The seventeenth installment of the second season of Star Wars Rebels, the animated television program, is entitled "The Honorable Ones". It is the series' thirty-second episode overall. Kevin Hopps wrote the episode, and Brad Rau directed it. It debuted on Disney XD on February 24, 2016.
The episode commences with the Ghost crew en route to three Imperial construction modules in orbit around Geonosis. Ezra Bridger observes that rebel intelligence was accurate, and the Empire was constructing something above the planet. Sabine Wren draws attention to the extensive field of wreckage encompassing the modules, commenting that she has never witnessed one of such magnitude. Kanan Jarrus responds by postulating that whatever it may be, the rebels will not find it pleasing. Garazeb Orrelios remarks that the Empire's construction must have been enormous, necessitating its assembly in orbit. Despite the presence of billions of life forms supposedly on the planet, Chopper's scans reveal no signs of life. Rex, convinced that Chopper's wiring is faulty, instructs the astromech droid to rescan. Ezra discerns through the Force that all life on the planet has been eradicated, prompting Zeb to express his unease. After the Ghost touches down in the hangar of the central module, Kanan requests that Hera Syndulla maintain the ship's readiness for departure, anticipating potential complications, as he, Ezra, Zeb, and Sabine venture to locate the module's computers. Kanan anticipates that the computers will be devoid of data, while Zeb suspects a trap. Suddenly, a door swings open, revealing a contingent of stormtroopers, and Agent Kallus emerges, remarking, "How perceptive." Concurrently, the Ghost is subjected to an assault by several All Terrain Defense Pods concealed within the hangar bay. Trapped, Kanan contacts Hera and Rex for assistance, explaining that Kallus has joined them and an Imperial droid is sealing the doors. Hera responds sarcastically to Kallus' presence, and Rex instructs Chopper to neutralize the droid. Chopper advances to the control console and engages the Imperial astromech droid. Following a struggle, he successfully disables the Imperial droid and unlocks the doors. Meanwhile, Zeb and the other rebels engage Kallus and his stormtroopers in combat. Chopper's actions enable the majority of the rebels, excluding Zeb, who remains engrossed in his duel with Kallus, to retreat to their ship. As the Ghost prepares for departure, Ezra, positioned on the ramp, contacts Zeb, who has just slammed Kallus into the wall, urging him to expedite his return. Zeb, amidst his battle with stormtroopers, replies that there is no need to wait, as he will utilize an escape pod. The Ghost exits the hangar, pursued by TIE fighters.
Aboard the construction module, Zeb boards an escape pod and initiates the launch sequence. He is then startled when Kallus, having stealthily entered the pod behind him, seizes his shoulder and pivots him to deliver a blow to his face. Zeb retaliates with a backhand strike to Kallus, just as the pod is ejected toward Geonosis. Onboard the Ghost, Ezra witnesses Zeb's pod launching and attempts to contact him via his comlink, but receives no response. Rex surmises that he must have misplaced it, and assures Ezra that they can retrieve Zeb later, as his pod is headed for Geonosis. Inside the pod, Zeb kicks Kallus onto the pod's controls, damaging them and causing the pod to deviate toward one of Geonosis' moons. Upon realizing that the pod is out of control, Zeb and Kallus cease their fighting and attempt to regain control, but their efforts are futile. The pod crashes into an underground cavern, resulting in Kallus fracturing his leg upon impact.
In an attempt to evade their pursuers, Hera pilots the Ghost through the hangar of one of the Imperial construction modules. Sabine targets a pursuing TIE fighter, causing it to collide with an AT-DP walker. After evading the Imperials, Ezra inquires whether Chopper scanned the trajectory of Zeb's escape pod. Upon hearing Chopper grumble, Ezra strikes his metal head and informs the astromech droid that the crew does want Zeb back and not to be a "sleemo."
