Jesse, also known by his designation CT-5597, was both a Clone Lieutenant and an Advanced Recon Commando who fought for the 501st Legion during the Clone Wars. As with all clone troopers, his origins were in the cloning process, using the genetic template provided by Jango Fett, with the purpose of serving the Grand Army of the Republic. Jesse's deep-seated patriotism made him a steadfast soldier, dedicated to the defeat of the Galactic Republic's enemies. He proudly displayed his allegiance to the Republic Military through a tattoo of the Republic crest on his face, and also on the helmet of his clone trooper armor.
While serving as a trooper within the 501st Legion, Jesse took orders from Clone Captain Rex, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. He also served under another Jedi officer, General Pong Krell, who during the Battle of Umbara commanded Jesse's execution along with Fives for defying orders. However, his fellow clones spared Jesse, and Krell's betrayal of the Republic was exposed. By the time the Battle of Anaxes occurred, Jesse had become an Advanced Recon Commando, equipped with Phase II ARC Trooper Armor.
Not long after the Battle of Yerbana, Jesse became a member of the 332nd Division, a subdivision of the 501st created by Skywalker and led by the recently promoted Clone Commander Rex. During the Siege of Mandalore, he fought alongside Tano, but his secret programming, compelling him to obey Order 66—the command to exterminate the Jedi Order for treason—led him to turn against her. During the subsequent skirmish on the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal, Jesse took control of the division and demoted Commander Rex for his refusal to kill Tano. Despite the lieutenant's attempts to fulfill the wishes of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, Tano and Rex managed to escape the Star Destroyer as it crashed onto a moon, resulting in the deaths of Jesse and the other clones. Tano and Rex buried Jesse alongside his comrades, using their helmets as grave markers.
Designated CT-5597, and later known as Jesse, he was a clone trooper within the 501st Legion of the Galactic Republic's military force, the Grand Army, throughout the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

During the Battle of Mimban, Jesse fought alongside the clone trooper Hardcase and Clone Captain Rex. The battle was initially under the command of Jedi General Laan Tik until his death, after which Senator Jar Jar Binks took command. Subsequently, Rex consulted with Jesse and two other clones as they devised a plan to evacuate the 501st while Rex addressed a shield generator.

By the time of the Battle of Saleucami, Jesse had attained a higher military rank than his comrades Kix and Hardcase. When the 501st, along with the 7th Sky Corps's 212th Attack Battalion, landed on the planet Saleucami to locate Separatist General Grievous, Jesse accompanied Captain Rex. Soon after, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi instructed Rex to take Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase on BARC speeders to scout the wetlands. During their patrol, they were spotted by two commando droid snipers, who shot and wounded Rex. Jesse instructed Kix to safeguard their captain while he and Hardcase pursued and eliminated the droids. Kix then contacted Jesse, urging him to return quickly as Rex was severely injured. While deciding their next course of action, Jesse noticed they were on farmland and decided to take Rex to the farmstead for refuge and medical assistance.

There, they encountered a Twi'lek woman named Suu, who initially brandished her weapon at the clones. However, Jesse reassured her that they meant no harm and explained their need for a place for Rex to recover. She allowed them to leave Rex there for overnight recovery. With Jesse now in command of the squad, they continued through the wetlands to meet with General Kenobi, Clone Marshal Commander Cody, and their forces. When Republic forces eventually closed in on Grievous, Jesse and his squad attempted to shoot down a shuttle that was trying to extract Grievous, but they couldn't prevent the Separatist general's escape.

Later on, Jesse participated in assisting Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano with her lightsaber training. Jesse joined the 501st's Jedi General, Anakin Skywalker, Rex, and other clones from the 501st at the military operations center to support Tano's exercises. Skywalker instructed the clones to form a circle around Tano and fire stun blasts at her, allowing her to practice her defenses. During the initial attempt, Tano struggled, and Jesse's blast eventually stunned her, rendering her unconscious for a full hour. Jesse and the others stood around together and waited for Tano to wake up, and when the Padawan rose, Jesse shouted his apologies. The training would continue, with the clones standing around and waiting between rounds when Tano was eventually stunned and rendered unconscious.

