This is the skull of Ochi of Bestoon.
Osseous tissue, commonly referred to as bones, are the inflexible, whitish material forming the internal skeletal structure within various organisms. These organisms include humans, along with Mirialans, Iktotchi, Twi'leks, Feeorin, Lasat, and even krayt dragons. In contrast, Gungans possess skeletons constructed from cartilage, not bone.
Within humanoids, the zygoma refers to the bone located on each side of the face, specifically beneath the eye, creating the prominence of the cheek.
The Nightsisters from Dathomir were known for their use of bones, combined with tree limbs and animal hides, to construct the eerie structures found in their burial grounds.
Kaleesh warriors traditionally don terrifying masks crafted from the skulls, bones, and teeth of the predatory beasts native to their world.
Here is Tasu Leech's "Huttsplitter," which has a grip made of bone.
Certain members within the criminal syndicate Kanjiklub integrated bone fragments into their makeshift blasters. The Donderbus blaster pistol used by Topboss Tasu Leech featured a handle fashioned from the ulna of a Kintan strider, while his "Huttsplitter" blaster rifle incorporated a gundark bone as a grip, and Crokind Shand's heavy bore rifle, included a roggwart bone butt. The renowned pirate Captain Sidon Ithano proudly acquired a rifle from a fellow Kanjiklub member, also equipped with a bone butt.
Bones could be found in some varieties of food; for instance, when Peli Motto tasked her pit droids with obtaining sustenance for Grogu, she specifically requested items that included bones.