Legacy of Terror

"Legacy of Terror" marks the seventh installment within Season Two of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As the twenty-ninth episode overall, it initially aired on November 20, 2009, serving as the fourth chapter of a narrative spanning five episodes.

Official Description

"When Luminara disappears, Obi-Wan and Anakin spearhead a clone trooper search party. This search leads them to a mysterious underground location, where the Jedi find themselves confronting a swarm of reanimated warriors."


Ahsoka and Barriss both withdraw from combat to recover. High above the battlefield, Luminara and Obi-Wan observe the heavy losses sustained. Luminara then embarks on a quest via speeder to locate Poggle the Lesser, believing his capture and any intel he possesses would greatly aid their fight against the Separatists.

In a parallel scene, Poggle's AAT tows several crates utilizing tractor beams. As a sandstorm arises, one crate detaches, but Poggle instructs his droids to disregard it. Enduring the sandstorm, Luminara and her clone companion Buzz pursue Poggle's trail, eventually tracking him to the Progate Temple.

Aboard one of the Republic Acclamator vessels, Obi-Wan enters the bridge, surprised to encounter Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, recently recovered in a bacta tank. Shortly after, Luminara contacts them holographically, reporting the discovery of what appears to be a munitions container. Obi-Wan advises her via hologram to await reinforcements. Suddenly, after Buzz moves a covering that exposes part of an opening to the catacombs below, a scream is heard, and contact with Luminara is severed. Anakin is eager to assist, but the other Masters recommend waiting for the storm to pass.

Once the storm subsides, Anakin and Obi-Wan lead a squad to the temple. Cody discovers Buzz's lifeless body, and Obi-Wan finds Luminara's lightsaber. Their attention is then drawn to a statue resembling a Geonosian queen's head above the entrance to a dark passageway. Obi-Wan notes the legends surrounding Geonosian queens, despite the lack of concrete evidence. Venturing through the archway, they enter a perplexing labyrinth.

In another location, Geonosians are shown dragging Luminara's unconscious form. Upon awakening, she realizes she is restrained, without her lightsaber, and attempts to fight back, only to find the Geonosians impervious to pain—appearing almost undead-like. Contacting Obi-Wan, she warns them against entering the temple before being subdued. Subsequently, Obi-Wan and Anakin are ambushed by the undead Geonosians, who remain mobile even after being shot or dismembered; worm-like creatures are also visible within their facial openings. They escape by descending into a tunnel. Obi-Wan recalls rumors of a hive mind capable of controlling Geonosians, even in death. Due to their depth underground, preventing communication with Mundi, Obi-Wan dispatches two clones to return to the surface and request assistance. Tragically, the zombies kill them before they can complete their mission. Obi-Wan then advocates for the group to remain together.

Eventually, they locate Luminara, held in energy restraints before the Geonosian Queen, Karina the Great. While Anakin is ready to attack, Obi-Wan proposes an alternate plan. He instructs Cody to position his men around the location, awaiting his signal to blind and bury the zombies. The Jedi approach the queen, permitted passage by her minions. Obi-Wan attempts a diplomatic surrender, but the queen refuses, intending to control the Jedi with her brain worm, piquing Obi-Wan's curiosity about the queen's mind control mechanisms. Poggle the Lesser approaches Luminara with a worm, but before it can enter her nose, Obi-Wan signals Cody and his men, who surprise the Geonosians with bright lights, disorienting the zombies. They rescue Luminara and capture Poggle. The undead attempt to pursue the Jedi and clones, but the clones detonate the cave supports, causing a cave-in. Obi-Wan expresses interest in studying the worm intended for Luminara, but Anakin crushes it, urging their departure. They flee the collapsing temple, pursued by zombies. As they ascend the hole leading to the surface, a few zombies follow. A surge of dust and air propels them upwards, allowing their escape before the temple completely collapses, presumably burying the queen.

Continuity Notes

Despite independent development, this represents the second zombie narrative within the Star Wars universe. The first was the adult horror novel Death Troopers, published by Del Rey in October 2009.

Following the attack, there are three clones besides Commander [Cody](/article/cody-legends]; however, when Obi-Wan Kenobi tasks two clones with reaching the surface, the number of clones appears to increase.

Obi-Wan states that the zombies continue moving even after being dismembered. Nevertheless, one ceases movement after decapitation.

Production Credits

