"Landing at Point Rain" represents the fifth installment within Season Two of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television program. As a whole, it stands as the twenty-seventh episode of the entire series. This particular episode was showcased in an early premiere on Cartoon Network on November 4, 2009, following a three-week pause in airing new content, and it marks the second chapter in a narrative arc spanning five episodes.
A substantial Republic naval force materializes in Geonosis's orbit, prompting Jedi Masters Obi-Wan and Mundi to reflect upon the conflict that initiated the Clone Wars. Anakin and Ahsoka enter the bridge area, having tallied their respective squadron's victories at Dorrin. They establish communications with Outer Rim Command (comprising Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, Yoda, Mace Windu, and Luminara Unduli), communicating their intentions to execute a three-pronged assault against the energy shield safeguarding Poggle the Lesser's droid production complexes. Chancellor Palpatine voices his reservations regarding the commitment of a significant military force to this endeavor, but Yoda reassures him that securing Poggle is of utmost importance. Once authorization is received from Coruscant, the Jedi generals delineate their strategic plan with Captain Rex, Jet, and Clone Commander Cody, whose assignment involves establishing a secure landing area for the incoming troops.
As the Grand Army of the Republic prepares its clone troopers, Cody shares with Obi-Wan that he was not present during the initial Geonosis engagement; Obi-Wan responds that he missed nothing of value and recounts a brief story about being restrained to a post and assaulted by three large creatures. Obi-Wan boards his LAAT/i gunship, and the operation commences. The landing transports subsequently contend with the Geonosian anti-aircraft and aerial combat capabilities. Early in the mission, Anakin's gunship is downed. Nevertheless, he, Ahsoka, and their troops survive and continue their advance, despite the loss of their armored vehicles. Elsewhere, Cody receives instructions from Ki-Adi-Mundi to deploy the AT-TE walkers. Upon landing, Cody cautions Obi-Wan against landing, citing the extreme peril involved. However, the Jedi has no alternative, as his gunship is struck down. General Mundi's gunship sustains damage, and Mundi is injured.
With all three groups situated far from the designated attack zone, they are compelled to push forward. Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex advance to neutralize a Geonosian defensive perimeter. Concurrently, Cody tasks Waxer and Boil with rescuing Obi-Wan, who, along with another clone trooper named Trapper, has managed to survive the crash. Elsewhere, while Mundi searches for Anakin, Commander Jet requests reinforcements or aerial assistance from Admiral Yularen. However, the admiral is unable to provide them air support without endangering other aspects of their broader campaign; the only assistance he can offer is to help him locate General Skywalker. As Mundi leads his soldiers into a subterranean cavern, acting on his intuition, they are ambushed by Geonosian aerial units.
Anakin and Ahsoka directly encounter a formidable wall, fortified with numerous laser turrets, from which droid forces initiate an attack. Anakin and Ahsoka successfully ascend to the summit of the wall, where they eliminate the droids. However, a pair of droidekas emerges from the wall, ensnaring the two Jedi. Nevertheless, Rex manages to penetrate the shields of one droideka and neutralize it, while Anakin dismantles the other. They then hurl thermal detonators into the deployment apertures before leaping off the wall. With the path cleared, they rendezvous with Mundi, who has fought through the Geonosian forces and cleared the way using clone flametroopers. Anakin then requests aerial support from Admiral Yularen, who allocates a single squadron.
For Obi-Wan, the droid forces steadily diminish his troops. Fortunately, the arrival of Y-wing bombers helps to equalize the situation, as Anakin, Ahsoka, and Mundi arrive. They then devise an improvised plan, involving Anakin leading a squad to disrupt the droids' scanner systems at their gun emplacements, to facilitate the approach of their AT-TEs in attacking the shield generator, allowing the remainder of their force to seize the factory.
Anakin and Ahsoka spearhead the assault, deploying EMP grenades that disable the enemy cannons, enabling the AT-TEs to destroy the shield generator. Gunships then arrive, and the Geonosians in the vicinity surrender. As they recover, Anakin and Ahsoka compare their kill counts: Anakin 55, Ahsoka 60. Anakin then bids farewell to Mundi and Obi-Wan, who are departing for medical attention. Mundi joins the competition, revealing that he achieved 65 kills, earning Anakin's admiration.
Ki-Adi-Mundi's statement, "there's no such thing as luck" directly references Obi-Wan Kenobi's line, "In my experience, there is no such thing as luck" from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
Supervising director Dave Filoni authored a script serving as a prologue to the episode; it was distributed to the cast for a special presentation at a convention immediately before the episode's broadcast.
Jet is inconsistently addressed as both "Commander" and "Captain" despite exclusively holding the rank of Commander.
During the initial briefing, Luminara Unduli, appearing via hologram, is briefly depicted as being physically present in a single shot.