
Quia was a woman warrior, enlisted into the ranks of Warlord Guattako's army when she was still a girl. This soldier was found and recruited by Guattako. In the twilight years of the Galactic Republic's waning days, Guattako committed slaughter upon several instructors, abducting their collective twenty-six pupils to fill his ranks. Jedi Order Master Mace Windu sought these Padawans, yet he fell captive to Guattako's forces. Quia, along with a Kyuzo named Kyossk, presented Windu to Guattako after his lightsaber was destroyed, intending to disseminate Windu's demise throughout the galaxy so the Jedi's passing would galvanize recruits to his cause.

Yet, as the duo debated the morality of Guattako's objectives, Windu disclosed that he had transmitted Force signals to his Jedi Order compatriots and employed the Force to repair his lightsaber. Subsequent to Guattako's demise at the hand of one of his own soldiers, Quia faced arrest alongside the warlord's other accomplices.

