CC-1993, known as Jet, was a Clone Commander. During the Clone Wars, he fought for the Grand Army of the Republic. During the Second Battle of Geonosis, he commanded a battalion composed of clone flametroopers alongside special ops clone troopers. These troops fought against the Confederacy of Independent Systems under the command of Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi.
Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Jedi General, had Jet serving under him as part of the Republic forces that were attacking the planet Geonosis, a desert world. They traveled to Point Rain using Republic gunships, but were slowed down by heavy anti-aircraft fire from J-1 proton cannons. Jet requested air support from Admiral Wullf Yularen as they reorganized, but Yularen denied the request, citing the risk of overextending their forces. Jet eventually encountered Mundi and a group of clone flametroopers. Mundi led them through a cave that he thought would be the fastest route to the rendezvous point. After fighting off Geonosians, they rejoined the others at Point Rain. Air support from Republic BTL Y-wing starfighters then arrived, and they regrouped to assault the Geonosis primary droid foundry.
Being a clone of Jango Fett, Jet was a male human with a height of 1.83 meters (6 feet) and a weight of 80 kilograms. Throughout the battle, Jet provided Mundi with mission status updates, ensuring all essential details were communicated. He followed Mundi's orders and understood Admiral Yularen's reasons for limiting air support. Jet and Mundi dedicated hours to preparation before the Second Battle of Geonosis, aiming to be ready for any eventuality.
On Geonosis, the clone commander utilized a kama and a pair of DC-17 repeater hand blasters during combat. The phase I clone trooper armor Jet wore was orange.
The Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series featured Jet's debut in "Landing at Point Rain," which was the fifth episode of Season Two. The episode first aired on November 4, 2009.
Stuart Beattie's script for what became Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+ included a team of ten clone troopers, led by "a guy named Commander Jet," who directly served the Third Sister Inquisitor.