Roggwarts, formidable predators hailing from the planet Mustafar, were characterized by their thick hides, lengthy tails, and prominently curved horns. Notably, during the era of the Clone Wars, the General known as Grievous possessed a roggwart named "Gor" as a personal companion.
These semi-sentient roggwarts were imposing creatures, reaching heights of 4 meters. Their physical attributes included long, sharp claws, forward-curving horns, flesh-tearing fangs, powerful leg musculature, and a tail capable of impaling adversaries. Their robust, muscular bodies were resilient enough to withstand blaster fire and even some lightsaber strikes. Roggwarts were often favored as pets by Kaleesh warriors.
The native habitats of roggwarts encompassed the planet Guiteica and the Outer Rim planet Mustafar. At some point, Kaleesh warlords began taking roggwarts as trophies after their conflicts with the Bitthævrian species on their homeworld of Guiteica. During the Clone Wars, General Grievous had a roggwart called Gor as a guard within his castle situated on the third moon of Vassek. Gor, comparable in size to a rancor, was enhanced by EV-A4-D with cybernetics, including mechanical arms affixed to its back. Gor was unleashed to assault the Nautolan Jedi Master Kit Fisto, the Mon Calamari Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb, and Clone Commander Fil. Although Fil met his demise when Gor seized him with its tail and slammed him against the ground, Master Fisto proved superior, ultimately using his lightsaber to slay the roggwart.
On Nar Shaddaa, Grakkus the Hutt operated an arena at his palace where, after the Battle of Yavin, he featured Kongo the Disembowler, promoted as the last of his kind.
Crokind Shand of Kanjiklub employed a heavy bore rifle with a reinforced-galven circuit barrel and a rifle butt crafted from roggwart bone.