The Forgotten Droid

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"The Forgotten Droid" marks the nineteenth installment within _Star Wars Rebels' second season, the animated television show. As a whole, it is the series' thirty-fourth episode. Disney XD aired the episode initially on March 16 of 2016.

Official description

Chopper's quest to replace his original leg leads him away from the Ghost team, leaving him marooned on an Imperial vessel. The cantankerous astromech crosses paths with an inventory droid serving the Empire; will this encounter yield a friend or an enemy?

Plot summary

Left behind

Chopper desiring a new leg

Following the rebel fleet's acquisition of the Imperial fighter carrier above Ryloth, a secure location for a new base remains the Commander Jun Sato's priority. A meeting takes place on the new flagship, bringing together the Ghost's crew and Captain Rex. By comparing Galactic Republic and Lasat charts, the rebels pinpoint Berzite's moon in the Yost system as a potential site. Ketsu Onyo, a friend of Sabine Wren, suggests Berzite's moon, noting the Empire's absence there. However, the mission faces a hurdle: the fighter carrier lacks sufficient fuel for the journey. Sabine, having monitored Imperial fleet movements, proposes stealing an upcoming fuel shipment from the Imperial facility at Horizon Base. Sato endorses Sabine's strategy, and the Ghost crew sets off to secure the fuel at Horizon Base.

Upon arrival, the rebels head towards the Imperial fuel depot, tasking the astromech droid Chopper with keeping an eye out for Imperial troops. Kanan Jarrus' plan involves a forceful exit once they've obtained the necessary fuel. However, Chopper becomes fixated on a new droid leg available at a nearby vendor's stall. Chopper's current left leg was a poor substitute. When Chopper brought this up to Hera Syndulla, Hera reminded him that they were not on Horizon Base for shopping and that their mission was time-sensitive. Despite Chopper's objections, Hera instructs him to watch for Imperials and alert them. Before departing, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios and Ezra Bridger playfully mock Chopper about "getting a leg up" and "shopping."

Ignoring Hera's directives, Chopper uses his rocket booster to reach the stall selling the droid leg. An Ugnaught scrap merchant operates the stall. Spotting Chopper, the Ugnaught merchant vouches for the quality of his goods but admits to engaging in questionable transactions. The merchant offers the leg to Chopper for 500 credits. When Chopper admits his lack of funds, the Ugnaught merchant tells him to leave. Meanwhile, the other five rebels approach the fuel depot and find it heavily guarded. While Hera emphasizes the necessity of acquiring the fuel, Kanan instructs them to obtain it "quietly with no complications."

Still driven to acquire the spare leg, Chopper pilfers it and attempts to return to the Ghost, but the Ugnaught merchant spots him and alerts several stormtroopers. Meanwhile, the other rebels flee back to the Ghost without Chopper. Abandoned on Horizon Base, Chopper evades his Imperial pursuers by boarding a departing Class four container transport. He conceals himself within one of the hatches. Meanwhile, aboard the Imperial cargo ship, the Imperial RA-7 protocol droid AP-5 informs the ship's captain of a .002 discrepancy. The captain responds harshly, dismissing AP-5 as a "useless droid" before ordering him to verify the ship's manifest.

Two unlikely friends

Chopper boarded the Imperial cargo ship at Horizon Base

AP-5 walks past some stormtroopers who pay him no attention. He notices an open hatch and investigates for stowaways. Chopper attempts to evade AP-5 but is eventually discovered. AP-5 identifies Chopper as a stowaway and the rebel droid responsible for stealing a droid leg from Horizon Base. When AP-5 notices that Chopper had a spark projector, Chopper reveals that he was a war hero. In return, AP-5 informs Chopper that he is a Clone Wars veteran, having served the Galactic Republic as an analyst droid during the Ryloth campaign.

Chopper also reveals to AP-5 that he piloted a BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber that crash-landed on Ryloth, leading to his rescue by Hera. Finding a kindred spirit, AP-5 shares his discontent with his reassignment to inventory duty and the constant demeaning treatment from his Imperial superiors. AP-5 expresses his admiration for Chopper's resilience. At that moment, the Imperial captain interrupts their conversation via comlink, inquiring about the manifest and warning AP-5 about the stowaway droid. Chopper then uses his electro-shock prod to disable AP-5's restraining bolt, liberating the droid.

