During the events of the Second Battle of Geonosis, a specialized unit called Skywalker's team was formed from a small contingent of Republic forces with the mission of landing on the planet Geonosis. This team was composed of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, his padawan Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, Clone Captain Rex, and a number of additional clone troopers. Their initial attempt to reach the surface of Geonosis involved utilizing a Republic gunship; however, similar to numerous other gunships involved in the Republic's invasion, their transport was shot down. The surviving members of the team, along with the remainder of Skywalker's troops, regrouped and commenced their journey toward Point Rain. Captain Rex communicated to the other units that they were actively engaged in heavy combat. Ultimately, the team reached a structure known as the Eastern barrier, which Skywalker, Tano, and Rex successfully destroyed. Subsequently, the team linked up with the remaining forces at Point Rain and joined the offensive aimed at disabling the deflector shield generator protecting the Geonosis primary droid foundry.