Luminara Unduli

Luminara Unduli, a Mirialan female who exhibited sensitivity to the Force, held the esteemed rank of Jedi Master within the Jedi Order as it approached its twilight years. Leading the 41st Elite Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, she mentored Padawan Barriss Offee. They jointly participated in numerous conflicts during the Clone Wars. However, Offee eventually betrayed the Jedi Order by bombing the Jedi Temple, an act that filled Unduli with dismay.

As the Clone Wars drew to a close, Unduli engaged in combat during the Battle of Kashyyyk. Following the issuing of Order 66 by Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, which led to the destruction of the Jedi Order, she was apprehended and executed. In a grim turn of events, the Galactic Empire later utilized her remains as bait, aiming to lure and eliminate Jedi who had survived Order 66. One such scheme targeted Kanan Jarrus and the crew of the Ghost, who erroneously believed Unduli was alive and being imprisoned on Stygeon Prime. They launched a rescue mission but discovered it was a trap set by the Grand Inquisitor. The rebels managed to escape, having learned of Unduli's death, and disseminated this information to counter the deception and prevent further casualties in her name.

Years after her death, the voice of Unduli joined others, offering guidance to the Jedi hopeful Rey as she faced down her grandfather, Darth Sidious, on Exegol, urging her to embrace the light.


Jedi during peacetime

Luminara Unduli with her Padawan, Barriss Offee

Alongside five other Jedi, Luminara Unduli participated in the conflict against the Daa Security Forces on Ontotho. During her time as a Jedi, Unduli trained at least two Padawans, including Barriss Offee, a fellow Mirialan. This was in accordance with her people's traditions, which stipulated that only Mirialan Jedi could train Mirialan Padawans as part of a special agreement with the Jedi Order, although exceptions were eventually made allowing non-Mirialans to take on Mirialan Padawans.

On one occasion, Unduli dispatched Offee to find an ancient book. During this mission, Offee encountered a creature and navigated numerous traps. Upon finally reaching the book's location, she found it turned to sand when she picked it up. She returned and informed her master of her failure. Unduli reassured Offee that the mission was not about retrieving the book, but about the experiences and challenges she faced during the journey.

Following the assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, Unduli attended a meeting between the Jedi Council and Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to discuss the potential for war between the Republic and the Separatists, led by Count Dooku. She also encountered Caleb Dume, a Jedi youngling who admired her as a "brave, compassionate, disciplined" Jedi. Later, Luminara became a mentor to both Dume and Ahsoka Tano.

During the Separatist Crisis, Unduli, accompanied by Offee, attended a meeting between the Jedi Council and Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, where they discussed the growing influence of the Secessionist Movement and the impending threat of war between them and the Galactic Republic.

Later, Unduli was present in Chancellor Palpatine's office with other senators and Jedi as the issue of whether Palpatine should assume supreme executive powers was debated. Additionally, she assisted Mace Windu in overthrowing the warlord Guattako the Grim on Oosalon.

Clone Wars

First Battle of Geonosis

Unduli fought in the Battle of Geonosis.

As a full-scale military conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems became imminent, Obi-Wan Kenobi was captured by the Confederacy on Geonosis, prompting Unduli and her Padawan to join Master Mace Windu in launching a swift rescue operation.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Amidala were held within the crowded arena, awaiting trial and execution by the Confederacy leaders assembled on the planet. As over two hundred Jedi infiltrated the arena, they ignited their lightsabers, challenging Count Dooku, the Confederacy's leader, who was personally overseeing the planned execution. A brief but intense battle ensued, resulting in the deaths of over half of the assembled Jedi Knights before Dooku ordered his forces to cease fire. After the surviving Jedi rejected an offer of surrender in exchange for their lives, Dooku prepared to order their deaths, and his forces readied to eliminate them. Unduli raised her lightsaber, prepared to fight to the death, but she and the others were rescued by the arrival of Grand Master Yoda, accompanied by the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic in numerous gunships. Upon the gunships' arrival, Unduli boarded one alongside Masters Saesee Tiin and Shaak Ti and was airlifted to safety.

