Jedi Temple dojo

The Jedi Temple dojo, a training space for members of the Jedi Order, served as a location for mastering lightsaber combat. Jedi younglings and Padawans enhanced their combat skills in this dojo, which was situated within the Jedi Temple on the planet of Coruscant. During the Clone Wars, numerous Jedi, including Ahsoka Tano and Caleb Dume, refined their lightsaber techniques inside the dojo, practicing a multitude of forms.


Yoda and Ahsoka Tano prepare to duel in the dojo.

The Jedi Temple dojo, a training facility for members of the Jedi Order, was located inside the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant. All Jedi, whether younglings or Padawans, had the opportunity to practice basic lightsaber forms, undergo tests against training droids, or engage in dueling with one another.

The dojo provided a spacious, open environment where multiple Jedi could move freely. Wooden benches were available for those who wanted to observe the training sessions. Jedi Masters would oversee these sessions to evaluate progress. Occasionally, a Master would bring their Padawan to witness another Jedi's training. The dojo's walls, also made of wood, were adorned with simple scrolls displaying Jedi emblems or artwork, as well as racks holding lightsabers. The room had several entrances. During certain training exercises, a force field would enclose the area, enabling Jedi to practice in confined spaces.


Ahsoka practices in the dojo against new training remotes

During the Clone Wars conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano frequented the dojo for various training exercises. On one occasion, Tano collaborated with Jedi Master Tera Sinube to practice against new training remotes designed to emulate Separatist battle droids. Masters Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, and Plo Koon observed the session, while Tano's master, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, arrived later. Tano was placed inside a circular force field in the dojo's center to simulate close-quarters combat. After being rigorously tested by Sinube and performing admirably, Tano felt pleased with her achievements. However, Skywalker deemed the exercise insufficiently challenging and left the dojo visibly displeased, which upset Tano. The two discussed the matter outside the dojo and subsequently arranged another training session that Skywalker considered adequately difficult.

Yoda working with several Jedi Initiates

At a later time, in 21 BBY, Tano returned to the dojo with Skywalker to practice wielding two lightsabers using the Jar'Kai style. Yoda soon arrived and requested to see Tano's progress. Despite Tano's initial nervousness, having only recently begun practicing with two blades, Yoda wanted to spar with her himself. After Tano struggled, Yoda encouraged her to incorporate her personality into her fighting style, which boosted her confidence. As Tano's proficiency with both lightsabers increased, she would visit the dojo with her friend and fellow Padawan Barriss Offee to engage in sparring matches. Watched by three others, the two dueled, with Tano gaining the upper hand over Offee by employing improvisational tactics. Tano was satisfied with the outcome, but Offee believed that Tano's strategies would not be effective in a real battle and insisted that she focus on using the correct forms instead of resorting to tricks. The two disagreed about their fighting styles, attributing it to the differences in their respective Jedi Masters' instruction. Around 19 BBY, the younglings Caleb Dume, Sammo Quid, and Tai Uzuma practiced their lightsaber forms in the dojo under the guidance of Grand Master Yoda.

Experiencing a vision, Kanan battles a Jedi Guardian in the dojo

Years after the fall of the Jedi Order, Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi survivor formerly known as Caleb Dume, experienced a vision of the Jedi Temple dojo while at the Lothal Jedi Temple on the planet Lothal in 3 BBY. He approached a Jedi Temple Guard and sought knowledge on how to defeat Darth Vader, but the Guard only warned him that attempting to fight would lead to his death and cause his apprentice, Ezra Bridger, to become a servant of the dark side. Jarrus fought the guard, as well as two others that appeared, seizing another lightsaber from the wall and fighting with both blades. As Jarrus began to lose the fight and the guard began to mock him about his inability to protect Bridger, Jarrus realized the guard was correct. Seated on the dojo floor, he admitted that he could not protect Bridger forever, not even from himself. Jarrus accepted defeat, but instead of striking him down, the guard, who had assumed the form of The Grand Inquisitor, knighted Jarrus as a Jedi Knight. As the dojo started to collapse, Jarrus' vision ended, and he returned to the Lothal Temple.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of the Jedi Temple dojo by Chris Glenn

The Jedi Temple dojo was initially featured in the comic book Kanan 7, which was released on October 28, 2015. Subsequently, it appeared in the Star Wars Rebels episode "Shroud of Darkness," the eighteenth episode of the animated television show's second season, which was released on March 2, 2016. It was identified in the episode guide published on Chris Glenn created the concept art of the Jedi Temple dojo for the episode.