Zeb awakens, and upon seeing Kallus, threatens him with his bo-rifle, lowering it upon noticing Kallus' injury. He seizes Kallus' bo-rifle and discards it from the escape pod. Zeb then drags Kallus out of the pod and deposits him on the ground outside, as Kallus becomes agitated. He informs Kallus that while it would be simple for him to kill the ISB agent, he prefers to leave him alive to heal so that the two enemies can engage in a fair fight. Kallus asserts to Zeb that the Empire will eventually locate them and that Zeb will be captured, but Zeb counters that this will not occur. Zeb re-enters the pod to scavenge for supplies. While he is occupied, Kallus crawls toward his bo-rifle, which lies nearby, but Zeb steps on it and claims the weapon for himself. As night approaches and the cave becomes cold, Zeb sets up the portable heater from the pod, mocking Kallus for his fear of the dark. Kallus points out that the heater will eventually freeze in the severe cold. Zeb sarcastically remarks that he believed Geonosis to be a desert planet, and Kallus directs his gaze upward at Geonosis, visible through the hole in the cave ceiling, stating that they are on one of its moons, Bahryn. Kallus questions how Zeb was able to defeat him, even once, and Zeb quips that Kallus should develop a sense of humor. Zeb retrieves the pod's transponder, which was damaged in the crash. Kallus warns that if they repair it, the Empire will be able to locate them before they freeze. Hearing a distant roar, he adds, "Or worse." Zeb expresses his preference for taking his chances with the cold or whatever creature inhabits the cave with them, as he is aware of the fate that awaits Lasat in Imperial prisons. Kallus responds that Zeb is ill-informed and that he will receive a trial if he cooperates. Zeb voices his skepticism sarcastically. They then hear another roar, which unnerves them both. Kallus urges Zeb to make his decision promptly.
Simultaneously, the Ghost crew continues their search for Zeb while scanning for life forms on Geonosis, but the scanners continue to yield no results. Ezra and Kanan pilot the Phantom on a sweep of the planet but are unable to detect Zeb's transponder. Rex comments that Zeb's chances of survival are slim and that it is only a matter of time before Imperial reinforcements arrive. Hera asserts that they must expedite their efforts and orders the crew to broaden all scans.
Returning to the moon, Zeb successfully repairs the transponder and modifies it so that its signal can be detected by anyone. Kallus mentions that even if they do not survive, the Empire will endure and continue to suppress rebels like Zeb. In response, Zeb pulls the heater closer to himself and states that with each passing day, more life forms grow weary of the Imperials. Just then, the heater's power cell freezes, leaving them without heat. Kallus, despondent, believes that the two of them will be next, but Zeb notices a glowing object on the other side of the cave and goes to investigate. Zeb discovers a glowing yellow rock that emits heat and brings it back to the pod, presenting it to Kallus, who suggests that it is likely a meteorite. To Kallus' surprise, Zeb tosses him the meteorite so that he can warm himself. As Kallus loses hope of survival, Zeb reminds him that the transponder is operational. However, the signal is not strong enough to escape the cave, so Zeb decides to climb the device to the surface, lodging Kallus' bo-rifle in a snowbank. Zeb attempts to ascend the icy wall but is unsuccessful. Kallus warns Zeb that he is going to injure himself, and Zeb yells at the ISB agent to be quiet. Zeb makes a second attempt but fails again. He becomes angered by Kallus laughing at his failure. As Zeb prepares to engage Kallus in a fight, the bonzami, the creature they heard earlier, discovers the two. The bonzami targets Zeb, forcing him to retreat into the escape pod, as the creature is resistant to blaster bolts. Kallus, who has managed to retrieve his bo-rifle, hesitates between shooting Zeb or the bonzami but makes his decision when Zeb is forced into the escape pod. The bonzami is eventually driven off by Zeb and Kallus firing upon it, but Kallus suspects that it will return. Zeb adds that it will likely bring companions.
Kallus asserts that the strong survive and the weak perish, to which Zeb inquires whether this is the reason why there is no longer life on Geonosis. Kallus claims that he is unaware of what transpired there and has never sought answers. Zeb retorts that perhaps he should begin to do so, but that Kallus may fear discovering that Geonosis is desolate because of his cherished Empire. When Kallus questions why the Empire would possibly eradicate the Geonosians, Zeb responds that those are valid questions. Kallus states that Zeb will never escape without his assistance, as he knows how to climb out of the cave. Zeb, shoving a medpac into Kallus' hands, says that he is in no condition to aid anyone. Kallus retorts that he can provide Zeb with precise instructions on how to climb out, and Zeb agrees that they will collaborate. Zeb then picks up Kallus' bo-rifle, discovering that it is modified for close-quarters combat. Although Zeb is impressed by the modification, he sternly reminds Kallus that he should not possess the weapon, as it is not a trophy, while using it to splint Kallus' broken leg. Kallus states that he did not take the rifle as a trophy; the Lasat guardsman he faced fought valiantly and died honorably, gifting Kallus the weapon before his demise. Zeb reveals that it is a Lasat warrior tradition called Boosahn Keeraw, wherein if one is defeated by a superior opponent, they bestow their weapon upon the victor. Kallus states that he was merely fulfilling his duty. Zeb responds that he will never forget the events on Lasan, but that it is behind him. Kallus agrees that everyone carries unforgettable memories. Years prior, Kallus' initial team was dispatched to confront the rebels resisting the Imperial presence on Onderon. He and his unit were ambushed by a Lasat mercenary employed by Saw Gerrera. They were caught in an explosion, during which Kallus was rendered unconscious. Kallus recounts the mercenary slowly traversing the smoke and fire, eliminating everyone else, including the injured who were unable to defend themselves. He has always pondered why he was spared. Zeb, while sympathetic, advises Kallus not to generalize all Lasats, to which Kallus inquires whether this applies to Imperials as well. Zeb affirms that it applies to all the Imperials he knows.
