The 7th Sky Corps functioned as a military corps within the structure of the Grand Army of the Republic. Similar to other units in the Grand Army, the 7th Sky Corps was primarily staffed by clone troopers who had been engineered specifically to serve the Galactic Republic in combat. During the Clone Wars, the 7th Sky Corps was under the command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi alongside Marshal Commander Cody. This corps, an integral part of the Grand Army of the Republic, had a complement of 36,864 troopers organized into sixteen distinct regiments.

The 7th Sky Corps, a corps belonging to the Grand Army of the Republic, was composed of 36,864 troopers distributed across sixteen regiments. It also incorporated various battalions, notably the 212th Attack Battalion. The 212th Recon Division operated as a subordinate unit within the 212th Attack Battalion. The 7th Sky Corps included 256 companies, among which were the 212th's Ghost Company and 2nd Airborne Company. Waxer's platoon within the 212th represented one of the 1,024 platoons comprising the 7th Sky Corps, which was further divided into a total of 4,096 squads. Furthermore, Foxtrot Group, a special forces unit led by Clone Captain Gregor, was also part of the 7th Sky Corps. High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and his clone trooper officer, Clone Marshal Commander Cody, oversaw the 7th Sky Corps, and they directly commanded the 212th Attack Battalion.
The clone troopers belonging to the 212th Attack Battalion were recognized by their orange markings on their white clone trooper armor, though some retained the standard white armor. ARF troopers of the 212th Recon Division utilized camouflage patterns in orange and brown. Crys distinguished his armor through the application of yellow markings on his white armor.
The 7th Sky Corps had access to a wide array of vehicles. Its ground forces employed All Terrain Reconnaissance Transports, All Terrain Tactical Enforcers, and BARC speeders. Its aerial units operated LAAT/i gunships and LAAT carriers. Personnel from the 7th Sky Corps were occasionally stationed aboard Venator-class Star Destroyers like the Negotiator, as well as Arquitens-class light cruisers.
Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars at the First Battle of Geonosis between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance in 22 BBY, the 7th Sky Corps was integrated into the Grand Army of the Republic and placed under the joint command of High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Marshal Commander Cody. In the initial stages of the Clone Wars, elements of the 7th Sky Corps were deployed to several battles on a rocky planet, the siege of Hisseen, and Christophsis alongside Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's 501st Legion. Consequently, the corps engaged in the Battle of Christophsis against the Separatist forces, ultimately achieving victory and proceeding to participate in the Battle of Teth.
During the Malevolence Campaign, Marshal Commander Cody reported on the defensive positioning of ships under Kenobi's command. Subsequently, Commander Cody, along with Clone Captain Rex, conducted inspections of Republic Military installations and, alongside clone trooper survivors from Rishi Station, took part in the Defense of Rishi Station.

The 7th Sky Corps played a role in the Battle of Ryloth, where they were the first to establish a landing zone on the planet for the rest of the Republic forces. This was achieved after Ghost Company of the 212th Attack Battalion, a component of the 7th Sky Corps, was tasked with liberating the city of Nabat. Under Kenobi's leadership, the troops advanced through the city while refraining from using heavy weaponry to avoid damaging the city they were attempting to liberate. Upon Cody and Wooley's discovery that the tactical droid commander TX-20 was holding the Twi'leks hostage in the city center, the group executed a surprise attack and successfully liberated Nabat. After the rest of the Republic forces landed, the 7th Sky Corps advanced and secured the Jixuan desert, thus placing Ryloth's southern hemisphere under Republic control. Ultimately, Ryloth was freed from Separatist occupation.
During the First Battle of Felucia, some members of the 7th Sky Corps, including Commander Cody and Kenobi, participated alongside the 501st Legion and the 104th Battalion, although all Republic units were ultimately compelled to retreat offworld. Following the capture of bounty hunter Cad Bane by the Jedi Order for the theft of a valuable holocron, Commander Cody accompanied Kenobi and Mace Windu to Black Stall Station and piloted a T-6 shuttle to reach it. Despite Bane's escape, Kenobi and Windu successfully recovered the holocron.
After Senator Padmé Amidala discovered that the Trade Federation and the InterGalactic Banking Clan were constructing droid factories on the planet Geonosis, the Republic dispatched a task force composed of the 7th Sky Corps, 501st Legion, 41st Elite Corps, special operations units, and other supporting elements, transported and supported by ten Acclamator-class assault ships and six Venator-class Star Destroyers. This planet-wide invasion culminated in the Second Battle of Geonosis, during which units from the 212th Recon Division, 501st Legion, and special ops clone troopers launched an assault on the primary droid foundry. Commander Cody formulated a three-pronged attack strategy, with General Ki-Adi-Mundi's special ops troopers flanking from the north, the 7th Sky Corps' units, primarily comprised of ARF troopers and AT-TEs, approaching head-on, and Skywalker's 501st Legion advancing from the south, all converging at Point Rain before proceeding to destroy the foundry's deflector shield generator.
The 212th Recon Division of the 7th Sky Corps initiated the assault from their assault ship, deploying LAAT/i gunships and LAAT carriers transporting AT-TEs. Skywalker's team followed, and then Mundi's special ops forces. Encountering resistance from J-1 proton cannons, LR1K sonic cannons, and Nantex-class territorial defense starfighters, the Republic forces endured significant casualties, with only the 212th Recon Division successfully reaching the rendezvous point at Point Rain. Commander Cody established a perimeter using LAAT/i gunships and AT-TEs to defend their position against the overwhelming Geonosian forces. During the battle, Kenobi's gunship was downed, with Kenobi and clone trooper Trapper surviving. Troopers Boil and Waxer eventually rescued them. As the battle intensified, the 212th faced increasing pressure until Red Squadron—a squadron of BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bombers—arrived to provide air support, followed by Skywalker and Mundi's units at Point Rain. With the remaining Republic forces unified, another assault was launched, this time to destroy the deflector shield generator. Skywalker and a small team infiltrated the shield and jammed Geonosian scanners, allowing a team of AT-TEs to advance and destroy the generator. In the aftermath, Mundi, Kenobi, and other wounded troopers were evacuated while Skywalker and his forces handled the destruction of the generator.
Units from the 41st Elite Corps, led by General Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee, were deployed to reinforce Skywalker's assault on the primary foundry. The 501st Legion, the 41st Elite Corps, and special ops troopers secured the Republic staging area. During Skywalker and Unduli's assault on the factory, several members of the 212th Attack Battalion also participated, and Republic forces ultimately succeeded in destroying the factory.
Following the main assault, the Republic initiated cleanup operations across the planet and undertook the mission of locating Geonosian leader Archduke Poggle the Lesser. After Unduli discovered evidence of Poggle at the Progate Temple only to lose contact, Kenobi and Skywalker, accompanied by members of the 212th Attack Battalion, including Gearshift and Commander Cody, ventured into the temple's catacombs. There, they encountered Queen Karina the Great and her reanimated Geonosian warriors. Eventually, Republic forces successfully rescued Unduli, captured Poggle, and kill the Geonosian queen.