Second Battle of Geonosis

The Second Battle of Geonosis, alternatively referred to as the battle of Geonosis or the invasion of Geonosis, unfolded in 21 BBY during the period of the Clone Wars. It occurred on the planet Geonosis, the same location as the opening battle that initiated the conflict. The clash was triggered when the Galactic Republic initiated a large-scale planetary invasion of Geonosis. Their aim was to halt the operations of numerous battle droid factories that had been established by the Geonosian Archduke, Poggle the Lesser. Subsequent to a clandestine mission executed by Senator Padmé Amidala to the world of Cato Neimoidia, the Republic uncovered the fact that the Confederacy of Independent Systems had erected a network of droid factories on Geonosis. This discovery prompted the deployment of a substantial Jedi-led invasion force from the Grand Army of the Republic to reclaim the planet and disrupt the production of additional battle droids.

Upon their arrival, the Jedi, with the responsibility of establishing a staging ground for their offensive, launched a three-pronged assault against the Separatist forces. This was under the command of Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Anakin Skywalker, each leading their respective troops toward the designated landing site. After securing the landing zone, the Republic forces regrouped and successfully penetrated the deflector shield safeguarding the droid factories, which allowed for the arrival of more clone trooper reinforcements.


The Jedi Council harbored suspicions regarding Rush Clovis, the Senator representing Scipio and the Banking Clan, believing he was conspiring with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Consequently, they requested that Senator Padmé Amidala spy on Clovis, a proposition she initially declined. However, she eventually accepted the assignment after her secret husband, Anakin Skywalker, persuaded her, revealing his concerns that Clovis might be collaborating with the Confederacy.

Senators Clovis and Dod meet with Poggle the Lesser on Cato Neimoidia.

Amidala successfully convinced Clovis to allow her to accompany him on a trip to Cato Neimoidia for discussions with the Neimoidians. Upon their arrival, Amidala discovered that Clovis was collaborating with Senator Lott Dod and Archduke Poggle the Lesser in the construction of a massive droid factory intended to generate substantial profits. Poggle and Dod demanded a larger share of the profits, but Clovis refused. Subsequently, Poggle and Dod conspired to poison Amidala in an attempt to coerce Clovis into altering the agreement. Before succumbing to the effects of the poison, Amidala managed to steal the hologram disc containing information about the factory. Skywalker, disguised as her pilot, retrieved the disc and saved Amidala by administering the antidote provided by Clovis. However, Skywalker departed, leaving Clovis behind without the disc.

The battle

Following the Battle near Dorin, the Republic dispatched Jedi Generals Ki-Adi-Mundi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luminara Unduli, and Anakin Skywalker to seize Geonosis through a large-scale invasion. The Jedi Generals subsequently consulted with the Outer Rim Command to strategize for the impending battle. Their plan involved a three-pronged assault on the shield generator safeguarding the factory, with the objective of capturing Poggle, who was entrenched within the factory. Despite the reservations expressed by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu authorized the attack, initiating what would evolve into a multi-day engagement.

Landing at Point Rain

The forces of the Republic suffered many casualties due to strong Geonosian resistance.

As the Acclamator-class transgalactic assault ships descended, Kenobi's and Clone Marshal Commander Cody's forces boarded their LAAT/i gunships and proceeded to secure the designated rendezvous point. Despite strafing runs by the BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber squadron, the gunships encountered intense fire from Geonosian air and ground defenses. Mundi's and Commander Jet's forces followed suit. However, Mundi and Jet were compelled to land their AT-TEs away from the rendezvous point due to an underestimation of the Geonosian resistance. Simultaneously, Skywalker's, Commander Ahsoka Tano's, and Clone Captain Rex's gunships were shot down, resulting in the destruction of all their AT-TEs. Despite this setback, Skywalker, his team, and the remaining forces from the 501st Legion continued their advance toward the rendezvous point.

Mundi's gunship was downed, and Mundi sustained injuries. Commander Cody managed to land his AT-TEs, but the landing zone came under fire from Geonosians and their AATs. The 212th Attack Battalion endured significant losses during the battle. Kenobi's gunship was struck and crash-landed away from the landing zone. Only Kenobi and clone trooper Trapper survived the crash, requiring rescue by clone troopers Waxer and Boil of the 212th's Ghost Company after the gunship was spotted. Kenobi and Trapper were transported to Point Rain, with AT-TE 636 providing covering fire. Kenobi, Cody, and their troopers then maintained their position at the rendezvous point, awaiting the arrival of Skywalker's and Mundi's forces.

As Mundi's forces navigated the Caltrop field toward the rendezvous point, Jet contacted Admiral Wullf Yularen to request air support. However, the Admiral was unable to divert air support without jeopardizing other units. Nevertheless, Yularen assembled a squadron and placed it on reserve. Jet then left a squad with the AT-TEs and accompanied Mundi and his clone flametroopers toward the rendezvous. They entered a cave believed by Mundi to be the quickest route. Inside the cave, they were ambushed by Geonosians but managed to fight their way through to the other side.

Securing Point Rain

Skywalker and Tano battled several droids at the top of the fortress before blowing it up so their troops could move forward.

Skywalker's forces advanced toward the rendezvous point, encountering resistance from Geonosians and their gun emplacements. Skywalker and his team encountered a fortress obstructing their path. Skywalker and Tano scaled the wall, eliminating the battle droids but subsequently facing droidekas. With Rex's assistance, Skywalker and Tano defeated the droidekas. They then planted explosives within the wall, clearing the way forward. Skywalker's forces successfully linked up with Mundi's forces. Skywalker then contacted Yularen for air support, and Yularen dispatched a squadron of BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bombers.

