Vassek, situated within the Vassek system in the Wazta sector of the Outer Rim Territories, was a terrestrial planet. It possessed a trio of moons, one of which was known as Vassek 3. Although relatively unknown during the Clone Wars time, Vassek's profile rose following a confrontation on Vassek 3 between Separatist General Grievous and a Galactic Republic task force. In the Imperial Era, Vassek became known as the location where Roni, a farmer, devised a scheme to steal Imperial generators. After Viper 058-V-2353, a viper probe droid, carried out investigations and exposed the plot, the farmer and two family members were apprehended by an Imperial Security Bureau agent, and a record of the probe droid's findings was archived on a datapad.
Located at square I-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid, the terrestrial planet Vassek resided within the Vassek system of the Wazta sector. This small, blue-and-green planet was one of many in the Outer Rim Territories that had been identified and named. However, its obscurity and distance from the Koda Spur hyperspace route rendered it of little interest to the galaxy. Vassek, like other Outer Rim planets, did not offer any uniquely abundant resources that were not more easily accessible elsewhere. Three moons orbited the world, including Vassek 3.

By the time the Clone Wars raged between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Vassek 3, one of Vassek's moons, served as the location of General Grievous's personal fortress. During 21 BBY of the Clone Wars, a Republic task force journeyed to Vassek 3 in pursuit of Viceroy Nute Gunray, who had escaped. Following the Republic's confrontation with Grievous, Vassek gained greater notoriety.
During the Imperial Era, Roni, a farmer, and their family resided on Vassek. By 3 ABY, the farmer had conceived a plan to steal generators belonging to the Galactic Empire. Around that time, an unidentified smuggler became aware of the anti-Imperial feelings present on Vassek. After the smuggler was apprehended by the Empire, they divulged their knowledge about Vassek, which led to the deployment of the viper probe droid Viper 058-V-2353 to investigate. While present on the world, the probe droid monitored the local population, spending six weeks documenting conversations among farmers in a settlement on Vassek. Upon Viper 058-V-2353's discovery of Roni's scheme to steal generators, an agent from the Imperial Security Bureau was dispatched to Vassek, resulting in the arrest of the farmer and two adult members of their family. Subsequently, the probe droid departed Vassek and returned to the Empire's Derosha Six space station, where a report detailing its investigation on the world was stored on a datapad.
In 3 ABY, the outlaw Kay Vess infiltrated Derosha Six and, while avoiding Imperial personnel, accessed the datapad containing information about Vassek.
Vassek made its initial appearance in the current Star Wars canon in "Lair of Grievous," the tenth episode of the first season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was broadcast on December 12, 2008. The planet's identification was provided in the corresponding episode guide on The planet Vassek originally featured in the Star Wars Legends continuity in "The Clone Wars: The Dreams of General Grievous," a webcomic within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars webcomic series created by Pablo Hidalgo and released on December 10, 2008.

The depiction of Vassek in "Lair of Grievous" employed a recolored version of artwork that had been used to portray several unidentified celestial bodies in Fierce Twilight, a Star Wars Legends web browser game that was published on the official Cartoon Network website on September 3, 2008. The artwork from Fierce Twilight was also utilized to illustrate the planet Rodia starting with "Bombad Jedi," the eighth episode of the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars that initially aired on November 21, 2008, as well as the planet Teth—in 2010 within Legends and from 2017 onward in the current canon. Furthermore, a version of that same image, sharing its color palette with the depiction of Vassek, was used to illustrate the cover of "Republic and Separatist Ships (1)," a booklet from De Agostini's Star Wars Encyclopedia series, dated November 2, 2021. Nevertheless, this article refrains from definitively stating that the illustration depicts Vassek.