Unidentified Ugnaught scrap merchant

During the time of the Galactic Empire, a merchant of the Ugnaught species ran a marketplace stand where he sold spare droid components at Horizon Base, an Imperial station for refueling.


The Spectres raided the station 3 years prior to the Battle of Yavin. C1-10P, an astromech droid also known as "Chopper" who was a member of the group, noticed the Ugnaught was selling an ambulatory strut identical to his own mismatched right leg. Defying orders, Chopper left his assigned position at the ship and went to purchase the leg. The merchant quoted Chopper a price of 500 credits for the strut when Chopper tried to bargain. The merchant told Chopper to leave when the droid revealed he had no money. When Chopper realized his comrades had left without him, he stole the leg and made an effort to get away. The merchant noticed the droid running off with the merchandise and called out to three stormtroopers, but Chopper was able to escape with the strut on an Imperial cargo ship.

Personality and traits

The Ugnaught merchant took pride in the quality of his merchandise, but he also admitted to participating in questionable business practices. He was a clever and profit-driven individual. He was irritated that Chopper didn't have enough credits to buy a droid leg and told him to leave. The merchant was angry about the loss of his merchandise and alerted stormtroopers in order to retrieve it.

The Ugnaught merchant was a small person with a short white beard and very little hair on his head. He had pink skin and brown eyes. Although he spoke Galactic Basic Standard, he could also comprehend droid languages like binary.

Behind the scenes

The Ugnaught scrap dealer made an appearance in "The Forgotten Droid," the seventeenth episode of the second season of the animated television show Star Wars Rebels. Dee Bradley Baker, a Star Wars veteran who voiced all the clone troopers in the television series The Clone Wars, provided his voice for the character.

