Cyber Center

The Cyber Center was a facility situated on the planet of Anaxes that the Confederacy of Independent Systems made use of during the Battle of Anaxes. During the conflict, Separatist Admiral Trench utilized this center to receive an algorithm from Skako Minor. This algorithm was then employed by Trench to anticipate the tactical maneuvers of the Galactic Republic.


The Clone Wars, a conflict that engulfed the galaxy, eventually extended to the planet Anaxes, a location of strategic importance due to a key Republic shipyard facility situated there. In an effort to secure a strategic upper hand during the battle, Separatist Admiral Trench exploited a pilfered strategy algorithm. This algorithm had been obtained from ARC trooper CT-1409, known as "Echo," who was being held by the Techno Union at their headquarters on Skako Minor after the Republic presumed him to have died during the Battle of Lola Sayu. This algorithm was transmitted to the Cyber Center on the planet's surface, which Trench could access at any time from his Separatist dreadnought, the Invulnerable.

An OOM command battle droid outside the center.

Clone Captain Rex came to the conclusion that the Separatists were countering his specific combat strategies. Following approval from Jedi General Mace Windu, Rex and Clone Commander Cody spearheaded an operation, accompanied by Jesse, Kix, and clone commando squad Clone Force 99, to infiltrate the Cyber Center. Despite Commander Cody's injuries, which led to his and Kix's return to the Republic base, the remaining members continued their mission towards the center, ultimately reaching and seizing a nearby Separatist outpost. After escaping the outpost before Separatist reinforcements arrived, the team positioned themselves around the Cyber Center and infiltrated it just as the reinforcements arrived at the outpost. Inside the center, Rex and Tech, a member of Clone Force 99, accessed a computer and uncovered the origin of Rex's algorithm: Skako Minor. They also identified the sender as Echo.

Behind the scenes

The Cyber Center made its initial appearance in "The Bad Batch," a Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode that initially premiered as a story reel in 2015 before its completed version debuted on Disney+ in 2020. The episode's subtitles confirmed the capitalization of "Cyber Center."

