The Clone Wars: The Dreams of General Grievous

title: "The Clone Wars: The Dreams of General Grievous"

Part of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars webcomic series, "The Clone Wars: The Dreams of General Grievous" is a six-page webcomic set before the events of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show episode "Lair of Grievous." published it on December 10, 2008. Pablo Hidalgo wrote the story, while Katie Cook, Grant Gould, Thomas Hodges, and Jeffery Carlisle provided the illustrations and lettering. "The Dreams of General Grievous" depicts the cyborg General Grievous reflecting on his past as a Kaleesh warrior during his journey to his castle located on the third moon of Vassek. His reflections are cut short when a B1-Series battle droid informs him that Count Dooku is attempting to reach him.

Plot summary

A Kaleesh warrior, during a period of war, is shown holding the skull of one of his [species](/article/species-legends]. The warrior proclaims that he has overthrown nations, defeated legendary figures, and assassinated kings, instilling fear in those who knew of him. He then states that these memories are becoming distant dreams. He currently experiences a sense of failure and can only rediscover his former strength in combat. However, the soldiers under his command are not the same as the warriors he once led. The troops now under the command of the once-proud Kaleesh warrior are not the warriors of his dreams.

The dreaming Kaleesh warrior is revealed to be the Confederate General Grievous. While he dreams within his personal starfighter, the Soulless One, a B1-Series battle droid interrupts his thoughts, relaying that Count Dooku is trying to get in touch with him. Grievous, however, disregards the droid and continues his journey towards his castle on the third moon of Vassek.