In 20 BBY, Jesse was with the 501st when the Republic launched their attack to retake Umbara. After they landed and overtook the Umbaran's initial position, command of the 501st was given to Jedi General Pong Krell when Anakin Skywalker was called back to Coruscant by order of the Jedi High Council. During their first attempt to take the capital, General Krell led the 501st to the main capital road without resting. An attack by the enemy forces forced Jesse and the rest of the 501st were forced to fall back.
As the men tired out after long hours of marching, Jesse and Fives asked Rex if they could rest, but their request was denied by Krell. When they were ordered to advance directly up the main road without any recon, Jesse and clone trooper Tup complained about Krell's tactics. Their advance ended in disaster, and the advancing squads retreated after suffering heavy losses.
When they were ordered to take an Umbaran airbase, Krell commanded the troops to advance down a narrow gorge straight to the capital. This time a large portion of the men disagreed with the plan, with Jesse saying that Krell was crazy for telling them to advance without recon or air support, expressing that without knowing what they were up against, the casualties would be high. However, the clones were instructed by Rex to trust their leadership. Jesse held his ground against the Umbaran Militia's mobile heavy cannons while the clones took more heavy losses until Fives and Hardcase formed their own plan and destroyed them with commandeered Zenuas 33 Umbaran starfighters.

After establishing camp at the airbase, Krell sent Jesse to stack ordnance while Fives and Hardcase worked on the Umbaran starfighters, breaking the Umbarans' codes. By the time Jesse joined them, Krell had ordered a reckless attack on the capital in an attempt to quickly aid Kenobi and his forces. When the clones learned about the long-range missiles that were standing in their way, Jesse agreed with Fives that instead they could use the Umbaran starfighters to blow up the Separatist supply ship that was causing the problems instead of follow one of Krell's "suicide missions" through the missiles. However, when Krell refused to agree their plan, Jesse continued to work on the starfighters with Fives and Hardcase. However, Krell stopped them and insisted that they concentrate on their attack. Thus, Jesse, Fives, and Hardcase decided to attack the supply ship themselves, without Krell's support. They told Rex about their plan, but he warned them that he would not be able to protect them if they were caught.
Jesse, Fives, and Hardcase took the starfighters, posing as a recon patrol, and made their way into the supply ship. They were unable to destroy the ship's main reactor with its shields up, but as they started to question their plan, Hardcase jumped out of his fighter and told Fives and Jesse to leave. Fives was reluctant, but Jesse convinced him to leave by telling him that he knew Hardcase, and there wasn't any point in staying. Jesse and Fives made a narrow escape while Hardcase stayed behind to blow up the ship, sacrificing himself in the process. When Jesse and Fives got back, they were taken to General Krell, where he had them punished and sent to the brig.

Rex unsuccessfully argued with Krell to release Jesse and Fives, resulting in Krell ordering their execution. Just before the order came to fire, Fives spoke up against Krell's orders, and in response, the firing squad missed Fives and Jesse on purpose. They were put back in the brig to keep them out of the way to be dealt with later. Jesse and Fives were held in the brig when the rest of the clones were sent out for battle, who had unknowingly been set up by Krell so that they would attack a platoon under "Waxer" and fire on their own men. When Rex and the 501st and 212th returned to arrest Krell, they freed Jesse and Fives along the way and gave them back their armor and weapons. Jesse, Rex, and the other clones then stormed the command center to arrest Krell for treason. However, Krell escaped into the jungle. Jesse, Rex, Fives and the other clones captured Krell, who revealed that he was a Separatist agent. Jesse agreed with Fives and Rex that he should be executed. He then watched as Krell was executed by Dogma, who had previously put his faith in Krell's tactics.
Jesse fought alongside other members of the 501st at the Battle of Ringo Vinda, which saw Skywalker lead them alongside Jedi Masters Tiplee and Tiplar, and their clone forces. When Tup fired on and killed Tiplar, Jesse and the rest of the Republic forces retreated. Following the battle, the 501st returned to Coruscant, and Jesse and Kix went to 79's, a bar frequented by clones. The two were sitting at the bar when they were spotted by Fives, who was wanted for the attempted murder of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Fives followed Kix into the refresher to give him coordinates to a location where he wanted to meet with Rex and Skywalker. Kix informed Rex and Skywalker of this, and they met Fives there, during which he was killed by the Coruscant Guard. Sometime after Fives' death, Jesse became an Advanced Recon Commando because of his skills in combat.
Using intel from the Jedi Quinlan Vos, who was secretly loyal to Count Dooku, Jesse joined a party that would steal medications, weapons, starship repair parts, and foodstuffs from a Separatist supply storage base located on an asteroid. After Skywalker, Kenobi, Vos, and Akar-Deshu briefly investigated the site, Jesse and several other clones, including Rex and Cody, rendezvoused with them in three transports that they would load the supplies into.
As Jesse and the others loaded he supplies, Vos discovered bombs planted inside the base that were set to go off in three minutes. As they were not confident in disarming the vast number of bombs in time, Jesse and the others evacuated the base and escaped before the explosions.
Jesse later participated in the Battle of Anaxes, a lengthy campaign between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems over the planet of Anaxes. During the campaign, the Republic forces were initially left at a loss, and the planet was on the verge of falling to the Separatists. Suspicious, Rex and Cody met with Skywalker and Mace Windu to discuss their recent failures. Rex theorized that the Separatists were predicting his personal strategies, and, because of the tactics used by himself and the Confederacy, he now thought Echo was still alive.