Republic reinforcements arrive at Point Rain

As Kenobi's forces were being overwhelmed, the bombers neutralized the Geonosian forces surrounding the rendezvous point. Skywalker's and Mundi's forces joined Kenobi's to strategize for the final phase of their attack. Skywalker would target the outer defenses of the fortress, while Kenobi would deploy the AT-TEs, and Mundi would bring in the gunships. Skywalker, Tano, and a squad breached the shield, utilizing droid poppers to disable the fortress's proton cannons. Kenobi then positioned the AT-TEs within range of the shield generator, destroying it. With the shield down, Mundi deployed the gunships and captured the remaining Geonosians. Kenobi and Mundi, along with their wounded, departed to recuperate, leaving Skywalker, his apprentice, and their forces to destroy the factory.

Destroying the factory

To aid Skywalker, Tano, and their forces in destroying the factory, Unduli, accompanied by her apprentice Barriss Offee and Commander Gree's 41st Elite Corps, arrived to assist in the attack. Skywalker initially planned a frontal assault, but Unduli suggested infiltrating the factory through the catacombs beneath it and detonating it from within. Despite Skywalker's reservations, they agreed that Tano and Offee would carry out the infiltration, while Unduli and Skywalker would divert Poggle's forces.

The forces of the Republic faced the droids and the Geonosians head-on to hold their attention.

As Tano and Offee traversed the catacombs, Unduli and Skywalker marched their troops across the bridge, without cover, to attract Poggle's forces. During this time, Poggle and his T-series tactical droid, TX-21, operated the factory at 50% capacity, with ten garrisons of droids ready for deployment. The super tanks were still under construction but nearing completion. The droids were deployed, advancing across the bridge to engage the clones. As the two forces clashed, TX-21 dispatched Geonosians to attack from above. Despite this, Skywalker's and Unduli's forces prevailed against the droids. However, Poggle, prompted by TX-21, deployed the super tanks. As they advanced on the clones, Skywalker ordered their artillery cannons to target them, but with no effect. The super tanks rolled over the clones as they crossed the bridge.

The Padawans Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee infiltrated the droid factory to blow up the reactor and the factory along with it.

While the battle raged above, Offee and Tano successfully navigated the catacombs to reach the main reactor. Unfortunately, Offee inadvertently woke a Geonosian, who alerted Poggle and TX-21. After planting the bombs, Offee and Tano were confronted by Poggle, TX-21, their Geonosians, and a super tank. Tano threw a charge at the tank, but it failed to penetrate the armor, instead destroying TX-21 in the blast. Offee and Tano fought the Geonosians to retrieve their bombs, but were unsuccessful. When Tano was knocked out, Offee seized the droid drivers and commandeered the super tank. They decided to use the tank to destroy the factory.

As the super tanks advanced across the bridge, Unduli and Skywalker planted explosives to cause the tanks to fall into the ravine. They succeeded in destroying the tanks but were then confronted by more B1 battle droids. Skywalker contacted Tano, instructing her to detonate the bombs. However, they decided to use the tank, aware of the potential kill them. They fired the tank at the reactor, causing the factory to collapse and bury them within the wreckage. Despite this, Skywalker and Unduli located their apprentices alive.

Search for Poggle

The Jedi captured Poggle and ended Karina's reign and life by making the ceiling fall on top of her, crushing her.

Following the factory's destruction, the Separatist forces crumbled. Despite the heavy casualties suffered by the Republic forces, Jedi Generals Kenobi and Unduli initiated the cleanup of the planet, eliminating the remaining Separatists. They also launched a search for Poggle to capture him before he could escape. Luminara and clone trooper Buzz tracked Poggle to a location known as the Progate Temple. This was initially believed to be an error, as the temple had been severely damaged during the initial phases of the Republic's campaign. However, upon entering, they were unexpectedly ambushed. Buzz was killed in the ensuing battle, and Luminara was captured. After the sandstorm, Kenobi, Skywalker, and Cody led a force of clones, including Gearshift, to investigate. Venturing into the catacombs, they encountered reanimated Geonoisans and eventually the Geonosian queen, Karina the Great. She informed Kenobi and Skywalker about her brain worms, which enabled her to control the minds of three Force-sensitives. However, utilizing the clone trooper's lights to disorient their enemies, the Republic forces successfully rescued Luminara and captured Poggle. Thanks to a cave-in caused by the clones, Karina was killed.


After an arduous battle, the Republic took control of the planet and part of its troops left the world with new missions.

After Poggle's capture, he was taken into Republic custody. Sometime later, the Archduke was transferred to a prison on Coruscant as a prisoner of war. There, he was repeatedly interrogated about a secret superweapon that some in the Republic suspected the Separatists were developing. The discovery of brain worms and their mind-controlling abilities led Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to theorize that the worms may have played a role in the reconquest of the planet by the Geonosians, which ultimately resulted in the Second Battle of Geonosis. The crew of a Republic Pelta-class Medical Frigate departing Geonosis became infected with brain worms, but the infestation was contained by Padawan Ahsoka Tano, who exploited the worms' vulnerability to low temperatures to eliminate them. Tano's actions minimized the casualties resulting from the incident.

Behind the scenes

The Second Battle of Geonosis was a key event featured in the second season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It formed part of a five-episode story arc. The episodes directly depicting the battle included "Landing at Point Rain," "Weapons Factory," and "Legacy of Terror," which premiered on November 4, 2009 and concluded on November 20. These three episodes were followed by the arc's conclusion, "Brain Invaders," and preceded by "Senate Spy," which established the context for the battle by revealing the Republic's discovery of the droid foundries.

