The Wazta sector was situated within the Outer Rim Territories region. It encompassed both the Lotho Minor and Vassek systems, with the former being positioned along the Lutrillian Cross hyperspace route.
During the Clone Wars in 21 BBY, the planet Vassek's third moon, found within the sector, became the battleground for an engagement. This conflict involved Kaleesh Separatist Alliance General Grievous against a Galactic Republic task force commanded by Jedi General Kit Fisto, ultimately resulting in the loss of all Republic personnel except for Fisto, who was forced to retreat. Later in 20 BBY during the war, the Dathomirian Zabrak Savage Opress journeyed to the Wazta sector's planet Lotho Minor while searching for his exiled brother, the Sith Lord Maul.
The Wazta sector was located in the Outer Rim Territories, past the Western Reaches. It contained the Lotho Minor and Vassek systems. The former was near the Lutrillian Cross, the largest hyperspace route nearby. The latter was far from the Koda Spur route, resulting in few visitors to the star system and its worlds.
The Lotho Minor system, in the northern Wazta sector, consisted of the star Lotho and the terrestrial planet Lotho Minor, the ruined homeworld of the Junker species. As one of the galaxy's most dangerous ecosystems, Lotho Minor was also used as a dumping ground, accumulating mountains of waste over generations. The Vassek system, in grid square I-17 of the Standard Galactic Grid, included the planet Vassek, which gave the star system its name, and its three moons. Vassek 3, the planet's third moon, was a habitable satellite with rocky mountains and constant mists. It also housed the personal fortress of Kaleesh Separatist Alliance General Grievous.
The Wazta sector's debut in Star Wars canon was in "Lair of Grievous," episode ten of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' first season, which aired on December 12, 2008. It was later identified in issue sixty-second issue of De Agostini's Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, around March 30, 2016. The Wazta sector initially appeared in Star Wars Legends continuity in "The Clone Wars: The Dreams of General Grievous," a webcomic within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars webcomic series by Pablo Hidalgo, released on December 10, 2008.