Windu allowed Rex and Cody to bring a small squad of clones with them, which included Jesse and Kix, to go behind enemy lines and assault the Separatist cyber center to determine whether the enemy was in possession of Rex's algorithm. For the mission, Cody called for the help of Clone Force 99, nicknamed "The Bad Batch," an elite group of clones with desirable genetic mutations. Rex and Cody gathered Jesse and Kix to walk with them and greet the mutated clones for themselves. As they arrived, the clone force flew their shuttle aggressively into the hangar, leading Jesse and Kix to exchange looks of contempt. Cody subsequently introduced everybody, and the group stepped into a Republic gunship to be taken behind enemy lines.
When Bad Batch member Crosshair questioned Rex's plans, Jesse stepped up to Crosshair in Rex's defense. Bad Batch member Wrecker then got involved, taking and lifting Jesse by the throat. Rex insisted Wrecker put Jesse down, but the situation didn't resolve until Bad Batch leader Hunter told Wrecker to drop Jesse. Jesse then helped Rex and the Bad Batch invade the Anaxes Separatist Security Outpost before they abandoned it to break into a Separatist Cyber Center. While Rex and Tech extracted data of the algorithm being traced from Skako Minor, soon they were being overrun by Separatist reinforcements, so they left the Cyber Center and headed back to Republic lines.

Jesse was later present at the planning base of the attack on the Separatists' assembly complex, where Windu suggested moving their forces to the assembly complex. He participated in the combined attack on the complex to overtake it. After it was discovered that the Separatists had planted a powerful bomb in the assembly complex, Kenobi ordered Jesse to evacuate his men. The bomb would eventually be disarmed, with the Republic winning the battle.
By the end of the war, Jesse's survival to that point made him one of the older clones of Jango Fett still alive amongst the 501st. Troopers under his command, like Sterling, were far younger than him.

Following the Battle of Yerbana, the 332nd Division was formed to take part in the Siege of Mandalore, a joint invasion of Mandalore by the Mandalorian resistance and the Grand Army of the Republic in order to capture the rogue Sith Lord Maul. Jesse was one of the clones part of this company and accompanied former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, and others aboard a LAAT/i gunship as part of the first wave of landing craft en route to the capital city of Sundari. Before the battle, he witnessed a communication via hologram between Kryze and Prime Minister Almec. Shortly afterwards, the Republic gunships fell under attack by Maul's forces, forcing everyone inside the gunship to join the battle in the air, including Jesse, who used his jetpack to combat them.
The Mandalorian resistance and Grand Army of the Republic landed and took control of much of Sundari in the ensuing battle, forcing Maul's forces into hiding. Jesse, along with several other clones, were on their way to reinforce the entry point on C-deck in the undercity of Sundari before Maul's forces attempted a counterattack against them. During the attack, Maul easily tore through their forces, asking about Tano as he did so. Using the Force, Maul looked in Jesse's mind and realized he was an older clone, most likely having served under Tano before. Knowing this, Maul took Jesse alive to get information from him about Tano.

