Karina the Great

Karina the Great was a female Geonosian who held the position of queen over Geonosis and allied herself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Throughout that conflict, she was the reigning queen of both Geonosis and the Stalgasin hive. Her life ended when the [Progate Temple](/article/progate_temple] collapsed, burying her alive.


Archduke Poggle the Lesser served as the public face of Geonosis, while Karina governed the planet and her hive from the depths beneath the Progate Temple. Karina produced numerous eggs and mastered the art of resurrecting dead [Geonosians](/article/geonosian]. Her ambitions extended to controlling Jedi as well.

Clone Wars

During the Second Battle of Geonosis in 21 BBY, Karina successfully used her undead soldiers to capture Jedi Master Luminara Unduli after Poggle the Lesser led her into the Progate Temple's underground passages. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker arrived to liberate her. Karina questioned the Galactic Republic's motives for attacking Geonosis and demanded an explanation for their presence.

When Kenobi demanded her surrender to the Republic, Karina flatly refused, asserting that no one could dictate to her and that her reign would endure indefinitely. Kenobi countered, stating that she was mistaken and would ultimately submit to the Republic.

Enraged, Karina commanded her guards to execute them. Kenobi warned that such an action would only intensify the Republic's stance against her. Undeterred, she reiterated her execution order, revealing her scheme to use her children to manipulate Unduli and other Jedi. She then instructed her guards to retrieve the brain worms and implant them in Unduli. However, Kenobi promptly ordered his clone troopers to engage. Commander Cody's troopers disoriented Karina by shining their flashlights directly into her eyes. As the Jedi successfully escaped, taking Poggle as their prisoner, Karina met her demise when the Progate Temple crumbled, entombing her alive.

Personality and traits

Karina the Great, the Geonosian queen, measured 8.6 meters (28 feet, 3 inches) in length, distinguished by her [red](/article/color] and black eyes and tan skin. As the clandestine leader of the Stalgasin hive, she remained safely hidden underground, while Poggle served as their public figurehead. This arrangement allowed her to remain in her secret domain, issuing directives to Poggle from there. Within her lair, Karina produced eggs and commanded a force of Geonosian drones and undead Geonosians, revived through the use of brain worms. Her ambition was to extend her dominion beyond the Geonosian species, but her attempt to manipulate the Jedi using brain worms was unsuccessful. Due to her subterranean existence, she was highly sensitive to bright lights and became disoriented when the clones directed their flashlights at her.

Skills and abilities

Karina, the covert Geonosian queen, was renowned for her formidable strength and leadership capabilities. She was also known for her capacity for intimidation, supported by her army of drone servants and undead Geonosians.

Behind the scenes

Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for Karina, and he also voices all of the clone troopers in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. "Legacy of Terror" is noteworthy for drawing several parallels with the 1986 film Aliens: Similar to the alien queen from the science fiction movie, Karina the Great presides over a hive of aliens, spawns eggs, and exhibits a striking resemblance to the movie's queen through her massive egg sac and the fan-shaped structure atop her head.

