TR-RL3 Terrapin-class bulk tanker

The TR-RL3 Terrapin-class bulk tanker, alternatively recognized as the Goji-DF or the Turtle Tanker, represented a practical starship crafted by the Corellia Mining Corporation. Throughout the galaxy during the era of the Clone Wars, it found widespread use, boasting expansive cargo bays that could be segmented for the simultaneous conveyance of diverse goods. To facilitate landings on planets lacking substantial docking infrastructure, the Turtle Tanker was equipped with all-terrain legs, with the engines integrated into its feet. Serving a dual purpose, the vessel's compact cockpit also functioned as an escape pod; furthermore, a backup command module situated within the main tanker enabled piloting even in the absence of the primary cockpit.


Corellia Mining Corporation produced TR-RL3 Terrapin-class bulk tankers as multi-functional transport ships that were also capable of functioning as walker vehicles. Frequently employed as cargo transports, they featured detachable cargo pods and substantial storage capacity. Their visual appearance bore a resemblance to a turtle, which resulted in the moniker "Turtle Tankers."

These tankers measured 38.2 meters in length and 26.1 meters in height. They were capable of achieving speeds of up to 750 kilometers per hour. The acquisition cost for a Turtle Tanker was 350,000 credits.


Across the galaxy, Turtle Tankers were assigned to perform essential, albeit unglamorous, tasks. These included the transport of bulk supplies to remote colonists and the removal of waste materials from industrial worlds to distant disposal sites.


During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], a Turtle Tanker stationed on Stobar was seized by Savage Opress, a former Nightbrother seeking to reunite with his brother, the ex-Sith formerly known as Darth Maul. The Sakiyan proprietor of the Tanker was engaged in exporting cargo from the junk planet of Lotho Minor, an action that triggered a reaction with the Talisman of Finding bestowed upon Opress by Mother Talzin. Convinced that Maul's location was somehow linked to the planet, the Nightbrother compelled the owner to return to Lotho Minor in a quest to locate his sibling.

However, following Opress's arrival on and cursory search of the junk planet, the talisman ceased functioning, leaving Opress without his sole clue. In a fit of rage, Opress ejected the Sakiyan pilot through an airlock, abandoning him on the planet below, and assumed control of the Turtle Tanker. Despite this setback, Opress successfully landed the Turtle Tanker and managed to locate his brother.

Subsequently, Opress transported Maul back to their homeworld of Dathomir aboard the ship, where Mother Talzin awaited their arrival. Having regained his memories, his legs, and his former physical condition through Talzin's transformative spells, Maul, accompanied by Savage, embarked on a mission to exact revenge on his longtime adversary, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had defeated him during the Battle of Naboo more than a decade prior. The pair set a course for the planet Raydonia, reportedly one of the planets serviced by the Turtle Tanker. Upon landing, Maul and Opress proceeded to take hostages and massacre several inhabitants of the Raydonian settlement, with Maul employing the Turtle Tanker to issue a challenge to the Jedi, thereby luring Kenobi into the conflict.

Maul and Savage duel Kenobi and Ventress inside a Turtle Tanker

Upon Kenobi's arrival, Maul and Opress confronted him, swiftly overpowering him and taking him aboard the ship. After assisting his brother in torturing the Jedi Master through a brutal assault, Opress returned to the cockpit to pilot the Tanker into orbit. As the Tanker ascended, it was secretly infiltrated by Opress's former master and Nightsister, Asajj Ventress, who sought to collect a bounty (and exact revenge) on Opress. She succeeded in helping Kenobi regain his footing, leading to a four-way duel within the cargo hold. Kenobi and Ventress, having formed an alliance against the brothers, managed to escape the scene in the ship's cockpit before Maul and Savage could intercept them, leaving the two stranded in the remaining section of the ship. Fortunately, the ship was equipped with a secondary control panel, enabling Maul and Opress to pilot the Turtle Tanker away from the area.

Later in the conflict, a sales advertisement in Pons Ora, a settlement situated on the planet Abafar, promoted the sale of a Turtle Tanker for 350,000 credits, touting it as an "excellent place to conceal your bounty."

Behind the scenes

The design and name of the Turtle Tanker were inspired by Dave Filoni's pet turtle, named Goji.