Maul took Jesse to where his forces were hiding from the Mandalorian resistance and Grand Army of the Republic, deeper in the Undercity. Jesse was placed in stuncuffs and held in place by one of Maul's leaders, Rook Kast, and struggled while telling Maul that he wouldn't tell him anything. As Maul mentioned the plan laid out by Darth Sidious, Jesse asked what plan he was referring to. With this, Maul explained that the plan had a grand design in which he had had a part to play, but he was cast aside when he had fulfilled his purpose. Maul turned back towards Jesse and said that he needed some information from him, but Jesse, not knowing of Maul's capabilities with the Force, refused to tell him anything. As Maul fully turned towards him, Maul explained that his mind would speak to him or it would break, reaching his hand out and using the Force to probe his mind for information on Tano. As the interrogation continued, Jesse cried out in pain.
After the interrogation, Maul brought Jesse to the Sundari Royal Palace, where he awaited the arrival of Tano, Kryze, and Rex. As they entered, Kryze rushed towards Maul and fired her blasters at him, but Maul effortlessly used the Force to push the blaster bolts aside before lifting Kryze into the air and dropping her. After this feeble attack, Maul used the Force to free Jesse of his stuncuffs and allowed him to return to his allies as a show of good faith towards them. Once he returned, he apologized for giving Maul information during his earlier interrogation. Tano forgave him, and Rex helped him out of the palace.

Following the capture of Maul and the end of his Mandalorian command, Jesse, along with Rex, Ahsoka, and the surviving troops, left Mandalore aboard the Tribunal, a Venator-class Star Destroyer. As they journeyed back to Coruscant to deliver Maul to the Jedi Council for trial, Darth Sidious, whom Maul had grown increasingly suspicious of, executed Order 66. This activated the inhibitor chips in all the clones, including Jesse. Led by Rex, the clones immediately attacked Tano. Jesse, alongside other troopers, stormed into the command room and opened fire on Tano, who managed to escape amidst the smoke and chaos. Upon realizing Tano's escape, Rex commanded Jesse and the other troopers to pursue her, emphasizing the importance of Order 66.
Soon after, Tano captured Rex and removed his inhibitor chip. Now free from the programming, Rex assisted Tano in her escape and severed all contact with the other clones, leaving Jesse in charge of the hunt for her. Following Tano and Rex's escape from the medical bay, Jesse received news that "Target 1" was on the move and inquired about Rex's location. This conversation was overheard by Maul, who had been released by Tano as a diversion, using a stolen wrist comm. Upon learning that Rex was missing, Jesse questioned whether he had aided Tano's escape, but no one could confirm. Later, Maul sabotaged the Tribunal's hyperdrive, causing it to hurtle towards a moon. After Tano and Rex seized control of the hangar control room, Jesse was informed that contact with them was lost. Consequently, Jesse ordered clones to gather in the main hangar to prevent any escape attempts, as the ship's escape pods had been destroyed earlier. Maul also overheard this order.

When R7-A7, an astromech droid aiding Tano, discovered a shuttle in Bay 12 and opened the bay's blast door, Jesse and his troops emerged, rushing into the main hangar from the surrounding bays and forming a line on top of the repair bay doors. Jesse declared that anyone attempting to escape would have to go through them. Shortly after, he was informed that Maul was heading towards the hangar, just before Rex appeared, seemingly having captured Tano and ordering the clones to cease fire. Jesse then commanded all available forces on the ship to converge on their location. Jesse then reminded Rex that they were under orders to execute Tano. Rex argued that since Tano was no longer a Jedi, she was technically not a target of Order 66. Rex attempted to appeal to their long-standing camaraderie, but Jesse, unable to overcome the influence of the inhibitor chip after a moment of hesitation, accused Rex of treason against the Grand Army of the Republic, stating that he would be demoted and executed alongside Tano.

