An Imperial commanding officer was a member of the Galactic Empire, in charge of the vessel known as cargo transport 241. In the year 3 BBY, the ship made port at Horizon Base to collect a shipment of supplies. After its departure, the rebel astromech Chopper accidentally became a stowaway. He later seized control of the ship with the assistance of an inventory unit, AP-5, who served under the captain but was treated poorly. The captain's attempts to prevent the droids from delivering the ship to the rebellion were unsuccessful.
This Imperial commanding officer was in command of the class four container transport cargo transport 241 approximately three years prior to the Battle of Yavin. He had the help of the inventory droid AP-5, a Clone Wars veteran who had been an analysis droid during the Ryloth campaign. The Imperial captain frequently disparaged AP-5, considering him fit only for the junkyard. In 3 BBY, he docked at Horizon Base to acquire a supply shipment. His arrival at Horizon Base coincided with a theft operation by the Spectres, who were there to steal fuel for the Rebel Phoenix Cell.
As the cargo ship departed from Horizon Base, the rebel astromech C1-10P, also known as "Chopper," who had been left behind because he was distracted by stealing an ambulatory strut, managed to sneak aboard the transport while escaping from several stormtroopers. As cargo transport 241 was getting ready to launch into space, AP-5 informed the captain that he was off by .0002. The captain reacted angrily, calling AP-5 a "useless droid" and ordering him to inspect the ship's cargo manifest. While AP-5 went to examine the manifest, the captain remained on the ship's bridge.
In the meantime, AP-5 encountered the stowaway Chopper. After a chase, the two droids bonded over their shared experiences during the Clone Wars. Chopper also swayed AP-5 by contrasting his respectful relationship with his owner Hera Syndulla with AP-5's unpleasant servitude under the Empire. While the two droids were still talking, the captain contacted AP-5 via comlink, demanding that the analyst droid check the cargo manifest. The captain also alerted AP-5 to the presence of the stowaway. Dissatisfied with AP-5's progress, the captain went to locate the inventory droid.
Upon finding AP-5, the captain berated him for his delay in checking the cargo manifest and questioned him about the stowaway. The captain then noticed that AP-5's restraining bolt was missing and attempted to install a new one. However, Chopper reappeared and attacked the captain. The captain fought back and called for reinforcements via his comlink. Despite being smaller, Chopper defeated the captain by stunning him unconscious with his electro-shock prod. With the captain incapacitated, the two droids hijacked the cargo ship by forcing the stormtroopers into the cargo compartment and jettisoning it into space.
Chopper also altered the ship's course, deciding to rejoin the rebel fleet, which was preparing to travel to the Yost system. The captain regained consciousness while Chopper and AP-5 were communicating with Hera, a leader within the Phoenix Group. AP-5 had warned the rebels that the Empire had set a trap in the Yost system. He was about to provide the coordinates for an alternative safe world when the Captain entered the bridge to confront the hijackers. Surprised, AP-5 attempted to deceive the captain by claiming he was being held hostage.
However, the captain saw through his ruse and attacked the two droids. While AP-5 piloted the ship, Chopper fought the captain and disarmed him of his blaster. The captain used his greater size to corner the smaller astromech droid. He also used his blaster to shoot AP-5 twice, severely damaging the droid. An enraged Chopper retaliated, pushing the captain to the ground and knocking him unconscious. Chopper then transmitted the coordinates to Hera before tending to AP-5 and piloting the ship to the alternative safe world, later revealed to be the planet Atollon. There, the Imperial captain was presumably taken prisoner by rebel forces.
The Imperial captain was a broad-chested human male characterized by thick eyebrows, green eyes, and a prominent moustache. He had dark brown hair with a receding hairline. The captain was a cruel bully who frequently demeaned and criticized his cargo ship's inventory droid AP-5. On one occasion, he told the droid that he was destined for the scrap heap. His mistreatment of AP-5 motivated the droid to assist the rebel droid Chopper and provide the rebellion with information about Atollon. The Imperial captain used his large physique to intimidate smaller opponents like the astromech droid Chopper. However, he was no match for the droid's cunning and electro-shock prod.
The Imperial cargo captain made an appearance in "The Forgotten Droid," an episode from the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. His voice was provided by James Adomian.