Following the battle, Unduli accompanied Masters Windu and Koon to a meeting with Chancellor Palpatine regarding the rescue of Jabba the Hutt's infant son, Rotta. She was subsequently placed in command of the 9th Assault Corps and its subordinate 41st Elite Corps, and began collaborating closely with Clone Commander Gree. She and Offee fought against a Separatist ambush at Ilum four months into the conflict, leading to Yoda saving them both when the Ilum temple was nearly destroyed. During the Malevolence Campaign, Unduli dealt with Separatist reinforcements to prevent them helping General Grievous and his flagship from escaping. This prevented Unduli's fleet group from assisting Master Kenobi's and Skywalker's fleet from destroying both the Malevolence and Grievous. Afterward, just a few months later, she would face the Kaleesh General in person on Nadiem in the Outer Rim.

Duel with Ventress

Later, Unduli journeyed to Rodia to escort the captured Viceroy Nute Gunray to Coruscant for trial. She was accompanied by Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker's Padawan. Aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tranquility, Unduli took the lead in interrogating the viceroy, whose refusal to provide information tested Tano's patience. The Padawan threatened Gunray with her lightsaber, and although Unduli reprimanded her for using fear as a weapon, the viceroy agreed to "negotiate." However, before any information could be extracted, the Tranquility was attacked by Asajj Ventress and a squad of battle droids, who had come to rescue Gunray.

Unduli facing Asajj Ventress

After Unduli and Clone Commander Gree destroyed the army of super battle droids, Unduli sensed Tano was in danger and rushed to her aid. She arrived to assist the Padawan in confronting Ventress, who was cornered. However, during her "surrender," Ventress detonated thermal detonators she had planted in the Star Destroyer's reactor room, crippling the cruiser, and escaped to the damaged engine room. Despite Tano's offer to help, citing her past encounters with Ventress and asserting that the assassin was "too powerful for any one Jedi," Unduli unwisely pursued the assassin alone, leaving Tano to guard Gunray.

Engaging Ventress in lightsaber combat, Unduli was hampered by an early wound to her left eye and eventually trapped beneath pipes that the Dark Acolyte collapsed on her from the ceiling, though she fought valiantly. As Ventress prepared to deliver the final blow, Tano arrived in time to save Unduli, having disobeyed her orders to help. The Mirialan accepted the Padawan's assistance in the continuing duel, but Ventress ultimately escaped with Senate Commando Captain Faro Argyus, who had defected to the Separatists and freed Gunray from Republic custody. Unduli and Tano transmitted the signal of the Republic cruiser used by the Separatists to escape the Tranquility to Jedi Master Kit Fisto, who tracked Gunray to the third moon of Vassek. Unduli apologized to Tano for not heeding her advice before the Padawan departed to meet her own Master.

Unduli had her next battle with Ventress on Alzoc III, where she was joined by fellow Jedi Aayla Secura and managed to defeat Ventress with Secura's aid. Unduli and Ventress fought many more times over the rest of the war. Of all Separatist leaders, Ventress was the one Unduli battled most often.

Return to Geonosis

Luminara Unduli returns to Geonosis with her Padawan

Unduli later returned to Geonosis to assist Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi and Obi-Wan Kenobi in destroying Poggle the Lesser's new droid foundry there. She attended the mission briefing before the invasion made planetfall and interceded in Kenobi and Skywalker's casual sniping, reminding them that they had a battle to fight. Along with her Padawan, Barriss Offee, she joined Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano in the storming of the droid factory. While she and Skywalker acted as diversions, the two Padawans Offee and Tano made their way through the vast underground catacombs to destroy the factory. Unduli cut her way through dozens of battle droids alongside Skywalker, demonstrating her mastery of both her lightsaber and the Force, but was forced into a temporary retreat after the Separatists unveiled their new super tanks, whose ray shields and warhead launchers decimated the Republic ranks. Alongside Skywalker, Unduli placed explosives along the underside of the bridge the tanks were crossing and then watched as the detonation sent the tanks plummeting to their doom.

She and Anakin then watched in horror as the factory exploded and collapsed with their Padawans inside; Unduli believed that Offee died and prepared herself to accept the loss, but Anakin insisted that they are still alive. He is proven right by a faint signal from Ahsoka underneath a large pile of rubble. Ecstatic to see her Padawan alive, Unduli congratulated both on the success of their mission but also counseled Skywalker on being prepared for the time when he would have to let his apprentice go.

