Faro Argyus was a captain of human male descent. During the Clone Wars, he served within the Senate Guard's elite commandos. Argyus committed treason against the Galactic Republic. While tasked with transporting Viceroy Nute Gunray to Coruscant, he believed that Count Dooku would reward him for aiding in the rescue of a Separatist leader. However, Dooku's personal assassin, Asajj Ventress, killed Argyus.
Born into the wealthy Argyus family, Faro Argyus became a member of the Senate Guard of the Galactic Republic. His family had a five-generation history of service to the Guard by the time Argyus enlisted. Due to his prowess as a soldier and leader, Argyus was accepted into the Guard's renowned Senate Commando division. Argyus held the rank of captain in the Senate Commandos when the Clone Wars began. However, he secretly viewed his position in the Senate Guard as a pointless existence dedicated to serving others.

Following the arrest of Viceroy Nute Gunray from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Argyus and a commando team were assigned to transport the [prisoner](/article/prisoner] to Coruscant for trial on charges of treason against the Galactic Republic. Count Dooku, the Separatist Head of State, contacted Argyus after Gunray's capture, offering a large sum of money for Gunray's return to the Separatists. Argyus, dissatisfied with his life in the Senate Guard, accepted the offer.
Meanwhile, assassin Asajj Ventress launched an assault on the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tranquility to either rescue or eliminate the Neimoidian if he revealed secrets. Argyus and the commandos guarded Gunray in the ship's brig with Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano and Gree. Jedi General Luminara Unduli and the clone troopers of Green Company defended the vessel from Ventress and her battle droids.

After Ventress's initial attempt to free Gunray failed, Argyus urged Tano to assist Unduli in pursuing the assassin. However, once the Padawan had left, Argyus killed the remaining commandos and battled Commander Gree to free Gunray. Despite the Clone Commander's efforts, Argyus escaped the Star Destroyer in an escape pod with both Gunray and Ventress. The former captain anticipated that Count Dooku would reward him for his actions, but Ventress impaled him in the chest while he was attempting to take credit for the mission's success.
Argyus's treachery ultimately cast doubt on the loyalty of the Senate Guard. The captain's betrayal disturbed Jedi Grand Master Yoda, who realized that the Republic's adversaries were all around them. The Guard's power was diminished, and Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine's opinion of the organization deteriorated. While Senate Commandos were once regarded as a superior security force, the Red Guard and Jedi Order took over overseeing the transfer of important prisoners.

Argyus was a human male with a height of 1.83 meters. He had light skin, amber [eyes](/article/eye], and [blond](/article/color] [hair](/article/hair].
Captain Argyus, as a member of the Senate Commandos, was among the Senate Guard's most skilled and courageous soldiers. Argyus, despite his service to the Republic, despised his military career, which he saw as a life of meaningless servitude. His dissatisfaction and desire for riches caused his loyalties to waver, allowing Count Dooku to bribe him. Although driven by the prospect of financial gain, Argyus justified his treason by believing that a good soldier acted in accordance with his conscience.