Shortly thereafter, the Imperial captain arrives and begins to berate AP-5 for neglecting the ship's manifest, while also questioning him about the intruder. When the captain notices AP-5's missing restraining bolt and attempts to install a new one, Chopper intervenes and attacks the Imperial officer. During the struggle, the officer grabs Chopper and calls for reinforcements via his comlink. However, Chopper manages to stun him with his electro-shock prod. With nothing to lose, the two droids decide to collaborate, and Chopper formulates a plan to seize control of the ship. While AP-5 calculates Chopper's plan as having only a "10.5%" chance of success, he agrees to assist. Chopper lures the stormtroopers into the cargo compartment and then jettisons it into space. The two droids then bicker over who should be in charge of the ship.

Meanwhile, in hyperspace, the remaining Ghost crew members are en route back to the rebel fleet. Along the way, Ezra, despite his strained relationship with Chopper, implores his companions to retrieve the droid. However, Hera criticizes Chopper for his selfishness and distraction by the droid leg. She also emphasizes the greater importance of the rebel fleet. Shortly afterward, they receive a transmission from Commander Sato informing them that the rebel fleet is under attack by Imperial forces. Upon exiting hyperspace, they witness the Imperial fleet assaulting the rebels. Back on the cargo ship, AP-5 decides to proceed to his programmed destination.

Finding a new base

AP-5 led the rebel fleet to Atollon

On another Imperial warship, an Imperial officer informs Admiral Kassius Konstantine of the Ghost's arrival in the system. Recognizing that the Ghost carries stolen fuel for the entire fleet, Konstantine immediately orders all remaining fighters to concentrate their fire on the Ghost. The Ghost's crew gets help from Ketsu who helps them eliminate the attacking TIE fighters, managing to enter the cruiser. On the Imperial cargo freighter, AP-5 permits Chopper to pilot the ship. Chopper alters the coordinates, much to AP-5's dismay. He also suggests that AP-5 join the rebels, as they are more compassionate than his Imperial superiors.

Back at the rebel fighter carrier, Hera manages a difficult landing of the Ghost. Zeb and Ezra commence unloading the fuel, while Hera receives a communication from Chopper via the ship's intercom. Hera is initially displeased with Chopper for abandoning his post and informs him that the rebel fleet is preparing to depart for the Yost system. Overhearing the conversation, AP-5 consults his data on the Yost system and reveals the presence of an Imperial ambush. Chopper relays this information to Hera. When Hera expresses doubt, Chopper assures her of AP-5's veracity. AP-5 cross-references Chopper's and Imperial data to identify potential safe havens, discovering the planet Atollon.

Meanwhile, Hera informs Commander Sato that the Yost system is compromised and that they have received coordinates for a new system. The cargo ship captain, regaining consciousness, returns to the bridge to confront the hijackers. Caught off guard, AP-5 claims that Chopper is holding him captive. However, the captain sees through the deception and attacks the two droids. While AP-5 operates the controls and expresses his gratitude for Chopper's friendship, Chopper battles the captain, disarming him of his blaster pistol. The two engage in a physical struggle, with the captain gaining the advantage due to his larger size.

AP-5 is about to transmit the new coordinates to Hera when the captain shoots him twice. An enraged Chopper retaliates with increased ferocity, stunning the captain once more. Chopper then transmits AP-5's coordinates to Hera and the rebel fleet. Despite their success, AP-5 is severely damaged by the blaster fire and begins to shut down. Before losing power, he expresses his joy at having made a new friend, much to Chopper's distress. Utilizing AP-5's information, the Phoenix rebel fleet proceeds to the new coordinates.

Later, Hera and Kanan investigate the coordinates and confirm Atollon's safety and lack of Imperial presence. Meanwhile, Sabine repairs AP-5's thermosensors using parts salvaged from the spare leg Chopper stole. AP-5 meets the Ghost's crew for the first time. Upon learning that Chopper sacrificed his new droid leg to repair him, AP-5 suggests that Chopper has a malfunctioning logic circuit. When Chopper makes a retort, AP-5 responds that the former's remarks were so foul that they could get him executed in six systems. As the two droids leave the common room, the rest of the crew watches with amusement.