Before Jesse could carry out the execution, Tano and Rex's droids dropped the hangar elevators. Tano Force-pushed Jesse into the opening, but he survived the fall. Upon regaining consciousness, he began firing at Tano, who had been Force-pushed into the same hole by Maul and caught by a cable from RG-G1. Realizing the elevator controls were locked, Jesse redirected the attack towards the droids. After Jesse's reinforcements arrived and Maul escaped, Tano and Rex were forced to retreat to the repair level, leading to the droids' destruction after they raised the lifts to clear the level. He led a final assault on the two targets, but Tano pushed them back with the Force. At that moment, the command bridge exploded, causing a chain reaction that led to the loss of lateral control of the ship. Tano and Rex escaped the Tribunal aboard a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber found in the repair bay before the ship crashed. Jesse, along with the other clones, perished when the Tribunal collided with the moon. Later, Tano and Rex recovered and buried his body and those of his men, placing their helmets on their graves as markers.

CT-5597, known as Jesse, was a human male clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, standing at 1.83 meters, or six feet. Jesse had black hair, but kept his head shaved during the Clone Wars. He was also older than some of the clones who fought in the Siege of Mandalore. Jesse had tan skin, brown eyes, and a tattoo of the Republic crest on his face.
A dedicated patriot, Jesse proudly displayed the Republic crest on his helmet and as a facial tattoo. Like his fellow clones in the close-knit 501st Legion, Jesse was loyal to his Jedi General, Anakin Skywalker. Among his clone comrades, Jesse was known for his sense of humor, a trait Fives mentioned before their planned execution, assuming Jesse was making another joke. Jesse was also fiercely loyal to Captain Rex, confronting Crosshair and engaging in skirmishes with the Bad Batch when he felt his captain was being disrespected. However, the inhibitor chips negated these bonds.
Jesse enjoyed the trust of his brothers and Anakin Skywalker, who relied on him to assist in training his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, on several occasions.
During the Battle of Umbara, Jesse strongly disagreed with Krell's tactics, believing he was wasting the lives of his brothers. He was among the clones who opposed Krell and argued with Rex, but Jesse went further by joining Hardcase and Fives in directly disobeying Krell's orders and using Umbaran starfighters to carry out their own mission. By the time of the Siege of Mandalore, he was older than some of the clones he commanded, including the trooper Sterling.

However, the activation of Order 66 turned Jesse against the Jedi Order, making him blindly loyal to Darth Sidious due to the conditioning imposed by his control chip. As a result of this programming, Jesse lost the aspects of his personality that made him unique. He accused his brother and comrade Rex of treason and relentlessly tried to kill his friend Ahsoka Tano, without hesitation. He believed he was delivering justice for treason, but his conditioning ultimately led to his death when the Tribunal crashed.
As a soldier in the 501st Legion, Jesse possessed proficiency in both armed and unarmed combat. He also had a strong understanding of military strategy. Having demonstrated his skill as a warrior and his reliability as a veteran soldier, he earned a promotion to ARC trooper. He was skilled with many of the standard blasters used by the Grand Army of the Republic.

Early in the war, Jesse wore Phase I clone trooper armor with distinctive blue markings representing the 501st Legion. While his armor appeared unadorned during a training session with Ahsoka Tano, he later adopted similar blue markings and applied them to his Phase II clone trooper armor. Jesse's helmet featured the cog-shaped symbol of the Galactic Republic, mirroring his tattoo. During the Battle of Umbara, Jesse also used a macrobinocular attachment on his Phase II helmet. As an ARC trooper, Jesse wore Phase II ARC Trooper Armor, which could also be equipped with macrobinoculars.
Jesse primarily used a DC-15A blaster carbine throughout the Clone Wars. As an ARC trooper, he also carried two DC-17 hand blasters. During the Battle of Saleucami, Jesse operated a BARC speeder. He also piloted an Umbaran starfighter during the Battle of Umbara.
Jesse's first appearance was in "The Deserter," which originally aired on January 1, 2010 as part of The Clone Wars: Season Two. Dee Bradley Baker, who voiced all clones in the show, provided his voice.
In "Practice Makes Perfect," the fifth episode of the 2022 anthology series Tales of the Jedi, Jesse is depicted wearing unpainted Phase I clone trooper armor. However, in the episode, Ahsoka Tano's test is overseen by Tera Sinube, whom she first met in "Lightsaber Lost," which is dated to 21 BBY. Jesse is depicted wearing painted armor in his first appearance, "The Deserter", which is set before "Lightsaber Lost" in the official chronological episode order, as well as the comic "501 Plus One," which is set in 22 BBY. Therefore, Jesse must have possessed another suit of armor or temporarily removed the paint from his gear.