Unduli prepares to pursue Poggle on Geonosis

Following this, Unduli went in search of Poggle the Lesser, who had retreated into the catacombs of an ancient temple. While she and a trooper searched the temple, a sandstorm prohibited reinforcements from reaching their positions. While communicating with Masters Kenobi and Mundi via hologram, Unduli's clone trooper was killed by the undead hordes of the mysterious Hive Queen Karina the Great and Unduli cut the communication whilst turning to face her attackers. Having been knocked unconscious and captured, the Jedi Master was taken before Karina. Jedi Kenobi and Skywalker came to her rescue; they were not far off when Unduli regained consciousness and wrestled her way out of the zombies' reach, only to find her usually crippling moves had no effect on the undead warriors. Realizing what they were up against, she contacted Kenobi to warn him not to come after her but was cut off as the zombies overwhelmed her.

Unduli was imprisoned in Karina's abode and was held in an energy trap as the Geonosians prepared to infect her with brain worms. However, Skywalker and Kenobi, who had disregarded her warnings and continued their search with the help of their clone troopers, came to the rescue. Unduli, much to her chagrin, nearly found herself infected due to Kenobi's eagerness to see how the process worked, but resigned herself under the hope that it was all part of the plan. With Kenobi and Commander Cody delaying the zombies and the Queen, Skywalker freed Unduli and the two captured Poggle. Cody and his troopers shot down the cave support, burying the Queen and taking Poggle prisoner. Unduli, along with Skywalker, Kenobi, and Mundi took Poggle to Coruscant. She and Skywalker allowed their apprentices to make supply run from Ord Cestus's medical station to Master Windu's forces on Dantooine.

Order 66 and later execution

Unduli piloting her Delta-7B Aethersprite-class interceptor on Kashyyyk.

After Offee betrayed the Jedi Order, Unduli was deeply affected by her former apprentice's actions. Seeking solace, she directed her efforts towards the Wookiee city of Kachirho on Kashyyyk, which had suffered damage from Confederate attacks. She dedicated months to repairing the city and preparing defenses for the anticipated Separatist invasion of Kashyyyk. During the Outer Rim Sieges, she fought alongside Yoda, Republic forces, and Wookiee warriors in the engagement she had been preparing for, commanding her forces as the battle commenced. While on the Wookiee homeworld, she piloted a green Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor with a green-plated astromech droid copilot.

As Unduli led her forces against the attacking Droid Army, Darth Sidious issued Order 66, instructing all clone troopers to eliminate their Jedi commanders. In the elevated command center, Master Yoda was formulating his own directives when he sensed the deaths of numerous Jedi. On the beach, Luminara was overseeing the search for the wounded when the clones turned against her and the Wookiees who rushed to her defense. Unduli avoided the fate of many of her fellow Jedi, although it was long believed that she had been killed by her troops on Kashyyyk. In reality, she was captured by the Empire. The Jedi Order was destroyed, and Sidious declared himself Emperor, transforming the Republic into the Galactic Empire.

After a brief period in the prison known as the Spire on Stygeon Prime, she was executed in her cell in the presence of the Grand Inquisitor, who retained her remains for the Empire's future use.


Following her death, rumors circulated that Unduli had survived the Clone Wars, persisting as late as 5 BBY. However, the Empire exploited Unduli's remains to lure Jedi survivors into traps, tarnishing the memory of the Mirialan Master. The Inquisitor set a trap using Unduli's remains in the Spire. Former Imperial Senator Gall Trayvis, a secret Imperial operative, 'hacked' a HoloNet News broadcast to claim that Unduli was being held in the Stygeon system, in an attempt to deceive Jedi survivor Kanan Jarrus, previously known as Caleb Dume, and the rebel crew of the Ghost. Jarrus and the crew decided to launch a rescue mission to save Unduli. Jarrus, who remembered Unduli as a compassionate and capable Jedi, was particularly motivated to find her, believing she would be a better teacher for his apprentice, Ezra Bridger, than he was.

