Gor was a roggwart of the male variety, owned by Kaleesh General Grievous of the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a pet during the Clone Wars. While Grievous was away, Gor was cared for by the medical droid EV-A4-D, and he defended his master's fortress located on the third moon of the planet Vassek. His body was covered with a heavy layer of armor, and he possessed four cybernetic limbs attached to his back.
When Count Dooku permitted a Republic strike team to enter General Grievous's stronghold, the cyborg instructed Gor to eliminate the intruders. However, the Jedi Master Kit Fisto and his Padawan Nahdar Vebb brought about the roggwart's demise.
During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], General Grievous utilized Gor, his cherished roggwart pet, to safeguard his stronghold situated on the third moon of Vassek. Grievous instructed his medical droid, EV-A4-D, to augment Gor's physical form; consequently, the roggwart was encased in sturdy armor, and two pairs of cybernetic limbs were affixed to his posterior.
After the Jedi inflicted a string of defeats upon General Grievous, Count Dooku began to question the cyborg's effectiveness. The Count orchestrated the arrival of Republic forces at Grievous' castle and remotely disabled the general's IG-100 MagnaGuards, leaving no one to provide sustenance to Gor. Driven by hunger, the roggwart emitted a piercing shriek as Kit Fisto, Nahdar Vebb, and a squad of clone troopers under the command of Commander Fil gained access to his master's base.

Upon his return to the castle, General Grievous, unaware of Dooku's scheme to evaluate him, was ambushed by Fisto, Vebb, and the clone troopers. The Republic forces inflicted significant damage upon Grievous. Before initiating the necessary repairs to his body, the general unleashed Gor to "play" with the unwelcome guests. While Gor successfully eliminated Commander Fil, briefly overpowered Nahdar Vebb, and even relieved Kit Fisto of his weapon, the Nautolan ultimately ended the roggwart's life by employing a lightsaber to pierce his throat.
By the time of Gor's demise, General Grievous had completed his repairs and was profoundly disturbed by the revelation of his pet's assassination. This event further fueled his animosity towards the Jedi.

Gor was a ferocious, non-sentient creature characterized by large, pointed teeth and a pair of horns that curved downward from the top of his head. He possessed a lengthy, flexible tail that he used to ensnare and impale his adversaries, along with sharp claws on his hands and feet. The roggwart was notably muscular, and his dense hide offered resistance to blaster fire and minor lightsaber injuries. A chest plate served to protect Gor's vital organs, and a sturdy helmet shielded his brain, while his vulnerable neck remained exposed. Gor emitted loud shrieks when hungry or provoked, and he displayed a highly aggressive demeanor.

Gor made his debut in Star Wars: The Clone Wars during the first season, specifically in the episode titled "Lair of Grievous." The roggwart's shrieks were created by combining the vocalizations of vultures and lions.
The reference book Ultimate Star Wars incorrectly identifies Gor as the one who killed Nahdar Vebb. In truth, General Grievous was responsible for Vebb's death, while Gor killed Vebb's clone Commander, Fil.