Shroud of Darkness

"Shroud of Darkness" marks the eighteenth installment of the second season of the animated series Star Wars Rebels. In the overall series chronology, this is the thirty-third episode. Notable guest appearances include Matt Lanter, James Earl Jones, Philip Anthony-Rodriguez, Jason Isaacs, and Frank Oz. Saul Ruiz directed this episode, which Henry Gilroy wrote. Its initial broadcast occurred on March 2, 2016, via the Disney XD channel.

Official description

Hoping to discover why the Inquisitors can constantly locate them, Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka revisit the Jedi Temple situated on Lothal. Each character experiences unique events, resulting in permanent changes.

Plot summary

Confrontation with the Inquisitors

Kanan and Ezra fight the Inquisitors.

Amidst the striking lightning on the mountainous planet of Oosalon, the Jedi Kanan Jarrus and his Padawan, Ezra Bridger, engage in a duel against the Inquisitors, Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother, who have been pursuing them for several months. The Jedi duo, accompanied by the elusive astromech droid Chopper, had journeyed to Oosalon to assess its suitability as a potential rebel base. However, the Inquisitors' arrival negates this possibility. During the intense confrontation, Ezra is almost pushed off a cliff, but Kanan manages to prevent his fall by grabbing his ankle. They successfully escape when Ezra employs the Force to summon a tibidee for assistance. They leap onto the creature, which carries them away, leaving the Inquisitors behind. Chopper soon appears with the Phantom, and the Jedi board the ship to escape.

Once in hyperspace, Kanan and Ezra discuss the significant threat the Inquisitors pose to the rebellion's survival and their ability to establish a secure base. Their presence alongside the rebellion endangers the rebels. While on their way to the Ghost, Kanan requests Captain Hera Syndulla to meet them in a secluded area of space, excluding the rest of Phoenix Cell, to minimize the risk to the rebel fleet.

Ahsoka and Ezra watch a holographic recording of Anakin Skywalker teaching lightsaber combat.

Upon their return to the Ghost, Garazeb Orrelios, who is repairing his bo-rifle, and Hera Syndulla greet Kanan and Ezra. When Hera inquires about the Phantom, Ezra suggests she ask Chopper, who piloted it. In response to Zeb's question about finding a new base, Ezra reports encountering two Inquisitors. Zeb dismisses this as commonplace. Hera informs Kanan that "she" is waiting. Questioning Kanan about the reason for meeting away from the fleet, Hera receives the answer that his and Ezra's presence is attracting the Inquisitors. Kanan expresses concern that the Inquisitors' threat will hinder their ability to aid the rebellion in establishing a base.

Ezra finds Ahsoka Tano in Kanan's quarters, observing a holographic recording of Anakin Skywalker instructing in lightsaber combat techniques. Ahsoka reveals that Anakin, a Jedi Knight, was her mentor. Ezra mentions Kanan's description of Anakin as the greatest warrior of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars, and that he has been studying Anakin's holocron recordings to improve his dueling skills. Ahsoka concurs, noting Anakin's rare defeats, his kindness, and his care for his friends. Ezra inquires about Anakin's fate, but Ahsoka is unsure. She recounts their last encounter when Anakin departed to rescue Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, after which the Jedi were branded as traitors and killed, leading to the rise of the Galactic Empire.

Kanan enters, expressing his concern about the ongoing threat posed by the Inquisitors. Ahsoka agrees, recalling Anakin's habit of seeking wisdom from Jedi like Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda during crises. This inspires Kanan to suggest returning to the Jedi Temple on Lothal, where they previously communicated with Master Yoda remotely. They depart from the Ghost aboard the Phantom without informing the crew of their destination, prioritizing their safety. Hera, along with Zeb and Sabine Wren, observe the Jedi and Chopper entering hyperspace. When Sabine asks about their destination, Hera responds that sometimes ignorance is preferable.

Seeking answers

The group arrives on Lothal and makes their way to the Jedi Temple. Upon landing, Ahsoka discovers Ezra's origins on Lothal. Recalling their previous visit, Kanan and Ezra understand the necessity of using the Force to levitate the large stone, revealing the concealed underground entrance. Ezra proposes that Kanan and Ahsoka open it, but Ahsoka declines, citing her departure from the Jedi Order, which disqualifies her as a Jedi. Ezra joins his master in opening the temple, but the temple opens further than before, revealing a new passage. Chopper remains outside with the Phantom, instructed by Kanan to maintain watch.

Kanan fights the Sentinel in the Jedi Temple.

Once they are inside the temple, the door seals behind them. The trio gathers and begins to meditate, remembering that their previous visit led them to communicate with Yoda only after meditating. During their meditation, Kanan notices a bright, white light emanating from a doorway, which the others do not perceive. Sensing its call and recognizing it as a solitary path, Kanan enters the doorway and finds himself in a dojo. Inside, he encounters the Sentinel, a Jedi Temple Guard clad in guard armor and a helmet. The Sentinel expresses anticipation for Kanan's return, and Kanan reveals his quest to find a way to stop Darth Vader and the Inquisitors. The Sentinel argues that fighting is futile and will lead to the rebellion's downfall, as well as a worse fate: Ezra's descent to the dark side of the Force. Determined to prevent Ezra's corruption, the Sentinel activates his hinged double-bladed lightsaber, intending to kill Ezra. Kanan ignites his own lightsaber, and the two engage in a duel.

