
During the time of the Galactic Republic under the reign, a male warlord known as Guattako the Grim held power on the planet Oosalon. He commanded an army of children he had kidnapped and twisted into terrorists, all funded by the Hutt clans. In 34 BBY, during Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum's time in office, they abducted 26 additional children at his command.

After the Jedi Mace Windu journeyed to Oosalon alone, Guattako's forces seized him and brought him to their leader's base, located in the tunnels beneath the planet. Windu then revealed that his capture was intentional, a ploy to guide his allies to Guattako. Following this revelation, Windu reassembled his lightsaber and engaged the warlord in combat. Ultimately, Guattako met his death at the hands of one of his own child soldiers, who yearned to return home.


Outer Rim warlord

Operating from the planet Oosalon in the Outer Rim Territories, Guattako the Grim was a warlord who led an army consisting of abducted children during the reign of the Galactic Republic. By providing [food](/article/foodstuff], he would corrupt the children he kidnapped, such as the impoverished Quia, with his hatred and convince them to work as "freedom fighters," although in reality they were terrorists. From his base within the extensive cave systems stretching thousands of meters beneath the planet's surface, the warlord aimed to spark a revolution that would liberate the quadrant. This operation received financial backing from the Hutts, who expected Guattako's forces to create targeted chaos in return.

In 34 BBY, Guattako's forces abducted twenty-six terrified children after murdering their instructors. Subsequently, his spies informed him that the Jedi Master Mace Windu had arrived alone at an outpost on Oosalon. Guattako then tasked Quia and the Kyuzo Kyossk with capturing Windu and destroying his [lightsaber](/article/mace_windu%27s_lightsaber]. The pair successfully delivered the captured Windu and his shattered weapon to Guattako in the subterranean tunnels, confident that Windu's fellow Jedi would be unable to locate him beneath the planet's rocky terrain.

Felled by small hands

Guattako commended Kyossk for the capture and greeted Windu at his base. He brushed aside the Jedi's accusations and criticisms, stating his intention to execute Windu during a live broadcast. Mocking the Jedi's helplessness, he revealed the 26 caged children his men had kidnapped. Windu, however, offered the warlord a final opportunity to surrender. Realizing that the Jedi had intentionally allowed himself to be captured to guide his allies to Guattako's location using the Force, the warlord prepared to attack the Jedi. However, Windu revealed his ability to reconstruct his lightsaber using the Force, summoned the now fully functional weapon from across the room, despite the efforts of Quia and Kyossk. Recognizing Windu as the force behind the weapon's movement, Guattako ordered his other followers to fire upon the Jedi before he could arm himself, but they were too slow.

Guattako fought Mace Windu after realizing the Jedi had allowed himself to be captured.

Windu redirected blaster bolts back at Guattako's men and used the Force to knock down Quia before the warlord attacked with his electrified polearm. During the fight, Guattako struck Windu on the chin with the butt of his weapon, knocking the Jedi to the ground. Before he could follow up, Guattako was struck in the chest by a blaster bolt and killed. The shot came from one of his own child soldiers, who then asked Windu for permission to return home. Shortly after the warlord's demise, Windu's Jedi allies arrived, rescuing the kidnapped children and arresting the remaining members of Guattako's forces. Those who had already fought for Guattako like Kyossk and Quia for the role they had played despite the latter's young age.

Personality and traits

Guattako was a heartless warlord who saw no moral issue with sending children to fight and die for a cause he believed was pure, even though it was financed by the Hutts. Guattako believed that any worthwhile cause demanded sacrifices, which included accepting resources from the Hutts to create chaos and recruiting inexperienced soldiers. He saw himself as a capable leader, capable of frightening the esteemed Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, and believed his teachings would be more beneficial to his abducted soldiers than Windu's.


Guattako wore gray armor with a red cape and a skull-like helmet featuring a mane of black hair. In battle, the warlord wielded an electrified polearm.

Behind the scenes

Guattako made his debut in "The Weapon," a comic story penned by Ethan Sacks and illustrated by Paolo Villanelli, which was published in the comic book Age of Republic Special 1 on January 16, 2019. The 2019 reference book Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition incorrectly stated that Windu killed Guattako with his lightsaber.

