Mission to Lotho Minor

During the Clone Wars era, Savage Opress embarked on a quest to Lotho Minor with the goal of discovering the location of his sibling, who was also a former Sith Lord known as Maul. Ultimately, he located his brother and escorted him back to Dathomir.

Initial Events

Having been given the assignment by Mother Talzin to seek out Maul, Opress set out to find information regarding his brother's location, utilizing the Talisman of Finding that Talzin had provided to assist him. After a confrontation at a diner situated on the planet Stobar, he uncovered a clue when the talisman began to illuminate near a collection of shipping containers. Subsequently, Opress boarded a ship in proximity and instructed the captain to transport him to the planet from which the containers originated.

The Objective

Encountering Morley

Once Opress had landed the ship, he ventured into the expansive junkyards that characterized the planet and emitted a furious howl when the magical talisman ceased to glow. He was soon approached by Morley, an Anacondan, who started to pester him regarding his activities on the planet. Opress, in a fit of anger, commanded him to maintain distance and even seized Morley by the throat, throwing him aside when Morley inquired if he was tracking someone and offered his services as a guide. Nevertheless, as Morley persisted in following him, he disclosed his knowledge of the whereabouts of other living beings on the planet, prompting Opress to order him to lead the way.

Morley guided Opress through the junkyards, carefully avoiding refuse incinerator droids, until they found themselves surrounded by Junkers. Opress engaged in the slaughter of a significant number of them as they launched their attack, causing the remaining survivors to scatter. Morley continued to pester him about the identity of the individual he was searching for, leading Opress to reluctantly reveal that he was in pursuit of his brother. As Morley recounted the legend of the horned man, acid rain began to descend, prompting the pair to seek refuge in a nearby cave. Observing the surroundings, Opress noticed several deceased Junkers, and as the talisman began to glow once more, he came to the realization that he had discovered his brother's territory.

The Unveiling of Sith Remnants

However, upon inspecting the small alcove, Opress discovered that it was devoid of occupants. When the talisman's glow ceased again, he angrily proclaimed that Mother Talzin had deceived him and concluded that his brother must be deceased. At that precise moment, Morley betrayed Opress, causing him to tumble down a considerable distance while laughing that he would receive the leftovers after his master had finished with him. Opress regained his footing and initiated a search of the tunnels, calling out to his brother as he detected movement. Shortly thereafter, he was attacked by a spider-like entity, which Opress recognized as his brother as the talisman glowed once more, revealing his brother's visage. He pursued him into a cavern where his brother, the former Sith Lord previously known as Darth Maul, was fully revealed, a mentally unstable remnant of his former self, with an eight-legged contraption constructed from scrap parts serving as his legs.

Opress found his brother as a broken man

Opress attempted to converse with Maul, but the former Sith was only capable of incoherently uttering fragments of the Sith code. Morley cautiously descended into the cavern, anticipating that Opress was already deceased, but Opress retaliated against him for his betrayal, strangling him to death and casting his corpse onto a small fire burning at the center of the space. Opress endeavored to extract further information from his brother regarding the events that had transpired, and this time, Maul commenced ranting about the Jedi and how they had taken everything from him, seizing his brother and declaring his desire for revenge.

The Consequences

Opress subsequently transported his brother back to the ship and returned to Dathomir, where Mother Talzin employed her Nightsister magick to restore Maul's mental faculties and physical form, fashioning him a new pair of metal legs. Reborn, Maul and Savage would commence their mission to exact revenge on Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had taken everything from Maul many years prior.

