon joining the Meson Martinet crew, Kix grew out his hair and beard, covering his scalp tattoo. He donned blue Phase I clone trooper armor with red stripes. At one point, Kix, Sidon Ithano, and a red Twi'lek named Reveth were ambushed by B1 battle droids in a misty swamp. C-3PO later referenced this event as "spooky."

When slavers led by Gruk captured Ithano's first mate, Quiggold, he described the Crimson Corsair's crew, portraying Kix as a vengeful clone unable to let go of a war that was over. Several slavers became uneasy upon hearing this, and as Quiggold finished, Kix arrived, killing several of Quiggold's captors. Along with Ithano and Reveth, Kix seized control of the bridge and freed Quiggold. Removing his helmet, he remained silent and isolated as Ithano outlined their future plans.

In 31 ABY, scoundrels at Takodana Castle discussed rumors of the long-lost clone trooper. A Devaronian loudly doubted the existence of a clone with the location of old Separatist treasures. The castle's janitor, Gannis Ducain, overheard this.

Character and Qualities

Kix in his full Phase II armor

As a trained clone trooper medic, Kix felt his authority surpassed others when it came to his comrade's well-being. Kix was more concerned with the health and safety of his fellow troopers than with his enemies, and he carried medpacs and pain stims to help in any way he could. During the Battle of Saleucami, Kix showed Rex respect when the clone told him he had been shot by a commando droid's sniper rifle. He was very worried about Rex's health, and he told Jesse and Hardcase that he needed to remove parts of Rex's armor to see how bad the injury was. Kix followed Jesse's orders to himself and Hardcase after Rex gave Jesse the lead. He deeply respected his fallen brothers, as shown when he got angry and attacked a group of banshees that were eating troopers' bodies. Kix, as a field medic, carried medpacs and other first-aid supplies to help injured clone troopers during battle. Kix also had a blaster rifle.

Kix's tattoo

Kix was a human male who was 1.83 meters, or 6 feet, tall, with brown eyes and tan skin. Kix always shaved his head. On the left side of his head, on his scalp, he had a tattoo that said "a good droid is a dead one" in Aurebesh, as well as other tattoos that looked like lightning bolts. Kix had a full head of hair by the Battle of Anaxes, which mostly covered this tattoo. After Sidon Ithano brought him back to life, Kix grew a beard but later shaved it. He fought as if the Clone Wars had never ended for him, and his fellow pirates said that his long-dead brothers seemed to whisper to him as he dealt with the pain of being the last of his kind. Quiggold says "He's so angry. And he's so sad."


Kix was a clone medic who had received medical training. He was taught how to handle everything from small injuries to wounds that could kill you. He also knew how to fight with weapons or without them, how to scout, and how to use military strategies.


Kix wore Phase II clone trooper armor with blue markings, like the other members of the 501st Legion, for the rest of the Clone Wars after his time in Phase I clone trooper armor. As a medic, Kix had a red medic symbol of the Republic Medic Corps on his left shoulder and carried a backpack full of medical supplies into battle. Kix also used a DC-15A blaster carbine during the Clone Wars. After he woke up again, he wore dark phase one armor and used two DC-17 hand blasters.

Production Notes

Kix concept art

Kix was first shown in "The Deserter," which was the tenth episode of the second season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Dee Bradley Baker did his voice, like he did for every clone on the show. Later, Kix was added to the short story "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku," which was written by Landry Q. Walker and took place around the same time as Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. He also made a small appearance as his older self in the short comic Star Wars Adventures Ashcan, which Walker also wrote. Eric Jones made concept art of him for his appearance in the comic.

Walker said that Kix stopped shaving because he felt sad every time he looked in the mirror because it reminded him of his fallen brothers who he couldn't save. Walker also said that he would probably wear a helmet. Kix wasn't named in the Star Wars Adventures Ashcan, but concept art showed that it was him.

