
In 3 BBY, the Galactic Empire established a blockade around Berzite, a planet located in the Yost system of Wild Space, because they anticipated rebel actions. The rebel group, Phoenix Cell, was looking for a spot to set up their new headquarters, and initially considered one of Berzite's moons as a possibility, but the astromech droid Chopper and his new companion AP-5 informed them about the Imperial blockade.


Wild Space was the location of Berzite, a planet with at least one moon. Its location within the Yost system placed it within area U-8 on the Standard Galactic Grid.


Chopper and AP-5 collaborated to alert Phoenix Cell of the Imperial presence over Berzite.

The Galactic Empire utilized six Star Destroyers to blockade Berzite in 3 BBY. [Phoenix Cell](/article/phoenix_cell], the rebel group, was in search of a safe world to establish their new base, so they compared old Republic and Lasat star maps and determined that Berzite's moon would be a good choice. However, the cruiser-carrier of the rebels lacked the fuel necessary to make the trip. Consequently, the rebel team known as the Spectres journeyed to Horizon Base with the goal of stealing the required fuel.

While there, the astromech droid Chopper became separated from his team and found himself as a stowaway on an Imperial cargo ship. Chopper became friends with AP-5, an inventory droid, who assisted him in taking control of the vessel. After learning about the rebels' plan to set up their base on Berzite's moon, AP-5 informed them that the Empire had recently established a blockade around Berzite in anticipation of their arrival. Ultimately, Phoenix Cell decided to set up their base on the planet Atollon instead.

Behind the scenes

Berzite concept art by Sean Burke.

Berzite was initially shown in a hologram in "The Forgotten Droid," which was the nineteenth episode of Star Wars Rebels' second season. The episode was initially broadcast on March 16, 2016. Berzite's name was not mentioned in the episode itself, but it was included in the related episode guide. The holographic design of Berzite was created by retexturing a pre-existing model of the planet Lothal. Sean Burke, a concept artist, created the illustration by March 25, 2015.