Unduli's remains, held in the Spire

The rebels infiltrated the Spire, with Jarrus and Bridger leading the search for the Jedi Master. They discovered the cell where she appeared to be held, witnessing a physical manifestation of her. Jarrus sensed her presence but felt something was amiss. The physical manifestation (actually a hologram) soon vanished into a case on the wall, revealing Unduli's desiccated remains. At that moment, the Inquisitor revealed himself and attempted to kill the two Jedi, but the rebels managed to escape. The experience, however, helped Jarrus realize that he could train Bridger himself. Having survived the Inquisitor's trap, Jarrus resolved to spread the word that Unduli was dead and that news of her imprisonment was being used to bait exiled Jedi.


During Jarrus's vision during his second visit to Lothal's Jedi Temple, a vision of Unduli's lightsaber was present in the Jedi Temple's dojo.

Luke Skywalker eventually learned about Unduli and her fate, documenting her story in his book, The Secrets of the Jedi.

In 35 ABY, during the Battle of Exegol, Unduli's voice was among those of past Jedi who aided Rey in defeating the resurrected Darth Sidious, advising her to seek the light.

Personality and traits

Unduli was a master at Form III, also known as Soresu

Luminara Unduli, a Mirialan female Jedi Master, stood at 1.76 meters (5 feet, 9 inches) tall, characterized by black hair, blue eyes, green skin, and a black tattoo on her chin, symbolizing personal achievement.

Known as a wise protector of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, Unduli was esteemed as a Jedi Master of exceptional patience, bravery, compassion, and discipline. She was highly regarded by her colleagues and served as a trusted advisor to both the Jedi Council and the Republic. Unduli had mastered control of her emotions and physical abilities, embodying the ideal Jedi. She was prepared to accept the potential loss of her Padawan, mourning her while cherishing her memory. She maintained composure in perilous situations, even when facing forced infection with brain worms, and refrained from expressing anger or raising her voice. However, Barriss Offee's betrayal deeply affected Unduli, leading her to seek solace on Kashyyyk. Despite her confidence in her Jedi abilities, she underestimated the prowess of Asajj Ventress, requiring Ahsoka Tano's timely intervention, despite initially disregarding Tano's advice. However, she was humble enough to admit her mistake and was genuinely thankful to Tano for rescuing her.

Even when facing the prospect of being infected with a brain worm, Unduli displayed discomfort but still managed to joke about whether it was part of Obi-Wan Kenobi's plan. Indeed, Unduli occasionally displayed humor, stifling laughter at Skywalker's "simple logic" approach to droids and requesting that some strategic planning be reserved for her so she didn't feel left out.

Powers and abilities

Unduli was an exceptionally powerful and skilled Force-sensitive Jedi Master, unmatched by many. Her lightsaber skills allowed her to duel Asajj Ventress on equal terms, even with impaired vision in one eye. She also demonstrated proficiency in unarmed combat, putting up a decent fight against undead Geonosian warriors despite being disarmed, outnumbered, and handcuffed. Unduli possessed knowledge of at least Form II, recognizing its application by Ventress during battle. Unduli wore black robes and a headdress, along with brass-colored armbands and a sash adorned with ornate symbols. She wielded a green-bladed lightsaber. Unduli also excelled in mind-probing, diplomacy, and displayed remarkable physical flexibility.

Unduli's bones continued to emit her presence in the Force for years after her death, albeit with a slight corruption.


Unduli wore Jedi Master robes with a tabard from her homeworld. She piloted a green Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor with the assistance of an astromech droid.

Behind the scenes

Mary Oyaya in costume as Luminara while on set during the filming of Attack of the Clones

Luminara Unduli's portrayal was undertaken by Mary Oyaya within the film Attack of the Clones, and subsequently by Fay David in Revenge of the Sith. The character's voice was provided by Olivia d'Abo for both Star Wars: The Clone Wars and The Rise of Skywalker. Initially, the plan for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith included a scene depicting Unduli's demise during Order 66, however, this scene, along with the deaths of Barriss Offee and Shaak Ti, was ultimately removed. The intention was to incorporate previously unused footage from Attack of the Clones for this particular scene.

In The Clone Wars season 7 episode "Dangerous Debt", Rafa Martez makes reference to a female Jedi who interacted with the sisters following the death of their parents; this Jedi is described as having green skin and wearing dark robes, features similar to Unduli, but it is still unconfirmed if this character was indeed her.