As Kanan and the Sentinel battle, Chopper detects approaching Imperials and flees just before the two Inquisitors arrive at the Jedi Temple. The Fifth Brother believes the Jedi have left, but the Seventh Sister senses their continued presence. She dispatches a parrot droid to scan the structure, confirming that it is a Jedi Temple and that their targets are inside. Meanwhile, Ezra asks Ahsoka about Yoda, describing him as a small, green, wise Jedi Master, but admitting his lack of personal knowledge. Ahsoka recalls Yoda's happiness before the Clone Wars, which later filled him with deep sorrow. As she speaks, Ezra vanishes and finds himself in the same chamber where he previously spoke to Yoda. This time, he sees Yoda directly, though Yoda is communicating from afar. Ezra's growing powers enable this connection, a power that Yoda warns comes with significant danger.

Kanan and the Sentinel continue their duel. The Sentinel expresses surprise at Kanan's limited lightsaber combat skills, but Kanan asserts that he has learned enough and continues the fight. After the Sentinel knocks him back, Kanan seizes one of the many lightsabers hanging on the wall. To his astonishment, the lightsaber has a red blade, and he now wields two blades against the Sentinel. The Sentinel, now joined by two other Temple Guards, declares that Kanan will never be strong enough to protect Ezra from the dark side. The Sentinel pronounces that Kanan will perish for his failure.

Ahsoka learns the truth about Anakin Skywalker.

Alone in the temple chambers, Ahsoka continues to meditate and hears Anakin Skywalker's voice calling to her. This manifestation of Anakin, appearing behind her, questions her departure when he still needed her. She defends her choice. He accuses her of selfishness, which she denies. Anakin, in his anger, claims she abandoned and failed him and asks if she knows what he has become. At that moment, Anakin's image transforms into Darth Vader. Tearful and distraught, Ahsoka ignites one of her lightsabers and turns around to find nothing, but she is now forced to acknowledge the truth: Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader.

Ezra asks Yoda if the Jedi Master has the power to destroy Vader and the Inquisitors. Yoda responds that there were once thousands of Jedi, before they chose to participate in the Clone Wars. Yoda shows him a vision of clone troopers preparing for battle and Jedi fighting in combat, explaining that the Order's arrogance led them to join the conflict too hastily. Fear, anger, and hate consumed the Jedi Order, and the Jedi were corrupted by the dark side. Ezra asks if it was wrong for the Jedi to fight or if it is wrong for him to protect his friends. Yoda says that he too fought for many years, because he was consumed by fear. Ezra is surprised that Yoda was once consumed by fear, but Yoda explains that it is a lifelong challenge to avoid bending fear into anger. Suddenly, the chamber begins to shake, and Yoda says that the enemy has found them. Outside, the two Inquisitors use the Force to lift the giant stone out of the ground and reveal the entrance.

Knighthood and escape

The Sentinel removes his mask, revealing the face of the Grand Inquisitor.

Kanan and the Sentinel continue their duel in the dojo until Kanan is finally defeated. The Sentinel informs him that the dark side's servants have come for Ezra and that Kanan cannot fight forever. Kanan agrees that he cannot protect Ezra forever, even from himself, and can only train the boy as best as he can. The Sentinel raises his blade and Kanan prepares for death, but instead the Sentinel performs a knighting ceremony and says that, by the right of the Jedi High Council and the will of the Force, Kanan may stand. Kanan asks what it means, and the Sentinel removes his helmet to reveal a familiar face: that of the fallen Grand Inquisitor, who died in the duel with Kanan. The Sentinel says it means that Kanan is what the Sentinel once was: a Knight of the Jedi Order. With the temple falling, the Sentinel tells Kanan to flee and that he will delay the enemy. Kanan, shocked by both revelations, eventually nods and runs out of the dojo.

Ahsoka, in the main chamber, stands up and declares, "There's always a way," before running through a doorway. Ezra, not yet willing to leave, asks Yoda how the rebels are supposed to win if they do not fight back. Yoda says the real question is how the Jedi choose to win, and Ezra says they have already chosen to fight. Reluctantly, Yoda tells Ezra to find Malachor, disappearing as Ezra asks who Malachor is. Outside, the Inquisitors have finished opening the temple and enter it, ready to claim the secrets of the temple for themselves. The Inquisitors find themselves in the main chamber and are confronted by the Jedi Temple Guards. The Fifth Brother is astonished that the Sentinel has the face of the Grand Inquisitor, and the Temple Guards surround them. Ezra, Kanan and Ahsoka meet up again, and Ezra attempts to tell Kanan and Ahsoka what he just learned, but Kanan cuts him off as there is no time.

Yoda appears to Ahsoka and bids her farewell.

Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka run through the temple catacombs to find an exit. While running, Ahsoka stops after sensing a familiar presence: Yoda, who appears behind her and waves to his old friend. Ahsoka smiles and then continues onwards. The trio manages to exit the temple and return to the Phantom, which flies away as soon as they are aboard. Ezra tells the others that Yoda told him to find Malachor and again asks who Malachor is, but Ahsoka corrects him and reveals that Malachor is not a person, but a place. Back on Lothal, Darth Vader arrives at the Jedi Temple and says that the Emperor will be pleased by its discovery. The Fifth Brother tells his master that the Jedi are growing in their power, but Vader assures them that it will be the Jedi's undoing.