Following their conversation, the two finally depart. Kallus offers to carry Zeb's bo-rifle for him during the climb, but Zeb instead throws the weapon, along with the meteorite and transponder, up to the surface through the hole, much to Kallus' visible irritation. Kallus instructs Zeb to ascend the cave's pillars rather than the walls. Zeb is skeptical, but Kallus points out that the pillars support the cave, implying that they should be sturdy enough. The two hear the bonzami roaring once more, and Zeb warns Kallus that if he is mistaken about the pillars, Zeb will feed him to the creature. Kallus concedes that this is fair. As they begin to climb a pillar, the bonzami returns, accompanied by a companion. Kallus loses his grip as they ascend, prompting Zeb to seize him by his splinted leg, activate the bo-rifle's pike, and hurl Kallus at the cave ceiling, impaling him there. As the pike begins to dislodge, causing Kallus considerable panic, Zeb drops from the cave ceiling onto the bonzami below, making his way onto the head of one of the creatures. He catches Kallus as he falls and throws him onto the surface. Kallus, amidst the blizzard, spots Zeb's bo-rifle lying in the snow. Zeb leaps from the bonzami's head to the lip of the hole in the cave ceiling, where he observes Kallus aiming his bo-rifle at him. Kallus then chooses to instead shoot the bonzami behind Zeb in the mouth. He then assists Zeb in ascending, the two enemies having developed a mutual respect for one another. Kallus remarks that it is much colder outside the cave, and Zeb responds that he would rather freeze than be devoured. They proceed to seek shelter, after Kallus returns Zeb's bo-rifle.
In a sheltered location, Zeb activates the transponder. Kallus points out that since Zeb modified it, they cannot be certain who will receive its signal, and Zeb replies that all they can do is wait. As they wait, Kallus reveals that a massacre was not intended on Lasan, but the Empire sought to make an example of the planet. He also clarifies that it was not personal and reveals that he did not actually command the massacre as he had previously claimed. Zeb states that he has moved on and that whatever transpired has transpired. He shares his nickname with Kallus, and Kallus reveals that he was already aware of it.
The two eventually fall asleep leaning against each other and are disgusted upon awakening. They hear a ship approaching and set out to determine its identity. It is the Ghost. Zeb extends an offer to Kallus to join them, assuring him that he will be treated fairly, but he declines, stating that he will take his chances with the Empire. As Zeb is greeted by his fellow rebels (excluding Chopper and Rex, who remained aboard the ship), Ezra comments on the freezing temperatures. Zeb responds that he has only been there for two seconds. Ezra then replies that two seconds is already "too long" for him. Kallus observes the ship's departure, appearing somewhat regretful as he hears Zeb being greeted by the other Spectres.
Kallus eventually returns to the Empire, heading to his quarters aboard a Star Destroyer. In the hallway, Kallus encounters Admiral Kassius Konstantine, who barely acknowledges Kallus in his greeting. Upon entering his quarters, Kallus places the meteorite Zeb gifted him on a shelf and sits down, possibly contemplating the topics they discussed while on the moon and/or the fact that none of the Imperials onboard noted his absence or return, suggesting a lack of camaraderie within the Empire.
The occurrences in "The Honorable Ones" signify a pivotal moment for Kallus, culminating in his eventual role as a rebel agent under the alias "Fulcrum" beginning in the third season of Star Wars Rebels.
In two instances within the episode, Kallus is erroneously depicted favoring his left leg instead of his right, which was the one that sustained the fracture: firstly, when he approaches to retrieve his bo-rifle while Zeb is battling the bonzami; and secondly, when he enters his quarters near the episode's conclusion.